Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordFlappy Bird

FLAPPY BIRD! With built in highscores. Come check it out at the Underdun Arcade (VR) ::pos{0,2,38.0744,106.5346,114.9047}
le "Pamplemousse" !!!

gros cargo fabriqué par Alex peut porter 600 tonnes
daedalus steel rewiew (no pvp)

full steel ship. review of daedalus from stargate atlantis 10 L container or more in full space edition hybride or full space
Belovator S
Super Powerful Pro Army

The Belovator is a lightweight shaftless space elevator that flies along a gravity line to transport your cargo and players into space. You can comfortably transport your assets from the planet surface to a space station without having to rely on an annoying AGG tower with an hour-long ascend or fiddly autopilot ships. Load up with cargo, select the target floor, wait, dock - unload! Belovator S: - 2.5 kilotonnes of cargo lift from the surface of Alioth without any piloting skills/talents - 4x Basic Container L - Uncommon / Advanced Engines Stats are for unskilled pilots, cargo lift depends heavily on pilot skills. The lifting capability improves dramatically for a pilot with just lvl 2+ talents on atmo engines. The configuration of the elevator is done via Lua parameters and is limited to a few parameters to keep the complexity simple. Control of the elevator via touchscreen and/or HUD with very few buttons. Blueprint Dispensers available at: Alioth Exchange (Red Hall) ::pos{0,0,-18731.8019,113457.1237,-74340.5006} SPPA Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.3389,111.0206,0.6303} You can also take a look at our space elevators at our WIP Showroom on Alioth. Surrogate: SPPA Alioth Shop If you want to test one of the Belovators in advance, contact us in Discord and we will give you access. If you have any questions or need support, feel free to join our Support Discord. There we provide a FAQ, how to set up your Belovator properly and how to place a spacecore with correct alignment to the elevator. https://discord.gg/MbRPe8GujN
Pocket Wombat Black / White

Pocket Wombat Black / White Compactable 1 Advanced M Atmo Engine 2 advanced S Atmo Engines 1670 km/h on 3360 Altitude (Alioth) Get your Little Wombat Now ! Visit on VR - "Wombat Shop" Showroom POS: ::pos{0,27,40.9254,144.2449,35.8996}

