Dual Universe Creators
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Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard
Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.
The Falcon
Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one
Destiny One
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)
Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}
AMG InnosV5
AMG DundeeTV
VR: Eternity Showroom Coords: ::pos{0,2,13.2272,99.6456,-0.0005} Hey everyone, This is my first ever design here and I hope you'll like it. The Innos was originally built as a medium size cargo vessel, that was reliant on using an antigrav to transport large amounts of weight out of atmo. After noticing that some people (especially beginners) didn't have the means to buy or use an antigrav we decided to remove it and make some adjustments, enabling it to still transport up to 2kt out of atmo, so that players would still be able to do every aphelia mission without running into any sort of problems. You'll still be able to upgrade the maximum exit weight of the Innos by using an antigrav Should you run into any problems or have any questions relating the Innos feel free to send me a DM on discord.
ZXR Spyder mk III
De Overheid
The third iteration of my daily flyer, a monster of a ship strapped to a small core. Easily takes over 2 kT from Alioth with room to spare. Perfect mission flyer and doing all your daily business barring hauling megaton nodes home. A few highlights: - Absurd flight handling. has a great mass balancing and turns like an XS core. Can do flips in mid-air or brake, turn and take off in the opposite direction without a hitch. (see rotation matrix) - Very low profile. Without resorting to angled engines, the front surface is kept to an absolute minimum. Using Seawing's flush wings and carefully placing engines in a staggered formation creates vey low drag. (See max speed, capped at 1250 to prevent burns) - Depending on your final configuration and load, it has a exceptional acceleration and brake force and takes off and lands like an overgrown pocket rocket. 5G thrust empty, drops to 1G at 2200 tonnes - It may not be your taste but I tried my best to cover the elements with voxels and shape something decent out of it. It even has a cockpit which is extremely rare for utilitarian ships like this. - Excellent storage, the bulk of the ship is shaped by the XL container, it provides enough space for anything you want to carry, it will be too heavy before it is full unless you are transporting Lumi voxels. Easy access from all sides by linkes XS containers in the wings and nose. Weight balanced in the rear by the hub. - Only needs one large space and atmos fuel tank for all engines, flies for days when half full, easy to refill from all sides. Feel free to ask for a spin in one of these, I am more than happy to discuss the final setup. Cost will be depending on your configuration but we have stock to deploy your personal ship in any. Even with basics it will outperform many ships out there, just out of luxury and because I use it daily, I equipped it with over the top rare military and maneuver grade engines, boosters and hovers and put in a rare optimised XL container too boot. Comes fully buffed to lvl 5
Lightwave Cargo
1st Place at Obsidian Paradox Christmas Fly In, 3,5+kT Hauler The Lightwave Cargo is a Atmo to Space Hauler, with 12 L Containers and can lift up to 7000 T from Alioth with Talents and Tuning. (Tested with 7500t most lvl 2 and 3 Skills, and lvl 4-5 Tuning) 1536 kL Cargo without Tuning with Tuning more than 2140 kL 34 Uncommon Military Atmo Engines (easy replaceable with higher Tier, with easy Snap points), 4 XL Basic Space Engines ( Easy Replaceable ) (If you change the Basic XL to Uncommon Safe or Maneuver its Easy to lift the 7500 t with a bit higher Skills) Enough Place for an Optional L-Shield 47 Retro brakes, 26 Vertical Booster, 35 Atmo Brakes, 4 L Space Fuel Tanks, 4 L Atmo Fuel Tanks... All Elements not stacked, and repairable from inside or Outside the Ship, no Elements are inside Voxels. Full Interieur with lots of details, if you need something Special on the BP contact me on DC. Visit on VR - "Lightwave - Cargo" Visit on VR - "Wombat Shop" Showroom POS: ::pos{0,27,40.9254,144.2449,35.8996}
The Radium is the newest ship from PINT. Capable of long range recon missions and exploration. It's 4 large containers allow for mission running and light cargo. Capable of leaving Alioth at 3.0kt total weight. With Full Fuel the usable payload is 2.0kt. Stop by Phalanx Station or VR to "Phalanx Radium" to see this ship in person.
