Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordEquinox OS: Fuel/Mass/Hub Monitor
** 31/01/22 Support for Space Fuel XS ** The first in a series labeled 'Equinox OS,' PsychoSlaughter of Equinox Consortium brings to you a fuel, hub, and ship mass monitor utilizing the latest in Lua screen tech. This adaptable monitoring solution will adjust to any fuel tank configuration from 1 to 12 tanks, adjusting the display to utilize screen space. In addition to keeping tabs on fuel, this screen will watch your cargo levels ensuring you don't overfill that hauler*. For further stats on your ship, a mass display separates the ship, fuel, and cargo weights for you to review. Bundle this all with easy installation, configurable colors, and custom limits per ship and you have the last monitoring solution you'll ever need! DRM free for you to use on all your ships. Shipbuilders: please leave DRM on when selling your constructs for this OS. ::pos{0,2,34.6366,78.3544,247.2298} EASY INSTALL: 1. Deploy the monitor construct from blueprint 2. Right-click the programming board and select 'Copy Lua configuration to clipboard' 3. Place a new programming board on the target construct you want to add Equinox OS to 4. Right-click the programming board and select 'Paste Lua configuration from clipboard' 5. Right-click the programming board and edit the parameters to your specifications 6. Connect the core, hub, and minimum of one screen to the programming board *Cargo monitor supports one Container Hub only. Additional containers not connected to the single hub, or additional hubs, may throw off the calculations.
Officially taking over DamageReport A multi-screen capable, touch enabled, easy to install ship damage reporting script for Dual Universe. Includes a HUD mode to be mobile while repairing. Highlights damaged/broken elements in 3D space for easier finding. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Link--- https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/3 https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-DamageReport --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) Exchange @ Yellow Hall Booth 6 ( ::pos{0,0,-19010.3356,113355.2043,-74225.1859} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store
Diven's System Map
YouTube Demo: https://youtu.be/SsrcFBkUe-g An interactive map of the solar system. Display distance, Ore, Gravity, updating ships position, warp pipes, safe zone, trajectory, and a warp animation. More locations can be added to the map by request. For a working demonstration on a static core visit "Divens Lua Bazzar" at your nearest surrogate station Contact Me in game [Player Name: DivenDerp] or via Discord [Diven Desu#5809]
DU Jukebox
Prestige Worldwide
Prestige Worldwide proudly presents DU-Jukebox, An in game music player you can customize to play your own music in game. Anyone that activates the board will hear any music that is selected by another player (as long as they also have the same files). A lot fun for streamers and groups with many friends. https://gyazo.com/ae0754b39a29d53308cd9bdfc5046a75 You can also create extra categories if you need more Individual price includes installation of up to 3 units on the same construct/ship so you can change music from one of the 3 music stations. Check out the optional script here: https://du-creators.org/makers/Prestige%20Worldwide/ship/DU%20Random%20Jukebox Contact Lee Fall#2362 for more info/purchasing.
inDusign Pro v1.0
Screen advanced live drawing software Create anything based on DU renderscript using only touch screen No coding skills required dispenser at: ::pos{0,2,-21.5670,122.5013,169.7366}
Locura Arch HUD Information
ArchHUD no longer has an on screen display showing key shortcuts or commands. Place a screen in your cockpit and have this handy way of seeing ArchHUD keys and commands. Easy way to view while flying is enter first person and look at the item you need then click back to 3rd person. - Multi Page! Just click screen to flip pages. - Now DRM FREE! Copy to your own screens. - Option for screen flipping. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Github Link--- https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-Locura-Information-Screens --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store
DF BloodFire Displays
Dark Forge
- Officially Released - If you are looking to showcase your designs, sell your merch or something else along those lines then check out our custom line of screens. For one purchase you get the whole set of screen templates. You can edit and update the stats of any field as needed in game including uploading your own images for the display box. Our standard design comes in red but we can make custom variants complete with your logo, color scheme or altered background for an additional fee depending on services. We are taking requests now for custom orders Screen Types - Dispenser Screen - Stats, Showcase, Price, & Description - Stat Display Screen - Larger stat box with larger showcase box construct image - Showcase Display Screen - larger description box with larger showcase box for construct image. Created by: Firestorm & IanBloodraven
Shield Screens
Fox Racing
MANY THANKS TO RyanPryde FOR UPDATING THE SCRIPTS TO WORK IN 1.4!! (new link under "To install" below) v1.2 - Fixed support for Athena shield rarity, variable shield pools and more precise resistance setting. v1.1 - Added customization via lua parameters - change the look to match your setup. See a video of the interface in action (descriptions are in the subtitles/CC of the video): https://youtu.be/_1-vTFibuoo This is a direct replication of the shield unit's control interface, placed on screens so it can be used from seats, at engineering stations etc. Future Proof (uses the new screen RenderScript technology). Each screen manages it's own energy pool, allowing for multiuser or as pool presets. To install: https://github.com/RyanPryde/DU-ShieldScreens Feedback and requests are welcome.
