Dual Universe Creators

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Voxel Sets

Calibration Times



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Tool to keep track of mining unit calibration times. 5 locations can be displayed. After pressing the button the time is reset. The timer starts running and the next calibration time is updated. The indicator turns yellow when the warning level (time) is reached. The red indicator appears when the time is up. Settings via LUA Parameter Organization name Next calibration can be set in hours for each location Place name and ore deposits Tool um die Kalibrierungszeiten der Bergbaueinheiten im Überblick zu behalten. 5 Orte darstellbar. Nach dem Drücken des Tasters wird die Zeit zurückgesetzt.Der Timer beginnt zu laufen und der nächste Kalibrierungszeitpunkt ist gesetzt. Die Anzeige wird gelb wenn der Warnlevel (Zeit) erreicht wurde. Die Rote Anzeige erscheint wenn die Zeit abgelaufen ist. Einstellungen via LUA Parameter Organisationsname Nächste Kalibrierung in Stunden für jeden Ort einstellbar Warnlevel in Stunden Ortsname und Erzvorkommen Test it and buy it here: VR "STRUE SHOP and Deco Library" ::pos{0,2,2.9315,76.8597,24.0650}

Resale: 1.5 Mħ

Locura Arch HUD Information



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ArchHUD no longer has an on screen display showing key shortcuts or commands. Place a screen in your cockpit and have this handy way of seeing ArchHUD keys and commands. Easy way to view while flying is enter first person and look at the item you need then click back to 3rd person. - Multi Page! Just click screen to flip pages. - Now DRM FREE! Copy to your own screens. - Option for screen flipping. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Github Link--- https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-Locura-Information-Screens --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store

Individual: 500 Kħ

DF BloodFire Displays

Dark Forge


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- Officially Released - If you are looking to showcase your designs, sell your merch or something else along those lines then check out our custom line of screens. For one purchase you get the whole set of screen templates. You can edit and update the stats of any field as needed in game including uploading your own images for the display box. Our standard design comes in red but we can make custom variants complete with your logo, color scheme or altered background for an additional fee depending on services. We are taking requests now for custom orders Screen Types - Dispenser Screen - Stats, Showcase, Price, & Description - Stat Display Screen - Larger stat box with larger showcase box construct image - Showcase Display Screen - larger description box with larger showcase box for construct image. Created by: Firestorm & IanBloodraven

Individual: 5 Mħ

Player Logger



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for the script go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#player-logger-script Log player activity to a Databank(s) and render to a screen v3.2 tested with 1300 entries with 8 databanks will import older data when upgrading (save the data using the 'dump' command just in case) Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Manual Switch 1x Screen 1x Detection zone 1 to 8 Databank(s) Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/PlayerLogger/PlayerLogger.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Manual Switch -> Programming Board For multiple detection zone: add an "OR operator" (only 1 needed) in between Detection zones and the Manual Switch 3. Programming Board -> Manual Switch (both way) 4. Then do the same for the databank(s) and screen . 5. Finnaly, hit ctrl+L while looking at the board add your username in line 7 of unit.start() rename the location to your liking Activate the board manualy and type "help" in the lua chat for the command list 'clear' [clear the databank(s)] 'dump' [dump the table as JSON in the screen HTML so you can copy it] 'exit' [exit debug mode] 'help' display a list of commands 'remove (indices)' [remove an entry from one of the table] 'update' [Update the screen code]


Tiny Factory



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Market too far to go buy stuff? Industry line too obnoxious to setup for a few knock off items? Then this is the solution for you! The Tiny Factory will handle the industry lines for you. Just tell it what you want, turn it on, make sure it has ores and schematics, and it'll handle the rest! This Tiny Factory in a box, composed of only 20 industry units, can make any Basic, Uncommon, or Advanced item that can be produced by the XS, S, M, or L Assembly Line. Everything you need to know can be found here: https://github.com/squizzlabs/du-tiny-factory Discord: Still have questions? Ask here! https://discord.com/channels/760240626942869546/1078009204792631437/ If you can't join that you might have to join this Discord server first: https://discord.gg/CM2zWVPFFa Dispenser Location, Haven: ::pos{0,27,-14.3128,30.9315,9.6166} DRM FREE! Play with the code, break it, improve it, have fun!