Luna Proto Hybrid

**Latest News** All Free Luna Proto Hybrid are sponsored by briggenti2's donation. Lunas for everyone! Remember to thumbs up! thanks The Luna Proto Hybrid is everything you need to get started in Asteroid mining in a big way. Its got 2 Container L, 3 Basic Atmo Engine L, 4 Uncommon Military Engine L, and a Warp Drive. Time is money, and this ship Its capable of getting you to and from the Roids fast. Dual containers allow you and a buddy to have your own storage if you want. The ship is also a great all around hauler able to get over 1kt into space. With an extra Container M on the front you can run missions. Some stats are: Atmo Thrust: 3.26 g, Atmo Brake 35.3 g, Atmo Max Speed 1,098 kmph, Space Thrust: 7.84 g Space Brake 8.46 g, Space Max Speed: 38,157 kmph. Can haul 1500 Tons in atmo. For Ore Market Reports and the Famous Mining Report key for mining roids see: DU Market Intel DIscord: https://discord.gg/8TCYNFMgSx Instructions for success: This ship does not have a DSAT so the way to use it is to look at a DSAT that is ground based and find the broadcast Roids that are already known. Select a few roids and mark down their Planet area and location. In the Safe Zone look for Uncommon asteroids and in the PVP zone look for asteroids that are over 200 SU away. In the safe zone you want roids that have not been broadcast very long so 1-3 days old, but in the PVP zone you want roids that are 3-9 days old. The reason for this is that more recent roids in the PVP zone have more action. Ideally you'll find a roid 3-9 days old that hasn't been touched and will be safe to mine without worry of Legion. The truth is, there are just too many roids for Legion to patrol and the further away from Alioth you are the harder it is for them to patrol. You may want to avoid Teoma as they have bases there and may patrol that region more often. Avoid any roids just over the PVP zone as this is where everyone gets killed. Legion targets it because its where alot of people go. Follow this advise and I'm sure you'll find success. You should make upwards of 5m/hr, so paying off the cost of the ship is easy resulting in a very good risk reward for PVP roiding. If you want to hunt and discover Roids, put a DSAT in the inventory and stick it on when needed. I'll offer a guarantee that if you have not paid off the cost of the ship with Roid earnings and you get killed following these instructions I will give you a free Blueprint and send you funds for new ship costs. Thats how confident I am that you will make money with this ship and strategy. Just pm Gears on discord. Financing Options Available. Lastly, all the stats provided are unbuffed. I will buff the ship for free, just ask me in game. Dispenser Location: ::pos{0,2,53.8825,90.0609,40.0853} Ship Display Model: ::pos{0,2,53.9520,90.1616,41.6040} VR: LPHybrid **SHIP COST BREAKDOWN** As of 10/4/23 Per Craft Luna Proto Hybrid Part Price Ship Price 1 1 Dynamic Core Unit S 40,000 40,000 2 10 Adjustor L 10,000 100,000 3 12 Atmo Airbrake L 8,500 102,000 4 1 Atmo Fuel Tank M 14,500 14,500 5 3 Basic Atmo Engine L 57,000 171,000 6 2 Basic Container L 70,000 140,000 7 4 Basic Vertical Booster L 10,000 40,000 8 1 Command Seat Controller S 60,000 60,000 9 1 Container Hub XS 20,000 20,000 10 1 Databank XS 1,000 1,000 11 1 Force Field S 25,000 25,000 12 4 Retro-rocket Brake L 17,000 68,000 13 2 Space Fuel Tank M 25,000 50,000 14 1 Space Radar S 10,000 10,000 15 1 Surrogate Pod Station S 50,000 50,000 16 1 Surrogate VR Station M 10,000 10,000 17 1 Telemeter XS 37,000 37,000 18 4 Uncommon Military Space Engine L 180,000 720,000 19 1 Warp Drive L 770,000 770,000 20 27 Wing M 16,000 432,000 21 4 Wooden Chair S 10,000 40,000 22 6 Brown pattern wood 3 Total Cost 2,870,500 **UPDATE 11/14/23** The Luna Proto Hybrid has been upgraded with more wings. Pictures updated.
AMG InnosV5
AMG DundeeTV

VR: Eternity Showroom Coords: ::pos{0,2,13.2272,99.6456,-0.0005} Hey everyone, This is my first ever design here and I hope you'll like it. The Innos was originally built as a medium size cargo vessel, that was reliant on using an antigrav to transport large amounts of weight out of atmo. After noticing that some people (especially beginners) didn't have the means to buy or use an antigrav we decided to remove it and make some adjustments, enabling it to still transport up to 2kt out of atmo, so that players would still be able to do every aphelia mission without running into any sort of problems. You'll still be able to upgrade the maximum exit weight of the Innos by using an antigrav Should you run into any problems or have any questions relating the Innos feel free to send me a DM on discord.
Dual Chopper "Condor"

Stylish, metallic, breath-taking curves - the Dual Chopper is made for the Easy Rider! If it is hovering, flying or space traveling you want - this is the ideal companion for you! Reliable, fast, and also able to allow taking a special person with you. Precious tropical wood at your feet, shiny light-weight lithium as frame, you will travel in style and can be assured others will look with envy at your new dual chopper.
Silver Bee

Silver Bee is the ship I made to run around in PVP space (its the ship I can loose) its not really finished as it needs some balancing however, we are at the end of Beta and I'll probably make an xs ship variant instead of finishing this ship off. Despite not being finished it is quite a fast ship able to exceed 40,000Kmph in space, in the atmosphere it can reach speeds of up to 1050 Kmph without burning up in the atmosphere (Angle dependant). This is also the second revision of the ship as it started out looking more like a normal plane before I decided to make it look more like a Bee, though my voxel skills are not really up to the task.
millennium falcon

the force is strong with this little one be sure to be the best and the quicker driver with this ship. easy to fly, the agg S is perfect for ilimited lift. diferent price - normal Edition: 70m -pvp edition: WIP Original designe by: @Karenlacorn for token or bp: visite our showroom ''penrose showroom'' or discord: Thibz#1965
GSL Persephone