Compact shuttle with comfortable interior, perfect for fast travel. XS Core low cost warp capable shuttle: 2 Warp cell - Madis 5 warp cell - Talemai Ship details: - Equiped with fuel monitoring - Equiped with Damage monitoring - Equiped with warp map - Atmo radar - Space radar - 6 passengers capable - Rez pod Fuel tanks accessible from the inside. Engines are military advanced For BP contact me via discord or come to see me on Haven on my location ::pos{0,27,28.3078,179.2059,24.5693} Come to see me via VR @ Wydee_ShowRoom
ORE Explorer
Outer Rim Exploration
TiWill33 and Mirantha from ORE bring you yet another creation from Star Citizen! VR: Outer Rim Black Market, or fly to Market 12, you can't miss our tower! This is our interpretation of the Freelancer MAX from Star Citizen. This ship comes with a collection of toys, including warp drive, gunner seats with S Railguns,, Albatross HUD, AR Damage Report, and an Advanced Shield Generator S. There can even be an AGG version if you're froggy enough. Token price is the model seen here. Like the original from SC, this ship has a cargo bay, however, we've converted it into a drop bay for your favorite pocket rocket! Yes, you can transport a small PR internally. Conveniently, all the TiWill33 Designed Pocketbikes fit perfectly! There are three versions available - one ultralight (700t Dry) with 538kL Storage, a steel/iron/aluminum, which is the one shown here, and a version with an XL space engine and two more ATMO engines in addition to the 6L Space. More photos coming soon!
Tie Mining Guild
Star Wars inspired Tie Mining Guild ship. Small M size core ship With max skills and max boost can lift close to a Kt to 0g. With very low skills can still life 500 to 600 ton to 0g. BP can be found at VR The Ship Shop TWB BP requires all basic elements and T1 voxel. Token NA Max space speed 37 000kh First 10 BP will be sold at 1Mh then going up to 2 Mh
Roborovski V2
Imperium of Goas
A small, good looking and cheap XS Hauler for beginners and small loads. It is available on the Goas Ship Shop 9 km away from M6 ::pos{0,2,39.2300,104.6832,111.8387} or you can look at it in VR at Goas Ship Shop (don't buy in VR) All statements without guarantee
United Empire
DoMoCo D-150
Doodle Motor Company
Ask about financing starting at 350,000 h down! You're not interested in all the frills, leather interior, shag carpet and the rest. You need one thing, and that's reliability. You need something that you know will take you where you need to go, and never let you down. You need something built Doodle Tough. At Doodle Motor Company, we strive to deliver performance, quality craftsmanship, and service beyond reproach. With the D-Series of Haulers you will find a workhorse of a vehicle. The D-150 is capable, boasting best in class hauling capability according to an unnamed study and customer testimonials.
Venture Hybrid
Outer Rim Exploration
PUBLIC VR OPEN! VR: Outer Rim Explo Black Market (Under Construction) Visit us at the OR3 Command Tower on Alioth near Market 12 (You can see it as you land!) The Venture Hybrid is an S-Core atmo/space runner. The design is slightly modified from the Space Only version to allow for atmo elements. Nothing is stacked, she's a fun little beast and balanced well. The design is meant to be more of a replica and is not designed to haul a ton of cargo. We have other Eve ships for that. (Hulk, Skiff...Rorqual!) She is the workhorse of our starter fleet Post-Launch and has served us well. Features other than listed: Res Node, VR In and Out, DamageControl Script, Albatross HUD. All of our Hybrid and Space Only ships have full XYZ navigation engines in space. There is a space-only version, and two combat versions based on the Prospect from Eve Online. You are welcome to request custom tokens done in specific colors. The Blue/yellow is true to the Eve original color scheme, however, I have prospect blue and all the variants of steel for other colors. ** Please note the photos above are from Beta. Launch Version is Carbon Fiber and Yellow Plastic to reduce weight greatly.