IOE Clock
Institute of Errors
The Institute of Errors presents a simple, dynamic clock that displays the ingame time depending on your location. One day is 10 hours real time. The sunrise and sunset are at 6 AM and 6 PM. Sold at the Alioth Marina (::pos{0,2,38.3245,62.6634,4.6699})
10 Lights strobe
Fordie Industries
for 10 lights to go from 1 to 10 then 10 to 1 and repeat with a speed setting in lua perams VR: Fordie Industries Location : 11Km from Haven Market 3 DRM Free
Orbital HUD
The original DU Orbital HUD/ButtonsHUD/DimHUD - A full autopilot and HUD suite. It is on stable version 5.453 at current, and no further updates are planned. For a more fully-featured Autopilot/HUD (but potentially less stable), check out ArchHUD https://github.com/Dimencia/DU-Orbital-Hud Support is provided at the Open Source Initiative Discord, dual.sh/osin, in the #tech-support channel
Safe Travel Infos
Ater Omen
A visual representation of your ship distance from the warp tunnel between two planets. Fly safe during your missions! It also shows the safe zone, and simulate your ship trajectorys to let you know where you're heading. Script and presentation here : https://github.com/rhoffsch42/DualUniverse-public/tree/master/safe_travel_infos
DU Information Screen (EDITS)
Here we have the default system information screen made by NQ. However.... It can be so much more! Ill be doing different variations of the screen to show examples of what all this screen can do. Ill start off with a simple edit and work my way to something way different. Showing off anything from in game items, Org information, and even exchange sales items. https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-System-Information-Screen ----- I only offer help/support at https://github.com/LocuraDU https://discord.gg/TB2ecEd5rs I try to get around to helping on other channels but if you want help please use one of the above places.
--Still in development Free Industry script to manage and update products. https://github.com/Anauine/DU-MachineControl
Fox Syndicate Scripts
Essentially, this script provides an AR overlay to your world to view waypoints you have set with Archaegeo's script, in addition to the planets around you. Like all AR scripts made with the AR projection library, there are specific conditions under which this script functions correctly. If you are on a planet, assuming you aren't in a cockpit in another ship, the script should function flawlessly. It will only work in a seat on the construct the programming board was deployed in, and only if you correctly calibrate said seat, assuming you have "freelook" enabled. What freelook enables is a way to track where your camera is looking purely based on your mouse movement. Of course, this comes with one major downside: it won't work in the third person. Nor will it work if you don't calibrate your pitch and heading. Calibration takes place in the form of looking either up or down, pushing your mouse past the limit you can look and then looking either left or right. The accuracy is around 1 degree when looking straight on if the calibration was done properly. (Inaccuracy is purely a result of the mouse capture not being absolutely perfect) In space, as long as you are on the ship the programming board was activated on, it should function for both in a seat, walking around and jetpacking. Note that for walking around, you need to calibrate your pitch. There are a couple more settings to change around if you want to. However, that is about all you need to know. To use the script, copy the JSON file contents found in the link below and select something like "paste Lua script" using a programming board. Connect the programming board to the core, and activate! If you have some saved waypoints using Archaegeo's script, connect the databank to it, and it should load his script's waypoints as well. Link: https://github.com/EasternGamer/AR-Library/blob/experimental/NewWaypointer.json Disclaimer: I coded this, however, Archaegeo provided the idea, hence when starting the script he is credited and used to host the script.