Tired of seeing element only Roid Ninja's? Want something cheap to run to asteroids in PvP space and not be out a lot of quanta if it gets destroyed? The GSL Persephone is cheap, fast and gets the job done with a bit of style. All basic elements plenty of thrust and break 4 small containers of space and an optional S shield. Blueprints available at DIA Plaza Neo's Shop @ ::pos{0,2,32.3545,109.1669,140.1945} The 100k BP price includes 5 Blueprints for those un foreseen mishaps
Mui Mui
Dragons Forge

The 'Mui Mui', a distinctive and capable classic from the off. Designed as a support warp hauler for the new Mining Units, the Mui Mui can service your MU fields with little effort and low fuel & warp cell costs. With both Adv Military & Manoeuvre Atmos engines, you have the best balance of power and fuel efficiency and the Adv Manoeuvre Space engines ensure you are up to speed quickly, without draining your tanks. All brakes obstruction compliant and no element clipping! All stats given with no boosts or pilot talents - capabilities will only get better when you apply your talents. Also now available is a FREE reskin kit - customise your Mui Mui to you tastes with precision Interior, Exterior and Lumi Glass layers.
OLD Batallion
SNS Sentinels

Build by Ch3w8a (Shenluan#8552) EDIT: Currently DU's servers do not support the load of so many cannons in PVP, making the ship non-operational. In SNS, we do not want to sell non-operational ships so Batallion sales are suspended for the moment. If changes are made or if DU's servers allow it, we will restart sales. According to demand, there may be a waiting time for orders It's one of our new warships, it's a double gunner cannon, built with all the SNS experience in ship building. 16 Advanced Precision Cannon L 12 Container L 10 Uncommon Military Space Engine XL 10 Space Fuel Tank L Warp Drive Homemade PVP and piloting script Honeycomb Gold 263m3 Iron 25053m3 Steel 66m3 Silver 1044m3 Luminescent Glass 42.4m3 High level weapons handling Other elements full 5/5 buff This ship is optimized for PVP, no concessions are made for RP stuff
Atlas M PRO by Hadron

--- 32x Unc Atmospheric Engine L / 28x Unc Space Engine L --- Hadron’s signature voxel work and Jeronimo’s feature packed JSE++ have come together to produce our first series of tower free space elevators! Our elevators are tuned to provide lightning fast transportation of goods and personnel, to and from space, with minimal fuel consumption and effort. What sets our products apart from the competition is our elevators use a number of atmospheric and space brakes to slow the craft rather than using engines to do so which burn a lot of fuel. By using brakes, a huge amount of cargo can be brought safely down from space. A suite of scripts are provided to make ownership of the ATLAS series easy and quick to set up. Included with the elevator are: Docking script using a mix of LUA and logic for arriving at your destination Damage Report AR (augmented reality) for monitoring fuel and overall weight at a glance Space Core Aligner for accurate core deployment from the elevator JSE++ elevator script for maximum control and performance tuning Designed to fit in 2 expanded gate L (pre build M-Core pad seperately available) The JSE++ flight script provided by Jeronimo, offers a huge number of parameters for you to tune the elevator to your liking. Some notable features include: - Default++ windows system, draggable windows, interactable buttons - 9 easily adjustable and renamable floors - Customisable orientations vectors for gravity elevators or shaft elevators - Various customizable engines settings, approach and travel speeds for empty or full cargo - Automatic engines power on/off - ECO Mode (uses gravity to accelerate the elevator back down to the planet) - Dynamic Augmented Reality floor selection interface - Hot keys for quick action (ALT + 1/9) - Admin list for allowing only certain people to adjust parameters - Blacklist to exclude certain people from using the elevator - Interface available in 3 languages: eng / fr / ger - Super hot script support Cargo @1G and lvl5 Pilot talents: 4500t going up to space 8000t going down to surface Cargo @1G and lvl4 Pilot talents: 3750t going up to space 7000t going down to surface fuel consumption: Cargo 5000t 125km atmo and space 5% full roundtrip 15% atmo 8% space Cargo 0t / 125km atmo and space 2% -- full feature video of the flight script will come after release -- Showcase of an easy space core placement : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUxOL6ydCKQ Quick demo of the elevator (XS MAX): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIesj0XYORU All Tokens have LVL5 Put-down (technician) engine + container volume skills. Delivery and personal tour included. Discord for updates and news. Visit us in VR: Hadron HQ