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Banzai Buddies XS Ship Sales

XS dynamic core Catamaran XV Light Hauler 4x Small Containers Linked Heavy Braking power for size. Capability May Change depending on skills, my flight skills are only mediocre currently. Surrogate Teleporter up to "Banzai Buddies Ship Shop" located 16km from Alioth District 6 Market near lake. ::pos{0,2,43.0854,103.3924,206.6535}
Dark Guardian
Dark Forges

Dark Guardian is a carrier ship! You can use this ship to give your fleet the support it needs when fighting far away. This ship should preferably not be directly into battle, but it should be able to take a few hits and hopefully the rest of the fleet will have time to protect it before it breaks. This is still a work in progress and pls come in VR and see it for you self VR: Dark Guardian more info on the Attributes will come when it is finished
Golden Oak Industries

Need for speed? The Haraka will travel in atmosphere at speeds exceeding 1,800 km/h (speed will vary with player skills.) *** Caution: Don't TURN at max speed - you WILL explode. It is strongly recommended you slow down before making any sharp turns. Seats Two People and is Very Fun to Fly! Need to go to a market on the other side of Alioth and get there and back fast? This is your grocery getter!

A highly functional mission runner and heavy hauler designed for auto-pilot mission running. It doesn't look like much but it is capable of lifting 7KT gross cargo weight off Alioth with level 5 handling and level 4 piloting skills. Features: -ArchHUD 0.015 so GeForce Now users can use the HUD right away. -An Advanced Shield Generator L for running missions through PVP space. -4x Basic Space Engine XLs - easily upgradeable with the placement coordinates below. -20x Uncommon Military Atmospheric Engine Ls. -10 Large Containers. -Over 2Gs of space thrust while fully-laden with mission packages. -The ability to land vertically on all planets while fully-laden with mission packages. The approximate build price on December 3, 2022 is: 27M Space Engine XL placement coordinates: Top Left: -17, -27, 14.5 Top Right: 17, -27, 14.5 Bottom Left: -17, -27, -14.5 Bottom Right: 17, -27, -14.5 Note: Shift+Scroll wheel will allow you to adjust the camera zoom. Can be viewed through VR at the Nunki Ship Showroom.
Quantum of Solace MK3
Shadow Union

Shadow Union's newest ship, A sleek roid runner in this configuration, for running to the depths of space to find your Pyrite, Kolbeckite, And Ilmenite bringing back a solid 900 tons and 240kl safely back into alioth atmo. Fitted with a Rare Capacitor Shield Generator with 5 750 000 million in shield hitpoints and 4.74g of space trust, for when it's time to run. fly safe out there. VR@ Shadow Union Shipyard to view the ships.
Trash Panda

COMPACT - CAPABLE - EFFICIENT DRM FREE Loaded with Albatross HUD Basic light duty spaceplane, Great for bootstrapping up through ailerons missions or taking care of market runs, orbital hops and jaunts between planets for errands that don't require you to break out the heavy iron. Stats given for the basic engine version, advanced blueprint also available. I am no artist or shipmaker, this is just the culmination of continuous tinkering to my go-to method of getting around. My goal in this game has always just been to cruise around and explore, so the focus of the tinkering has been getting something that flies as well as possible, and I am pretty pleased with how it came out so I thought I would share. It is good for about 50t off of Alioth on the basic version depending on skills. Burn speed is up around 1850 so is pretty forgiving if you come back in to atmo a little hot. Container hub and engines centered on 0,0 so it stays balanced regardless of load. All medium engines so nice and fuel efficient. All a single honeycomb type so feel free to replace with your voxel of choice. Stats are listed for the "basic" engine version which uses pure carbon as the weight reference. Engines also easy to swap out, coordinates in the pictures, though it seems you need to pull the ailerons off to place the engines and put them back on when you are done. Whether you are brand new and looking to upgrade but not ready for the big large engine haulers, or have been around a while and just looking to try something different on the cheap, feel free to come by and check them out. VR: Trash Panda Showroom - No DRM Location: ::pos{0,2,34.9874,112.8624,15.6829} If you are like me and struggle with newtons, here are the stats listed in G's for the basic version, also empty. Atmo Thrust: 5g Atmo Brake: 16g Thruster Lift: 2.5g WIng Lift: 18.5g Space Thrust: 4g Space Brake: 7g
Luxury Retreat (pocketable)

Includes spacious board room with mood lighting that warmly highlights the rich wood grain of the table and exposed hardwood beams, automatic fireplace, animated fish tank, seating for 10 in the board room and 7 on the open air roof deck where the built in grill is located.
ZEAL Crusader
Zealot Company

A combat defense hauler for those times you find yourself in need of a pew. Armed with 3 Advanced Agile Railgun you can reach out an touch someone trying to scoop your goods! A reliable build for a good starting craft. Visit ADMI Build Sore in VR and head to the cyan pads!
Rock Hauler (Freighter)
Creator (Rock Raiders)

