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Showroom and BP dispenser on Alioth (near Market 17) ::pos{0,2,36.4289,57.9012,22.7369} Surrogate VR: NoxCorp Showroom NoxCorp Bacterium is a pet simulator game and stylish aquarium for your ship or base. Grow up to 4 pets at a time, each with unique appearance and characteristics. Each one will evolve multiple times during its life. The lifespan of a bacteria is up to 100 days, you should feed them at least twice a week. Bacterium 2 is a complete rewrite using the LUA screen API. The graphics are much sharper and run at a higher framerate. The screens are very efficient (500k render cost per screen) so will not give you performance/lag problems. The programming board on the right of Bacterium has many LUA params you can customise. You can change the colours and show/hide different elements. The programming board on the left is for the lighting inside Bacterium. I have added a simple DRM free script which can be used to set the lights. LUA updates in development including: ✓ New evolutions and appearances [Completed Oct 2022] - Fighting - Breeding - Transferring pets between units Bacterium 2 comes on a DRM protected dynamic core XS which allows easy repositioning on your ship or base. Custom install direct into your construct is possible but costs more. Contact me for details. Dimensions: Width: 500cm (20 voxels) Height: 375cm (15 voxels) Depth: 150cm (6 voxels) Screen size: Transparent Screen L Need a custom install or tweaks? Contact nekranox#6279 for more information. Readme file provided with full instructions for use: https://noxcorp.tech/b2-readme.txt
Beach House

This construct was a build featured by NQ on the Dual Universe Twitter in 2020! A luxury beach house for low-key private parties with close friends, or time away from the hustle and bustle of Alioth's busy marketplaces! Includes "Blue Mesa" & "Stone Desert" artwork by RL Cody Rauh ( aka. Creator in DU )
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

50% off blueprint price at the moment on dispenser Loaded industries presents the latest large static OUTPOST 22 you can visit in VR search for loaded industries, Give your tile a style that it deserves with the outpost 22, Large core static building that can be use as anything you like, plenty of space for being used as a factory or a build box with viewing balcony or just store your small ships or medium ship in the lower floor with with second floor space and landing pad on top this building requires around 39k of honeycomb mostly plastic which if you have full talents for making plastic will be around 330k of ore to make and at current ore prices will cost you around 5 million in ore 25% off for the rest of november on dispenser at our location 7.5 million
Loadeds showroom factory and more
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

50% off blueprint price at the moment on dispenser NEW LOCATION FOR FULL RELEASE ::pos{0,2,35.9865,105.7206,-47.7959} FEW TILES AWAY FROM MARKET 6 Maybe your new home ? this large core standing 82 meters tall with ground floor showroom with factory/office/living space and roof top landing pad might just be for you it has it all at a bargain price. you can also copy and paste the container racks to make more if needed. its a must visit you can visit in vr search: loaded industries, make sure you check all elevators and vist all floors, and can purchase a bp at the location near the front enterance any questions please dm me on discord.
NXBA Street Court

Let off steam after a long day in the factory on your own functional basketball court. Use the manoeuvre tool to throw the balls across the court into the hoop. Lasers in the hoop detect the balls and trigger one of four lights on the backboard. Come and try it yourself by visiting via VR by searching "NovaX Estates" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiSU7WV6cWQ&t=2s If you could like to have the basketball court snapped to an existing structure or grid, it can be installed for you for a 5 mil quanta fee. Contact: Actimist#4020 Primary designer: Actimist Contributors: Factory worker:

We Create Voxels presents "Diglett" - a voxelised rendition inspired from the original Pokemon series. Available in both Static and Dynamic blueprints, Diglett is a hollow hull and makes the perfect mining outpost for Pokemon fans. Available for purchase at: ::pos{0,2,36.9091,101.8558,144.5942}
Static Core Factory
VO Industries - theOmega28

We are also located at the Alioth Exchange in the Red Isle This Static Core Factory produces all size cores This is what it will produce every 24 hours with no industry talents XS Static Cores---720 S Static Cores-----180 M Static Cores----30 L Static Cores-----7.5 For any questions, please reach out to me on Discord We have several other factories to choose from and some are in space versions. We also have LUA Scripts and Mining Rigs by Credence! VR: VO Factory Sales Located on Alioth ::pos{0,2,26.8385,76.5585,0.9775} Discord: theOmega28.36#1869 Credence#4249 We also have a Discord as we provide details on our factories and notify everyone as new ones are built and ready to sale along with additional information and available to answer any questions
Showroom Complete Kit
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

