Dual Universe Creators

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Lua Scripts

Stairs 1

Fordie Industries


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DRM FREE VR : Fordie Industries Location: 11Km from Haven Market 3

BP: 250 Kħ

Koi Wall



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72x70 plastic voxels wall decoration. Sold as a kit in a Free DRM XS Dynamic Core to paste it as you want in your construct. Best rendering from afar. 4 parts in kit : from the core, down left part first, then up left part, then up right part, then down right part.

BP: 500 Kħ

Hadron Font 1.0



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I made a font for my new build style and went for the full alphabet with some extra symbols. Roman and Cyrillic letters. Original voxels are 3 wide x 5 high. Extruded to 2 wide x 3 high. All edges have been beveled. Works as floating letters or inside a voxel surface. If you place it in a surface grab the already inlaid parts and recolour them. You may need to correct some flickering voxels. Can be viewed in our showroom. VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

BP: 1 Mħ

CCU Nano HC Library



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New to DU-Creators the CCU Nano HC Library. CCU is well know for its voxel work & honeycomb supply. This time we go bigger and better. New to our collection is the CCU Nano HC Library, a little compact display of all 515 different honeycombs u can craft in your nano-pack. Take a look, see something u like, press H and start crafting. Simple as that. If u need a bigger order of any honeycomb material u can always DM me on discord and see what i can do for u. Free to use ours in VR at - CCU Voxel library, but its also available as a BP for u to place at your own base. A complete set (BP DRM FREE+all 515 honeycombs needed) is available from a dispenser at our location. For a friendly price of 250k quanta VR Name : CCU Voxel library Location ::pos{0,2,34.7581,72.5932,-0.0001} (Alioth) We hope to see u soon and enjoy this awesome set. Made possible by CCU >

BP: 250 Kħ

Hangar Kit



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This is a Library of all the major/minor components needed to build a scalable hangar. With select copy and paste you can increase or decrease the size of your desired building. This method not only allows you to scale the structure, but bring a personal flare to your construct while keeping the "look" of the original. The library is on a Dynamic Small Core allowing repositioning and removing any issues with placing a static structure. All purchases come with personal assistance with placement and arrangement if required. Upper level parking areas are provided, and the observation area is included. When copying and pasting components, don't forget to rotate/mirror and align. If you Paste and it doesn't do what you want, BACKSPACE and try again with the SHIFT key (or opposite what you originally tried). NO DRM protection to allow for Copy and Paste.

BP: 2.5 Mħ

DSI Stars & Deco

Dark Forge


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- Coming Soon - A small BP cheap condensed library of various star designs, logos and deco items all created by and used in DSI constructs. For those not interested in our larger library.

BP: 100 Kħ

Industry Box Set



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DRM FREE Resizeable Box to go around your industry to make shelves or whatever you like with them PS: The building is still under construction BPs are sold on the side of the display after entering the front door. Message me with any questions, also I'm looking for any type of design group to work with Discord 2BITTER#7729 VR: 2B DESIGNS

BP: 200 Kħ

XL Space Engine Skin

Dark Forge


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Dark Forge XL Space Engine Skin created by theouterrift This DRM free BP is available for purchase at the Dark Forge base on Alioth. How to find: - VR - Search for "DSI Dark Forge HQ" (do NOT buy a BP in VR!!) - ::pos{0,2,21.9994,107.1816,6.5935} - Dispenser is here Near Alioth DM7

BP: 2.5 Mħ

Marvin the Martian



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Marvin the Martian! This was suggested by Grevlin, and I finally set aside some time to do it. He's an M core tall, and is DRM free. :) VR: Mnc Shop Grab the pos from VR, since my shop is on a dynamic core. ;)

BP: 1 Mħ

Ikara Assembly line KIT M 01 (DRM Free)

Ikara Industries


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Ikara Industries present the "Ikara Assembly line KIT M 01 (DRM Free) The KIT contains different modules (XS to XL) to create an assembly line. The larger modules (M to XL) have slopes to reduce the height of the assembly line to M size. Furthermore a color changing KIT is included. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.

BP: 5 Mħ

Jero Micro Bevel Shapes Ultimate Library



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I have concentrated all what you need for incredibly enhance details of your builds by adding beveled micro shapes I have prepared different sizes, different slopes, different corners and connections etc... Ready to copy pasta library, no voxelmancy experience required VR: Jeronimo Libraries Corner * this is a non drm library for a single user use based on trust, all the work and shapes sold here are the work of Jeronimo, share or resell by parts or by whole is strictly forbidden and will be at first reported to competent support, then banned and blacklisted to all Jeronimo's and affiliated orgs selling systems.

BP: 1 Kħ

DU Grotesk

De Overheid


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DU Grotesk is my first, completed font for Dual Universe. Large, rectangular but rounded letters with just the right Sci-Fi look and feel to them while maintaining readability. It comes in two variants, one straight and one slanted edged version, you can use both together if you prefer some characters It has reactor markers to quickly select a letter to copy and paste into words and has 4 versions per variant: The reactor where you can see how it is built in one quarter voxel deep. A full voxel deep floating one, a full voxel deep embedded into the wall and my personal favorite, a 2 quarters thick floating variant with luminescent background, makes for good readability at night and looks very nice. It also has a full Uppercase and lowercase set and is included with minimal interpunction characters. Let me know if you want something specific. Uppercase is 8 high and 5 wide, lowercase is 5 high and 3.5 wide. The blueprint is almost for free, the materials included in the token are at ore prices, I rather want more people to use it than make a profit. I'd appreciate a note to a VR location where I can see it used and the only thing I do not want is you selling copies for profit, the rest is all yours to create something with. VR - Overheid's Shoppe - SVEA Location - ::pos{0,2,49.6888,160.3544,52.2589}

Token: 250 Kħ
BP: 100 Kħ

Boite à outils

Captain Adan


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Here is my toolbox version 3 with circles of 1, slopes, bars and plates stretched and also in offset and little more... Find the BP for 200k here: ::pos{0,2,31.8510,113.7498,0.0000} Voici ma boite à outil version 3 avec les cercles de 1, des pentes, barres et plaques étiré et aussi en offset et des petits plus… Retrouver le BP pour 200k ici : ::pos{0,2,31.8510,113.7498,0.0000}

BP: 200 Kħ

Mario Wall



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96x96 plastic voxels wall decoration. Sold as a kit in a Free DRM XS Dynamic Core to paste it as you want in your construct. Best rendering from afar. 4 parts in kit : from the core, down left part first, then up left part, then up right part, then down right part.

BP: 500 Kħ




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Did you ever want to rep your favorite Gen 1 starter? Well now you can! I've made the Gen 1 starters, and their evolutions, using their Gen 5 sprites. They are on a Dynamic S core, and they are of course DRM free. Venosaur, Charizard, and Blastoise, are a little offset (depth), so each pokemon is easy to grab for copy/pasting, though the large ones will need to be moved in 2 operations. Don't Ctrl+X. :D VR: Mnc Shop Grab the pos from VR, since my shop is on a dynamic core. ;)

BP: 5 Mħ
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