Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordFactory Monitor Expanded

An expanded version of my Factory Monitoring Screen for people with crazy big factories. Basic version resulted in text overlaps and eventually script crash due to 50k characters limit per screen. This version displays Metalworks, Electronics and Glass industry on screen 1, 3D Printers, Chemical Industry, Refinersm Honeycomb and Smelters on screen 2 and, finally, Assemblers on screen 3. I figured out it should be a proper setup for most big factories tho I know some of you are crazy :P Simply connect core and 3 (or 9) screens (in any order) to Programing Board and run the script. I humbly suggest setting refresh rate (In Lua settings) to 5 to avoid possible laggy situations with a lot of industry running. Script comes with industry locator. Type help in Lua Tab to see available commands. grab it here: https://github.com/BartasRS/Factory-Monitoring-Expanded As always, tips are appreciated but not required. Enjoy
LUA Touchscreen Examples

Give your favorite ships a touch of class with our DRM free touch screens (as seen on the Eclipse). Backgrounds are PNG since LUA drawings have no graphical editor. I am no LUA expert but the original code was provided by NQ-Deckard who (in my opinion) is! (DU-Forums) Simple LUA editing knowledge is required. Tinker with the values and you will quickly understand what is going on. It should be noted that "--" uncomments a line. Thanks to Suppe and his instructions in the screen code. Simple to deploy as you can omit the forcefields (the only T3 elements in the blueprint). All code is updated for LUA revamp. 09.2022 Have fun and LUA-fy your ships! VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

A simple HUD for monitoring and managing industry in Dual Universe Open source project, all sources available here : https://github.com/Jericho1060/DU-Industry-HUD You can join me on Guilded for help or suggestions or requests by following that link : https://guilded.jericho1060.com Feature list: - display all your industry status from a single programming board with only one link to the core - Add other boards to remote control all your machines (start/stop/batch/maintain) - easy locate your machine with arrows displayed around when selected on the HUD - fully controlled with Keyboard and can type setted value directly with your keyboard

free script, get it at: https://github.com/rohimma/du-atlas get all your bookmarks on one easy to manage screen. activate the programming board and click on the location where you want to go

This site provides a interactive 3D representation of the Dual Universe Solar System: du-map.com ** Please bear with us as this site is under constant development. We appreciate reports of bugs as well as ideas/feature suggestions. These can be submitted via our community discord (link below) ** This is useful for 3d spacial representation of planets, moons, asteroids and any other ::pos waypoint. This can be done by panning, zooming and rotating around the solar system. This is very helpful in planning safe travel routes outside of the safe zone. You can also save and map out waypoints (::pos). These can be labeled as Constructs, POIs, Space Stations and Asteroids. Waypoints can be organized into sharing groups. These groups can either be privately shared with invited/accepted friends, or listed publicly for anyone to join. The owner of a share can modify and give specific permissions to other members within the share group. We do our best to maintain asteroid locations throughout the week. These locations are available to anyone via our public "Weekly Asteroids" share. If you would like to help maintain asteroid positions, please reach out to Zer0Krypt#0001 or join our discord community (link below). Discord Community: discord.gg/UTEcgP9Avj Site Developers: Deadrank#9867 and Zer0Krypt#0001
DU Information Screen (EDITS)

Here we have the default system information screen made by NQ. However.... It can be so much more! Ill be doing different variations of the screen to show examples of what all this screen can do. Ill start off with a simple edit and work my way to something way different. Showing off anything from in game items, Org information, and even exchange sales items. https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-System-Information-Screen ----- I only offer help/support at https://github.com/LocuraDU https://discord.gg/TB2ecEd5rs I try to get around to helping on other channels but if you want help please use one of the above places.
Ship Shield Resistance Manager and Monitor
Rifters Utilities

The script comes with a functional interface to display your ship core health, shields, and all 4 resistances. The shield manager handles auto venting your shields once they either break completely, or fall below the configured amount There is also a display to display your core health and shields as well. It displays how much you have in each resistance It auto configures your shields based off the incoming attack damage.
Atmo Engine L Information

Screen showing the stats and values of every atmospheric large engine in game. Great for display or shipbuilders. We now have another screen at https://du-creators.org/makers/Credence/ship/Locura%20Atmo%20Engine%20Information A massive upgrade over this screen. Shows every atmo engine in game with interactive screen. - Now DRM FREE! Copy to your own screens. - Option for screen flipping. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Github Link--- https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-Locura-Information-Screens --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) Exchange @ Yellow Hall Booth 6 ( ::pos{0,0,-19010.3356,113355.2043,-74225.1859} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store
AR Mining Unit Manager

AR board script for managing and monitoring your mining units Github: https://github.com/DapperDucky/AR-Mining-Unit-Manager Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6S5lU59Y_E
Diven's Fuel Hub

A board that monitors and broadcast fuel info to a screen/databank/emitter. Simply connect 1-9 fuel tanks, 1-9 screens, and/or 1-9 emitters.
Restricted Access Door

for the GitHub, go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#restricted-access-door-script Restric access to certain zones via "locked door" Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Detection zone 1x Screen (minimum) Supports multiple screens Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/RestrictedAccessDoor/RestrictedAccessDoor1.0.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Programming Board Then (in no particular order) Programming Board -> Door and Screen(s) 3. Finnaly, edit the lua parameters (Right click -> Advanced -> Edit Lua Parameters) Add your username between the quotes "" "Davemane42" For multiple user. add comma , between names and no spaces "Davemane42,User2,User3"
IndyHUD for AR Industry

The IndyHUD is a forever free augmented reality display for industry, and includes translations for FR/DE. It's incredibly simple to use, requiring only a link to the Core unit. The AR display will show you a quick view of every machine's current state with a color indicator, including all containers. You can hover your mouse on one for a detail view, showing what the machine's name is, what it is producing, the tier, and status amounts for batch/maintain/infinite. You can also choose to show full container names at all times. Check out the github instructions here: https://tinyurl.com/indyhud
Diven's Hub Hub

Allows you a screen interface to view the contents of a container. Comes as both a screen and board script.
Orbital HUD

The original DU Orbital HUD/ButtonsHUD/DimHUD - A full autopilot and HUD suite. It is on stable version 5.453 at current, and no further updates are planned. For a more fully-featured Autopilot/HUD (but potentially less stable), check out ArchHUD https://github.com/Dimencia/DU-Orbital-Hud Support is provided at the Open Source Initiative Discord, dual.sh/osin, in the #tech-support channel
inDusign Pro v1.0

Screen advanced live drawing software Create anything based on DU renderscript using only touch screen No coding skills required dispenser at: ::pos{0,2,-21.5670,122.5013,169.7366}