Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordCCU Voxel Magic

If u like playing around whit voxels and shapes, then u might like this Unique Voxel library set ;) The All In One Voxel Library set by CCU (me), As i like to call it < CCU Voxel Magic Set > It is a collection of lots off smaller sets all nicely placed on a M core whit room inside for a full S core build or piece you are working on. This saves u a lot on core placements. A must have set if u want to make your build look better then before and do some more voxel mancy or just make faster progress on your build overall. Blue Print cost for this beauty (DRM FREE) just 75K / 75,000 Quanta Honeycomb material for this set available for 850k / 850.000 Quanta Visit in VR possible true "CCU Voxel library" , *remember u can not carry items back trough VR* Location ::pos{0,2,34.7581,72.5932,-0.0001} (Alioth) We hope to see u soon and enjoy this awesome set. Made possible by CCU >
Orri's Holiday Tree

Decorate your base for the holiday season with my modern tree decoration and "Merry Christmas" light set. DRM FREE to allow you to copy it onto your base as many times as you wish. The "Merry Christmas" lettering is built in glossy white plastic to allow you to choose and change your colours easily. Spawn it in with white or coloured lumi glass to instantly change it into a hanging Christmas light. Tree is 135 voxels high x 100 voxels wide. and provided on a small dynamic so you can move it around, however, you will need to copy and paste it in pieces onto your own construct as the tree is too big. Blueprint dispenser is located at Kosmos Ship Showroom (Alioth). ::pos{0,2,2.9259,105.5836,67.8501} PLEASE DO NOT BUY IN VR! Please contact Orri #2335 on Discord to troubleshoot any problems or to refill the dispenser. Note: Flaming Phoenix is NOT INCLUDED in this kit.
Czars Landing Pad Set

By popular demand, the DRM free landing pad set to make my famous (in my head) landing pads. Build to your specifications, make them as big as you want or as small as you want. Set includes everything you need including straight, 90 degree and 45 degree outside corners, inside corners, stair set to access the interior storage areas, pillars to make multilevel pads, and a very special hallway set for the interior space. This is the same set used to make my S, M, and L core space landing pads and my L core static Landing pads. You can also find them in use at the Kosco Megastore and at the Kosmos Showroom. Can see the set in VR at "Czar in Space Showroom" Examples are right outside the showroom and also at Kosco or Kosmos Showroom. Dispenser located in space and soon to be at the Alioth Exchange and also at Kosmos Showroom in my shop.
DF Redline Library
Dark Forge

After popular demand a complete library is being created by firestorm for those that want to utilize the aesthetic we made for the XL Space engine casing, Ithicus Lux hauler and the new Rebellion PvP/E M core currently in R&D at our HQ. release date TBD. Keep an eye out on our DU creators page on discord for updates.
Orri's Airport Lounge Fixtures

I've been building an airport lounge above my hangar, some have asked for a small library to make their own, so here is my creation, i hope you like it. Please come and view the airport in situ to get some inspiration ideas..... VR to Orri Alioth Base. You will spawn in the airport arrivals area. Visit in person at ::pos{0,2,2.5480,104.8856,1.4524} and take the elevator up into the airport. I generally play with shadows off because I'm a cheapskate when it comes to lighting.. sorry if its too dark. I enjoy having visitors at the base. Blueprints of my own base props and art are available in the blueprint shop HERE ::pos{0,2,2.4627,104.9194,1.7739}, the airport kit is currently spawned behind the rear of the shop for your inspection. Credits: Loaded Industries hangar kit for the main building design, and an unknown creator for the airport walls and windows. (if you know the creator of this please let me know so i can credit them). Included in the kit is:- White Internal door surround. (copies the profile of the in game interior doors), and a matching wall panel for corridors and rooms. (Pictures 1&2) Plinth for information signage, can be resized for your own signs. ( Sorry Lua Screen not included Thanks to Hadron for the screen for my personal use :-) (Picture 3) Security body and luggage scanners. (Picture 4) Baggage carousel and sign holder (Picture 5) Baggage loading dock (Picture 6) Quanta ATM Cash machine... sadly it doesn't give out quanta! (Picture 7) Hologram base plinth, Gate seating area, Bar seating area (Picture 8) Bar frontage and seating and lighting. (Picture 9) Passport Control Booths and desks.) (Picture 10.. needs taking) Sign images can be found on the DU Image share discord or pm me if you can't find the links and i'll forward them. Feel free to message me on discord with any questions or problems. Have fun building your own airport.
Dr. Zoidberg

Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama. He's an M core wide, and is DRM free. :) VR: Mnc Shop Grab the pos from VR, since my shop is on a dynamic core. ;)
Wall 1
Fordie Industries

DRM FREE VR: Fordie Industries Location: 11Km from Haven Market 3
Ikara Assembly line KIT M 01 (DRM Free)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries present the "Ikara Assembly line KIT M 01 (DRM Free) The KIT contains different modules (XS to XL) to create an assembly line. The larger modules (M to XL) have slopes to reduce the height of the assembly line to M size. Furthermore a color changing KIT is included. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Rebels Ghost Corridor Set

A corridor build set based off the Ghost from Star Wars Rebels. If you would like to take a look in person at the set or get map coordinates, VR to "Durkwerks HQ".
Tatooine City Builder Voxel Set v1.0 DRM-Free

VERSION: 1.0 One thing that immediately drew me to DU in alpha was its ability to allow players to truly bring UNIVERSES to life! This set features many city structures, decorations, and other useful tools from starter outposts. Fans of classic MMO Star Wars Galaxies and Battlefront should recognize several distinct influences and custom-made favorites for that extra dash of nostalgia! Unique Features: -SWG City Shuttleport (corner pieces allow for easy construction) -SWG City Bazaar -Moisture vaporators! (Comes in 2 sizes) -Rounded walls/doorways -Swoop Bike/Podracer Chassis -Droids! -Color comparison palette (shows many shades of plastic/marble/brick for more cost-effective builds. ***Screen images, Art, Logos -Hutt Clan Logo assets.prod.novaquark.com/54643/5f222890-c181-4cb6-8e41-921b6e3fa1a3.png -Flag of Tatooine (twin suns) assets.prod.novaquark.com/54643/897fa331-4dd1-4635-9f97-1803b38385c6.jpg *Special thanks to Ryan Pryde for their DRM-free circles library, it helped get this voxel set started back in beta! *Updates will be made and additional versions released as content is built/added.
DUSAF Interior Set

DUSAF Interior Set, inspired by a well-known TV series. Build for M-core ships in the first place. DRM free and build for quick & easy assembly. VR: Deeh Store (dispenser inside the building, 2nd floor, preview outside) If you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** TRUST-BASED USAGE: This is a non-DRM library for one (1) user and/or organization only. I believe in trust as an essential driver for a creative community as we have in Dual Universe. However, it is prohibited to share or resell assets by parts or by whole, unless permission has been explicitly granted by the owner. If you want to include assets in your own constructs for sale, contact me on Discord where we can discuss how to proceed. Copyright infringements will be reported to ingame support, and suspects will be excluded from any future ingame interactions with the owner and its organization(s). **
Mario Wall

96x96 plastic voxels wall decoration. Sold as a kit in a Free DRM XS Dynamic Core to paste it as you want in your construct. Best rendering from afar. 4 parts in kit : from the core, down left part first, then up left part, then up right part, then down right part.
Imperial Hallways Set 1

An Imperial themed hallways set. Includes a few wall sections for an Imperial style hangar. If you would like to take a look in person at the set or get map coordinates, VR to "Durkwerks HQ".
Jero Ultimate Truss Library

Easy spawn, honeycombs provided! I have concentrated all what you need for building your bases structures I have prepared different sizes, different slopes, different wall/floor connections, different corners and structures connections etc... Ready to copy pasta library, no voxelmancy experience required VR: Jeronimo Libraries Corner * this is a non drm library for a single user use based on trust, all the work and shapes sold here are the work of Jeronimo, share or resell by parts or by whole is strictly forbidden and will be at first reported to competent support, then banned and blacklisted to all Jeronimo's and affiliated orgs selling systems.
XL Space Engine Skin
Dark Forge

Dark Forge XL Space Engine Skin created by theouterrift This DRM free BP is available for purchase at the Dark Forge base on Alioth. How to find: - VR - Search for "DSI Dark Forge HQ" (do NOT buy a BP in VR!!) - ::pos{0,2,21.9994,107.1816,6.5935} - Dispenser is here Near Alioth DM7