Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordRaider MK9 Raptor

The Raider MK9 Raptor is a S core designed to do the work of a light M core. She can carry 3kt of cargo off alioth with decent pilot skills and 2kt with low skills. The Raider line of ships are designed to look alien in origin and with a clean almost organic body. The MK9 is designed to carry your friends and for scouting or light cargo. The ability to carry the cargo it can while maintaning the low warp cost of an S core when empty. A versitile ship for daily use. And with the S core size it allows you to park in crowded locations with easy. She is agile and handles like a dream. She comes with Ark hud installed. If you would like me to release DRM on the pilot seat or screens I will just give Seripis access that is needed and the VR name thats close to the ship once its built. Ill jump over as soon as I can to sort it for you. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6500,91.2477,72.4814} you can Also VR to "Seripis Castle" All stats are as boosted with lvl 5 skills. The blue prints were made in VR and do carry the Boost with them. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466
Enda Mk2

Use this ship for those quick market runs or helping a buddy on the other side of the planet repair their broken ship. I personally use it going between Alioth and Haven using the shuttle and transporting ore using my nanopack. If you want something that's simply a blast to fly around the atmosphere, look no further. Its quick and agile motion makes it one of the most enjoyable ships I've ever taken to the skies. - High Speed (no talents) (1100km/h) - High Maneuverability - Pocketable - Extra, Extra Small - Razor thin Wings Tokens will be available after the factory is operational. Different colors will be available after the factory operational.
Jedi Starfighter
Southern Cross High Guard

Inspired by the Starwars Jedi Starfighter. The Jedi Starfighter is pocketable. VR: SCHG Ship Sales - Madis ::pos{0,1,81.7469,5.7865,545.1833}
Titan Class
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

Titan Class Mobile outpost - Fleet Carrier - Central Command - Mega Hauler Over 120 Large container capacity. Can take off from the ground with atmospheric engines alone while empty, or at up to 25 KT of weight with rockets and atmos. L core, with 2 medium cores extensions added to it. All elements boosted to level 5 in every way. (flight, container, fuel) Just over 100 fully built interior rooms: You name it, and this ship has it. -jail cells -interrogation/torture rooms -officer quarters -isolation rooms -control area -surgery rooms -containment rooms -main medical room -Cryostasis tubes -officer quarters -waiting room -general clinic -critical care -DNA/cloning room -psychiatric ward -long-term care ward -physical therapy facilities -X-ray/CAT scanner/other diagnostic graphing tools -blood/samples testing -armory -training deck -firing range -officer quarters -containment rooms -science labs -testing rooms -officer quarters -shield generator -engines -power generators -power capacitors -main engineering -officer quarters -sewage -life support -cargo bay -external access cargo bay -plex storage bay -main hangar -vehicle bay -construction bay -repair bay -drone bay -officer quarters -civilian docking -refueling depot -crew quarters[bathrooms included] -Mess Hall -lounge -Holodeck -guest quarters[bathrooms included] -VIP quarters -bridge -Astrometrics/Navigation room -captain's ready room -conference room/Diplomacy room -hangar control -fleet control -command rooms (security grid control etc.) -captain's quarters -transporter room -escape pods -observation deck -spare rooms -Mobius chair docking -Computer core (logic)/Central server room -drop pod bay -Exercise room/gym -Armory on every deck -security checkpoints -security HQ -missile/ammo storage -weapon calibration room -main hall -main elevator -elevators -halls -Hot tubs -bar Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
Titan Aerospace

Deliverance from Titan Aerospace is the Flagship of our line-up. Note: The LUA will need to be set up to your prefered flight scripts etc as it still has some older LUA on which im not sure still works. I've not been able to test this ship since launch because of the spawn cost, but im happy to help with any issues should you find any. With 19 Expanded XL cargo containers its designed to move significant volumes of cargo in comfort. The 4 spacious crew cabins have an un-paralleled view of the system with privacy shutters for those, personal, moments. The front multi purpose mounts (shown with rails placed) can take a weapon or an EX XL container, allowing for 2 extra containers to be placed for even more storage. Placements have been made available for 2 gunner positions (although a 3rd could be added giving 10 lasers and 3 rails), allowing for a defensive system of lasers and rail guns. From the captain’s chair emergency lights can be activated, as well as the lights for the 2 landing pads towards the rear of the ship, one with a retractable landing area. The 2 landing pads have an L container each, so RDMS can be set up for guests to refuel, rearm or repair without needing to access the main containers. For those that wish to fly first person a small roof bridge is accessible from the combat bridge. There are 2 maintenance access doors leading to the core and inner workings of the ship to allow for internal repairs. The BP provided is set up with weapons and T3 engines.
Cargo Container Cassette L
Makashima Industries