Individual: 1 Mħ

Ship Sale Dispenser screen



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Simple screen to add to your dispenser. Lists all basic ship stats and creator info. it is meant for screen size M. grab it here: https://github.com/BartasRS/Dispenser-screen---ship-sale If you like my work tips are welcomed but not required. Enjoy!

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 Mħ

Saga's Autopilot



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Full autopilot suite to take you anywhere you want hands-free. many safety features when manually flying like burn protection and planetary / atmo border collision detection and information displayed to keep you safe. Info / sales through the Saga AP discord https://discord.gg/jTu8W8tXph

Individual: 3 Mħ

DeadGunner Suite



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Free fully featured PvP/PvE combat HUD that is open source and free to the public. Can be found here: https://github.com/Deadrank/DeadRank-DU

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 ħ

Locura Atmo Engine Information



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Screen showing the stats and values of every atmospheric engine in game. A massive upgrade over my old screen showing only large engines. Great for display or shipbuilders. - Multi Page! Just click screen to flip pages. - Hover over the text to see that engines picture. - Now DRM FREE! Copy to your own screens. - Option for screen flipping. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Github Link--- https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-Locura-Information-Screens --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store

Individual: 500 Kħ

DU Ore Manager



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This project leverages the recently released screen LUA APIs to provide an interface with the programming board. With this system, you can set up a public drop off point for ore with requirements for each available ore, and set the system to show all tiers, or single tier at a time. https://github.com/jdelgado-dtlabs/DU-Ore-Manager


Shield Control



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This script offers all shield functions on any size screen or screens. It uses touch buttons and is well tested. If you are interested, join my scripting discord at https://discord.gg/ttajxhZYXY

Individual: 10 Mħ
Resale: 25 Mħ

Simple AGG screen UI



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Simple AGG touch screen control UI. Far left slider controls the altitude, the "Alt Lock" button prevents it from being moved accidentally. Min is 1km and max is 10km. There are also 2 lock buttons to prevent the Agg power button from accidentally being toggled. The 2nd slider moves to display current current agg base altitude and the center box shows it also. The right box shows your ships current altitude. The script can be customized if needed (may be an additional fee depending on complexity) Future proof, uses new lua UI changes. Setup includes: Control board, any size screen, Databank (optional, but sometimes displays inconsistencies)

Individual: 1 Mħ
Resale: 5 Mħ

DU Jukebox

Prestige Worldwide


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Prestige Worldwide proudly presents DU-Jukebox, An in game music player you can customize to play your own music in game. Anyone that activates the board will hear any music that is selected by another player (as long as they also have the same files). A lot fun for streamers and groups with many friends. https://gyazo.com/ae0754b39a29d53308cd9bdfc5046a75 You can also create extra categories if you need more Individual price includes installation of up to 3 units on the same construct/ship so you can change music from one of the 3 music stations. Check out the optional script here: https://du-creators.org/makers/Prestige%20Worldwide/ship/DU%20Random%20Jukebox Contact Lee Fall#2362 for more info/purchasing.

Individual: 5 Mħ
Resale: 1 ħ

HIC Honeycomb Controller

Head InThe Clouds


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ever wanted a simple screen to control your honeycomb factory? got 1 or 2 or maybe 288 or more! we got you covered! With this script it comes with one DRM Controller on XS core that can be placed anywhere! then with just a few more parts on your own construct and our open source scripts you can control it all! each receiver programming board and control up to 9 honeycomb refineries! you can stack them with our relay controller (simple open source) and run even more! the possibilities are practically endless!!

Individual: 7.5 Mħ

JSE++ Space Elevator script



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JSE++ Space Elevator script Best adaptive space elevator script since 2019 JSE++ runs a compact version of the operating system Default++, allowing you to control with ease your construct every single parameters from anywhere on your construct, with its unique system of on player screen widgets. Default++ is an on player screen widget system, where you can interact with your mouse the widgets and buttons, drag and resize widgets at will. JSE++ is as of today uncontested the fastest, the safest, most accurate and easiest to use and configure elevator script for "your" elevator design. It will fit for any type of cargo and will give you enough parameters for you to play with to achieve ultimate performances. - Professional version: 5 to 6Mh * check on the uploaded pictures for features (lite version doesnt exist anymore) If you are a skilled designer and interested into participating into the space elevators Atlas project and resell your version of the Atlas with JSE++ script on it, contact me directly for more about the terms. Always available on discord for more info

Individual: 5 Mħ
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