Dual Universe Creators

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Voxel Sets




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Officially taking over DamageReport A multi-screen capable, touch enabled, easy to install ship damage reporting script for Dual Universe. Includes a HUD mode to be mobile while repairing. Highlights damaged/broken elements in 3D space for easier finding. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Link--- https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/3 https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-DamageReport --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) Exchange @ Yellow Hall Booth 6 ( ::pos{0,0,-19010.3356,113355.2043,-74225.1859} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store


Equinox OS: Fuel/Mass/Hub Monitor



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** 31/01/22 Support for Space Fuel XS ** The first in a series labeled 'Equinox OS,' PsychoSlaughter of Equinox Consortium brings to you a fuel, hub, and ship mass monitor utilizing the latest in Lua screen tech. This adaptable monitoring solution will adjust to any fuel tank configuration from 1 to 12 tanks, adjusting the display to utilize screen space. In addition to keeping tabs on fuel, this screen will watch your cargo levels ensuring you don't overfill that hauler*. For further stats on your ship, a mass display separates the ship, fuel, and cargo weights for you to review. Bundle this all with easy installation, configurable colors, and custom limits per ship and you have the last monitoring solution you'll ever need! DRM free for you to use on all your ships. Shipbuilders: please leave DRM on when selling your constructs for this OS. ::pos{0,2,34.6366,78.3544,247.2298} EASY INSTALL: 1. Deploy the monitor construct from blueprint 2. Right-click the programming board and select 'Copy Lua configuration to clipboard' 3. Place a new programming board on the target construct you want to add Equinox OS to 4. Right-click the programming board and select 'Paste Lua configuration from clipboard' 5. Right-click the programming board and edit the parameters to your specifications 6. Connect the core, hub, and minimum of one screen to the programming board *Cargo monitor supports one Container Hub only. Additional containers not connected to the single hub, or additional hubs, may throw off the calculations.

Individual: 10 Mħ
Resale: 10 Mħ

Shield Control



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This script offers all shield functions on any size screen or screens. It uses touch buttons and is well tested. If you are interested, join my scripting discord at https://discord.gg/ttajxhZYXY

Individual: 10 Mħ
Resale: 25 Mħ

Locura Hub Screens



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All my HUB screen are finally in ONE PLACE! https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/6/


Restricted Access Door



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for the GitHub, go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#restricted-access-door-script Restric access to certain zones via "locked door" Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Detection zone 1x Screen (minimum) Supports multiple screens Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/RestrictedAccessDoor/RestrictedAccessDoor1.0.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Programming Board Then (in no particular order) Programming Board -> Door and Screen(s) 3. Finnaly, edit the lua parameters (Right click -> Advanced -> Edit Lua Parameters) Add your username between the quotes "" "Davemane42" For multiple user. add comma , between names and no spaces "Davemane42,User2,User3"


Ship Shield Resistance Manager and Monitor

Rifters Utilities


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The script comes with a functional interface to display your ship core health, shields, and all 4 resistances. The shield manager handles auto venting your shields once they either break completely, or fall below the configured amount There is also a display to display your core health and shields as well. It displays how much you have in each resistance It auto configures your shields based off the incoming attack damage.

Individual: 10 Mħ

Simple AGG screen UI



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Simple AGG touch screen control UI. Far left slider controls the altitude, the "Alt Lock" button prevents it from being moved accidentally. Min is 1km and max is 10km. There are also 2 lock buttons to prevent the Agg power button from accidentally being toggled. The 2nd slider moves to display current current agg base altitude and the center box shows it also. The right box shows your ships current altitude. The script can be customized if needed (may be an additional fee depending on complexity) Future proof, uses new lua UI changes. Setup includes: Control board, any size screen, Databank (optional, but sometimes displays inconsistencies)

Individual: 1 Mħ
Resale: 5 Mħ

Diven's System Map



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YouTube Demo: https://youtu.be/SsrcFBkUe-g An interactive map of the solar system. Display distance, Ore, Gravity, updating ships position, warp pipes, safe zone, trajectory, and a warp animation. More locations can be added to the map by request. For a working demonstration on a static core visit "Divens Lua Bazzar" at your nearest surrogate station Contact Me in game [Player Name: DivenDerp] or via Discord [Diven Desu#5809]


Locura Arch HUD Information



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ArchHUD no longer has an on screen display showing key shortcuts or commands. Place a screen in your cockpit and have this handy way of seeing ArchHUD keys and commands. Easy way to view while flying is enter first person and look at the item you need then click back to 3rd person. - Multi Page! Just click screen to flip pages. - Now DRM FREE! Copy to your own screens. - Option for screen flipping. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Github Link--- https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-Locura-Information-Screens --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store

Individual: 500 Kħ

IOE Clock

Institute of Errors


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The Institute of Errors presents a simple, dynamic clock that displays the ingame time depending on your location. One day is 10 hours real time. The sunrise and sunset are at 6 AM and 6 PM. Sold at the Alioth Marina (::pos{0,2,38.3245,62.6634,4.6699})

Resale: 1 Mħ

Poor man's refiner



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Simple script making your refiners to automatically cycle through t1 recipes when they are out of resources. Helps if you're just starting and have only one refiner or if you want to make your refiner more efficient. Just copy this into your onStatusChanged(3) filter on your refiner (assuming you named that slot "refiner") ``` --- status 3 -> jammed, no materials -- 198782496, -- hematite -> iron -- 2240749601, -- bauxite -> aluminum -- 159858782, -- coal -> carbon -- 2589986891, -- qurtz -> silicon local currentItem = refiner.getOutputs() -- linked list to cycle possible recipes local refinedOres = {} refinedOres[198782496] = 2240749601; refinedOres[2240749601] = 159858782; refinedOres[159858782] = 2589986891; refinedOres[2589986891] = 198782496; refiner.stop(true) refiner.setOutput(refinedOres[currentItem[1].id]) refiner.startRun() ```


Locura DU Factory Info



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A HUD Less factory monitoring script! A single board script for diplaying all your factory information. This script is helpful for those that dont like using HUDs and can be used on 1 to 9 screens depending on factory size. https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/7/

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 ħ

Safe Travel Infos

Ater Omen


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A visual representation of your ship distance from the warp tunnel between two planets. Fly safe during your missions! It also shows the safe zone, and simulate your ship trajectorys to let you know where you're heading. Script and presentation here : https://github.com/rhoffsch42/DualUniverse-public/tree/master/safe_travel_infos

Individual: 1 ħ

10 Lights strobe

Fordie Industries


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for 10 lights to go from 1 to 10 then 10 to 1 and repeat with a speed setting in lua perams VR: Fordie Industries Location : 11Km from Haven Market 3 DRM Free

Resale: 250 Kħ

Ship Sale Dispenser screen



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Simple screen to add to your dispenser. Lists all basic ship stats and creator info. it is meant for screen size M. grab it here: https://github.com/BartasRS/Dispenser-screen---ship-sale If you like my work tips are welcomed but not required. Enjoy!

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 Mħ
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