A modular Cargo Cassette, providing up to 648,000 litres of space. Each cassette comes with an Inventory interface for easy viewing of contents, their total volume and quantity, along with the constructs weight. Every Cassette is made on an XS Core and lightweight plastic, allowing you do to dock any of them to any ship suitable and available. Additionally, it is possible to place up to 2 Cassette M or 16 Cassette S in the space of 1 Cassette L, providing more dynamic storage and transportation options. Dimensions: Width - 40vx Length - 60vx Height - 20vx Location & VR: Makashima Industries Shop ::pos{0,26,79.6509,-87.6931,99.0025}
The Falcon R-2
Obsidian Paradox

pvp ship carrier

ODYSSEE present promethé Mk1 opty fo 9 2gunnership contact Faineks#4504 for info
F4U Corsair

Pocketship version of the WW2 F4U-Corsair Top Speed around 900Kph, very maneuverable. location: ::pos{0,2,33.8833,110.2308,89.3031}

Phantom is my first M core art build. It's built out of carbon fiber to keep the weight down, but also to give it this cool chromish look. I haven't even made a proper video on it, but here's my first version of it and first test flight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9YNFEVcSoM (on this video it's not complete, it's missing warp and some wings). INTERIOR: cool looking interior, with bridge/cockpit, 2x crew quarters and cargo area. cockpit has switches and lights that will let you turn stuff on/off and lights will indicate what's on/off. fuel tanks are also nicely places behind hatches, which are opened by a switch and lights turn on, in other words, i put some time into designing the interior. one crew quarter is pretty much empty, so you can make your own design in there. FORWARD ENGINES: 12x L basic atmospheric engines and 4x L basic space engines NOTE - cargo capacity and lift are not absolute and are easily modifyable! I made it as art-build, but it performs quite well as hauler. currently it only had 4x L containers, but you can easily easily put more containers. I think you can quite easily fit +6 to 8 L containers into it, so total of 10-12 i'd say. there's also some room for more wings if needed, only problem with heavy loads might be hovers. I have tested about 2000t and it had absolutely no problem lifting it with low level talents (level 2-3). if you have "heavy foot", you might want to put L space fuel tank on it, because i have M only and it runs out quite fast if you're hammering it. with full tank, it's enough to make a round trip from plant to planet, so in other words, it can escape atmosphere twice, but with cargo it might be an issue, so have some extra fuel or get L space fuel tank. You have to land anyway, so i see no harm in refuelling in meanwhile. I'm not very happy with some voxel work outside as there's a bug where voxels look fine in build mode, but when i exit build mode, they twist into something else. it's hard to fix those as in build mode it looks fine, so i don't know what to adjust, but otherwise it's fine.
Donaris Space AGG

LordRapineurX and me are proud to present you the DONARIS Our first ship take Many weeks to create All Stat are for a LVL 0 PILOT Ship is FULL LVL 5 Handling This Version Only space Withh AGG With 4 XL engines Manoeuver can take near 15kt of fret without problem and 4 basic engine to move on atmo with AGG With its set of brake you will travel safe We add a bunch of Atmo brake so you can enter on atmo and if the AGG brake or if you forgot to activate it, you can land Safely This Ship is avalaible in 3 versions Hybride cargo and AGG Hybride with AGG for CARGO Space AGG you can visit US and find BP on Locura Shipyard or you can simply visit US in VR "Donaris"
2000 F1 v2.0 - PVR's Official Racer
Tony's Shop

The NEW version of Pure Velocity Racing's official racer! Take on the streets of Nitro City or any voxel-racetrack with maneuverability and style! - GTA-like driving [WASD] - Holding [CTRL] activates the rear braking lights - Locked axis/tilt/roll [only works over flat voxel] - Level 4 flying skills required for stability [drift] - Powered by [1] Rare Military atmospheric engine Want a test drive before making a purchase? Contact TonyLeStarK or BootyBanzai in-game or Discord. VR: Pure Velocity Nitro City ::pos{0,2,39.4624,63.7217,176.0173} Voxel artists: TonyLeStarK, B0neshredder Lua: YesmanDu974, Neocrypter [DRM protected]

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PDP Pocket Drone Platform

you need something tiny that fits in your ship ? you want to reach your agg ship ? running between mining tiles bores you ? well what about an compactable mini drone ! it will VTOL only and steer by leaning in flight direction. the plattform can hover up to 2500 meters and thanks to rare freight engines sustain for over two hours. give this little helper a try and feel like ironman :-) give us a visit in VR : Hadron HQ Alioth
Odyssee Hades Mk3

contact Faineks#4504 for info ::pos{0,0,-2364053.1173,527100.5878,101017.6246}