Dual Universe Creators
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Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP
Destiny One
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)
Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard
Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.
The Falcon
Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one
Captain Harlock
All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server In the closing weeks of DU’s beta phase, I spent many days producing this industrial warp hauler for us all to enjoy post launch. Using a source image found online, I carefully created the Hyperion in stunning detail. The key was to remain faithful to the concept art and achieve a performance that would rival any ship in its size class. The appearance of this full size S core might deceive you, but rest assured, the handling and capability of the ship will not disappoint. Utilizing 5x Basic Container L the Hyperion can comfortably handle 1KT worth of cargo to and from a 1G planet. This is not the hard limit as with good flight talents and a seasoned pilot, the ship is capable of more than double the recommended weight. The Hyperion PRO comes equipped with 8 Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines and 6 Advanced Safe Space Engines instead of Basics. This is the only difference between the versions. The Hyperion is intended as a warp capable hauler for moving large amounts of cargo efficiently. A shield is included in the blueprint, however, it is not recommended for use in the PVP zone as it has no weapons by default. All engines can be swapped out to increase performance but you can find the recommended engine loadout on the Hyperion PRO (rated for 2KT). Please note that exceeding the recommended weight of the ship may cause brakes and wings to underperform. The inertia matrix has been fine tuned to negate as many unwanted rotational forces as possible, even under extreme load. Once again, I have installed the open source LUA for container content information and element status (coded by Krengus of ASTCo). For the flight script, I opted to use Arch HUD by default (made by Archaegeo). as it provides a clean, customizable interface that is effective at displaying all the information you need as you focus on flying and it has everything you need. Last but not least, a special thanks to everyone who supported my work and helped me achieve everything I have in the last 2 years. If I made a list of names then it would be longer than this description and I’m sure I’d miss a name or two unintentionally. I hope you know who are and post launch, we continue to share many more laughs, knowledge, stories and ships! Many thanks and enjoy the Hyperion! // For any information or Token request contact me on discord Captain Harlock#8115 - FinalX#2672 or RyanPryde#8917 - Midacre#3312 // Tokens are available! (upon request) Basic version 20 million quanta Pro version 40 million quanta New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated still manual rgb Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated The basic and Pro version Blueprints will be sold separately All the Buyers of the basic version the can get a Pro version Blueprint for the half price All the elements are buffed with LvL 5 talents! All my blueprints have 50% discount included in the price till the end of the month! VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}
A6M2 Zero
Japanese WW2 fighterplane. Flies pretty well, top speed is about 900 Kph. You can roll and loop yourself dizzy with it. Location: ::pos{0,2,33.8833,110.2308,89.3031}
NB Space Truck V1
NB Creations
Selling an old truck, may have had its best times in the 90s. High mileage some scratches and wrinkles but it got a good polish. The engine isnt leaking oil , smells good and drinks a lot. Brakes ok and 1946 Kl of space for ur smuggler loot isnt bad. Suspension takes up to 4000t, belongs to your driving skills. Repairs are expensive cause its a lot of special parts, actually its in a good condition. one cryo pod is giving red warning light, may need repairs, havent looked into it... ill read the manual that comes with it. If interested check its position in VR: "NB Space Truck V1" BP dispenser is onboard or at LYB Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.2102,114.3456,0.0000} all values are fueled and with good skills
GSL Plutus
Proudly on display at the NQ Ship Museum Galactic Shipyards LLC in cooperation with Crash Industries, Is proud to bring you the first in a line of affordable Asteroid Hunter ships. The GSL Plutus is an affordable solution for deep space ore acquisition. A Space Only small core ship with Medium Shield Generator, Warp, and 18.8 G's of thrust and a Low construction cost allows you to travel to the farthest reaches of the galaxy in search of ore. ::pos{0,2,32.3510,109.1674,140.1219}
Halberd-class Destroyer ( HALO )
Here is the unfc Halberd-class destroyer from the HALO license. To see it in VR: UNSC Destroyer BP: ::pos{0,27,7.1508,20.1409,236.7263} and on sale in the ship. Token price adapted to the market price. It's a ship of size L that faithfully reproduces the dimensions of the original ship but obviously some parts have been adapted to make it viable for Dual universe. Thanks to its design it obtains a cruising speed in atmosphere of more than 1600 km per hour, this speed is possible thanks to its 18 atypical military atmospheric engines which allow to push the ship with a load of 10KT outside Haven without the help of the antigravity. To take over in space, the ship is equipped with 4 atypical maneuvering XL space engines and if you want to carry more load from a planet at 1g you will be able to rely on the agg elevator integrated in the antigravity. The ship is fully equipped inside to meet all the necessary needs of the players in terms of gameplay and RP but there are also large additional spaces to be equipped for the player's needs such as a huge interior hangar to store additional ships or containers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fr. Voici le unfc Halberd-class destroyer de la licence HALO. Pour le voir en VR: UNSC Destroyer. BP: ::pos{0,27,7.1508,20.1409,236.7263} et en vente dans le vaisseau. Prix du token adapté en fonction du prix du marché. C'est un vaisseau de taille L qui reproduit fidèlement les dimensions du vaisseau original mais bien évidemment certaines parties ont été adaptées pour le rendre viable pour Dual universe. Grâce à son design il obtient une vitesse de croisière en atmosphère de plus de 1600 km heure, cette vitesse est possible grâce à ses 18 moteurs atmosphérique atypique militaire qui permettent de pousser le vaisseau avec une charge de 10KT en dehors de Haven sans l'aide de l'antigravité. Pour prendre le relais dans l'espace, le vaisseau est équipé de 4 moteurs XL spatiaux maneuver atypique et si vous voulez emporter plus de charge à partir d'une planète à 1g vous pourrez vous appuyer sur l'ascenseur agg intégré dans l'antigravité. Le vaisseau est complètement aménagé à l'intérieur pour répondre à tous les besoins nécessaires des joueurs en termes de plaisir de jeu et de RP mais il y a aussi des larges espaces supplémentaires pour pouvoir être aménagé pour les besoins du joueur comme par exemple un immense hangar intérieur pour y ranger des vaisseaux ou des conteneurs supplémentaires.