50% off blueprint price at the moment on dispenser This showroom kit will allow you to build any size showroom you wish to house as many ships as you like, its very easy to do just like the hangar kit, its panels are also same size as the hangar kit so you can even easily decorate the outside walls of your hangar with this kit or even be creative and mix and match, everything you see in the pictures of these buildings are in this kit the only thing you have to do is fill the empty space on roof and make your own link from the balcony curve which is all very easy, also comes with a detailed floor panel 50 x 50 voxles in size for very easy placement which you can use in any of your other buildings you may own. you can with a bit of time change the mats of all the panels to suit your colour of choice endless possibility, you will also find what i call end caps to finish off parts that are left open from your build can view in VR search loaded industries showroom any questions please dm me on discord loaded#2378
All Screens & Signs Factory
VO Industries - theOmega28

VR "VO Factory Sales" This will make every type and every size screen on the market! Screen and Sign Factory 24 Hour Production with no Talents x 3.75) Expanded Modern Screen XXL x 3.75) Expanded Modern Transparent Screen XXL x 60) Modern Screen L x 240) Modern Screen M x 240) Modern Screen S x 15) Modern Screen XL x 240) Modern Screen XS x 60) Modern Transparent Screen L x 240) Modern Transparent Screen M x 240) Modern Transparent Screen S x 15) Modern Transparent Screen XL x 240) Modern Transparent Screen XS x 240) Screen M x 240) Screen S x 1) Screen XL x 240) Screen XS x 240) Sign L x 240) Sign M x 240) Sign S x 240) Sign XS x 3.75) Super Expanded Modern Screen XXXL x 1) Super Expanded Modern Transparent Screen XXXL x 240) Transparent Screen L x 240) Transparent Screen M x 240) Transparent Screen S x 240) Transparent Screen XS x 240) Vertical Sign L x 240) Vertical Sign M x 240) Vertical Sign XS If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me on Discord: theOmega28.36#1869
Warp Cell Factory - 540/day

Greetings! I present to you a warp cell factory that produces 540 cells per day. This factory is on a Medium Space core, made with an easy to understand layout and is fully automated. Just put in the ore and it'll do all the work itself. I am offering 3 packages: 1 - Blueprint only, 20m Quanta 2 - Blueprint + Buffs/Help setting up, 45m Quanta 3 - Token + Buffs/Help setting up + Ore/Schematics Provided, 75m Quanta
Mining RigOutpost
Dark Forges

This is my vision of Mining Rig Outpost Whit 5 mining units and one Refiner room 1 Ore Container and 1 Pure Container you have a small landingpad on top for your small cargo ships Discord: https://discord.gg/cTU9sPtnsR VR: this will come BP Cords ::pos{0,2,-1.1524,178.6534,54.5918} VR: Dark Forges HQ
Advanced Atmo Engine Factory
VO Industries - theOmega28

This will make any size and any type of Advanced Atmo Enigine! Setup to make at the same time: x4) L x2) M x2) S x2) XS Just like all my factories, its setup for easy deployment. All indy is labeled for easy start up. Also anything that requires schematics is also labeled per indys. Also has a schematic bank inside for schematic storage and gives the list of all the required schematics for the factory in general! Feel Free to VR over and see it for yourself!! "VO Factory Sales" Message me on any questions you may have on Discord "theOmega28.36#1869"
Lunis Landing Pad

M Core Landing pad
Large Hanger
Shadow Union

Large Hanger Pick your accent color or Luminescent color glass of your choice when you deploy your hanger. Build Comes Standard with Blue Luminescent Glass. The build is sized to accommodate the XL Gates when you are ready to add hanger doors, admire the magnetic gantry cranes. location: ::pos{0,2,5.1035,163.8590,28.5577} POC: Puunene#4859 VR: Puunene Hangers
Soltac Mining Hub M
The Onion

Introducing the Soltac M-core Mining hub. Ideal for use as central storage and processing facility for your resource flower, or as a standalone base of operations -6 floors of factory space to accommodate small scale refinement and production. -4 external mining pods, each capable of holding 8 L mining units -Subterranean surface ore collection area, with quick access elevator to mining pods -Storage Hangar can support up to 40 L-containers(4 included in BP for ease of deployment) -Dedicated PB for each pod running mining calibration LUA -4 empty PB for any additional LUA needs For a closer look visit "Soltac Mining Hub M" in VR Installation instructions: There are two orange guidelines to help ensure proper placement 1) Flatten terrain 2)Place structure, lower into ground until upper orange guidline is no longer visible. Refer to photos on this ad for proper depth. 3) Excavate central pit, use the outer walkway as a guide. Use smaller shovel size near outer walls to avoid disturbing flattened terrain. 4) Excavate interior rooms, again use smaller shovel size to avoid disturbing flattened terrain 5) Excavate storage hangar and surface ore collection room. There is an orange guideline dictating floor height.