The "Rock Hauler" named specifically after it's purpose is an M-Class hauling Frigate. A staple in the Rock Raider's logistic fleet, this commonly seen craft is reliable, sturdy, and affordable. Most rock raiders believe you should fly the ship for the purpose you need. Thus this hauler makes no attempts to visually look like a sports car, but instead is true in aesthetic to its industrialistic function of moving heaving things from point A to point B. Features: - 4 Large Containers - Command & Flight Deck - Docking Space for Crab Courier & Salvage Sprinter Note: Crab Courier & Salvage Sprinter NOT included, and are shown as work in progress! With such design approach the Rock Raiders felt it was unnecessary to create a pressurized cabin and instead created a life support system built into the seat to supply oxygen and regulate temperatures for the hauler pilot.
HWSS Tranquility Mk2
Aerogics S & T Co

*** Honeycombs Info *** It is recommended to reduce usage of aluminium as it became heavier. Carbon fiber is the lightest, with wood & brick next. Here is a suggestion on what to change: black pattern plastic => matte black carbon fiber galvanized black aluminium => matte black brick gray aluminium pattern => glossy gray carbon fiber polished dark gray aluminium => glossy dark gray carbon fiber polished gray aluminium => this is the main honeycomb, swap for carbon fiber or bricks depending on your preference glossy red plastic => for the colored strips, the new lumi work good there *** The HWSS Tranquility is a very efficient M core hybrid ship, able to fill pretty much every roles: Hauling & Missions: can lift 7-9kt out of alioth (without AGG, depending on pilot skills), two hubs: one with 10 containers L, the other with 3 containers L (can be increased to 7) Can be equiped with (elements not included): - Deep Space Asteroid Tracker, with an easy access from pilot seat, or that spot can also be used as landing pad for a small speeder / warp shuttle - Anti Gravity Generator, with a dedicated spot in middle of ship - L Shield on front of ship, using the "enclosed front" - 3 scanners with several spots all over the ships Quick placement guides for those elements are included via info buttons Standard version is T2: - 20x T2 military atmo - 2x T2 military XL space - 2x T2 maneuver XL space Kit provided allows to change colors and ship front to either: - Open with landing pad (can fit any XS or a tiny S core) - Enclosed, to place L shield or 4 extra containers L, and landing pad on top An insane amount of time has been spent on the voxels! Complexity is about 90% on most chunks The very first version of this ship is as old as beta and has gone through several reworks. Mk1 became a fairly popular ship, and, Thanks to all owners feedback over time, this Mk2 is a real upgrade on several aspects: more efficient, modular and pretty! Like all Aerogics ships, comes with lifetime warranty (check profile page for details)
The Megingjord
Makashima Industries

A heavily modified version of the DIS20 designed by Damphouse; The Megingjord has been redesigned to provide more cargo space, more fuel capacity and far greater overall performance. Fitted with 4x Advanced Safe Space Engine XL, and 12x Advanced Atmospheric Maneuver Engine L, The Megingjord is capable of transporting up to 3kt of cargo from any planet. The ship also accommodates a Warp Drive and a DSAT as standard, and with its increased cargo capacity of 1,152,000 litres, this makes it a great ship for soaking up asteroid after asteroid. No more fuel worries! With the addition of several fuel tanks, and optimised engine to fuel tank assignments, you will The Megingjord is able to just go on, and on, and on..! Get more precision movement, with the addition of multidirectional space engines, allowing you to take more control & maneuverability when landing at space stations, and asteroids. The increase in vertical boosters helps to accommodate for all of these changes, and the likelihood of significant cargo weights, ensuring that you're never at gravity's mercy. Get better access to your front wing sections, as well as more VR connectivity, with improved interior designs and optimisations! With so much at offer, we highly recommend taking some time to have a look around on our showcase model. Location & VR: Makashima Industries Shop ::pos{0,26,79.6509,-87.6931,99.0025}

I'm proud to present my brand new muscle car "SupaRidda" It's a low rider pocket car to drive with style and power boosted by 3 rare military atmospheric engines S, you got 800L nitron to get everywhere with 3 friends aboard ! LUA programmed features : - Reactive lights brake when piloting - a must have - Cool flashing headlights with "G" key - Unseen on all constructs actually - Configurable scrolling text on windshield Dispensers locations : Yentico Tower next to PVR Nitro City (Big Cube and losange shapes) PVR - Nitro City Showroom B0nesShredder's Showroom ::pos{0,2,33.9721,110.3299,68.9779} Just get yours ! Peace, YesmanDu974
"Carrion" S Shuttle Edition by BDC

"Carrion" S Shuttle Edition Elite Dangerous fans I have one for you. I squeezed what should have been a S core into an XS build box. Packed in neatly and made Purdy. Ship is using Custom ARCH Hud and Damage report for screens. Has small living quarters and seats to bring friends with ya. Ship is over Engineered and fly's fantastic. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.
Jedi Starfighter
Southern Cross High Guard

Inspired by the Starwars Jedi Starfighter. The Jedi Starfighter is pocketable. VR: SCHG Ship Sales - Madis ::pos{0,1,81.7469,5.7865,545.1833}
Golden Oak Industries

XS CORE Novelty Transport Ship ∙ 1 M Basic Atmos Engine ∙ 2 SM Basic Space Engine ∙ 40.7k CCS ∙ 13.9 Tonnes ∙ 4.78g/2.15g A/S Thrust ∙ 15.5g/6.19g A/S Brake Force ∙ 1,285 km/h/49,819 km/h Max Speed ∙ 6.44g/5.18g L/H Lift ∙ VERY Agile Flyer in Atmosphere