Ore Trek
Ore scanning rig. Scans up to 3 territories at the same time. Anti-gravity engine. Hull markings for ideal positioning. Hangar for a VTOL craft. Resurrection pad and VR station. Seats for passengers. surrounding platform. Excellent flight characteristics (easy lift-off, good lift, good hovering). Some onboard storage.
"Carrion" S Shuttle Edition by BDC
"Carrion" S Shuttle Edition Elite Dangerous fans I have one for you. I squeezed what should have been a S core into an XS build box. Packed in neatly and made Purdy. Ship is using Custom ARCH Hud and Damage report for screens. Has small living quarters and seats to bring friends with ya. Ship is over Engineered and fly's fantastic. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.
starter mining Wagon (134 T / 5G thrust / 11 G brake)
petit mineur d asteroid armé XS (spatial seulement) avec warp tres léger, un grand container L basic tres economique vendu avec le script ARCH HUD 2.102 (obligatoire sur votre PC) voir GITHUB ARCH HUD DUal universe pour telecharger le script et le mettre dans votre dossier DU APP DATA "custom" pour pouvoir l installer sur votre siege pilote.
TYR Gryphon C
This ultimate pocket ship is made with incredible detail and advanced voxelmancy. This special ship includes easy-to-customize image banners along the sides. Get yours today and Rex will help you get a perfect banner for your tastes. Features: Custom Banner Images Check it out at the Tyr guest exhibition at Loaded Industries Showroom (VR: loaded industries showroom) in the NW corner. You've seen this one around? Tyr members are gifted tokens of this ship!
Ak-sel (for mission aphélia)
##### This part is Out Of Date, will be update soon ##### Ce ship a été crée pour réaliser les missions Aphelia en solo. Ce vaisseau peut sortir de Alioth 2 Kt avec une capacité de 3 conteneurs L. Ce modèle est le premier à ses options: - Shield L - Warp - Full moteur advanced - radar spatial et atmo Pour un prix compo de 18 millions de quanta ce qui vous fait un vaisseau optimisé pour seulement 23,99 millions de quanta (composant + BP) TTC mais si cela est trop cher il y a plusieurs versions qui peuvent être updradées par vous même. ##### BP price are Up To Date ##### 1er prix 5 000 000 le BP - no Shield - No Warp - Full moteur Basique - 3 conteneurs L et radar Ce ship peut sortir 1 Kt d'Alioth pour un prix compo d'environ 6 millions. 2éme prix 5 600 000 Le BP - no Shield - No Warp - Full moteur advanced - 3 conteneurs L et radar Ce ship peut sortir 2.1 Kt d'Alioth pour un prix compo d'environ 12 millions. !!!Attention les stats marqués sont ceux du Ak-Sel Heavy!!!
WSS Merchant Prince Mk.4C A5S4
The WSS Merchant Prince Mk.4C A5S4 is a sleek, entry-level courier ship for anyone looking to get started and look good doing it. It sports a fully enclosed flight-deck with extensive electronics, with crew positions for the pilot, a weapons officer, and a mission officer. A six-seat passenger section is well appointed with excellent views, and is secured in flight by a crew-controlled passenger hatch and crew door. Electronics include atmospheric RADAR, 2 space RADARs, ECU, Telemeter, Screen + Programming Board, Emitter and Gyroscope. Additionally, navigation lights, search lights and beauty lights are positioned across the ship, and switch-controlled. The design has been extensively flight tested, and will do full barrel rolls on climb-out with 50T of cargo and six passengers, plus Split-S and full loops above 1500m AGL. As an executive passenger courier with 2.5 tons of cargo per passenger, it will "super cruise" in the top 5% of atmosphere at Mach 3 (3600km/h) for rapid arrival to any global destination. Get there, and look good doing it with the Merchant Prince. (expected part price, based on Alioth Market 06 Averages is 8.5M)