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The 16t Experience

It is a multi purpose Ship that is now eqipt for AGG Scanning and "light" Hauling. It can easy be equipd with any size Shield, gunner seats and weapons. Scanner´s and AGG can also easlily be removed to do some Mission Running or even a DSAT to Locust swarm a Safe zone Astroide with multiple People. I will sell BP´s customized to every´s buyer´s need. That goes for the Engines as well. For AGG Scanning and light Howling (5kt´s of extra Cargo) i got half of the engines as Military and the other half are Maneuver ones. For Mission runs or heavy hauling i can swap em out for every Tier of Military only. I did not test it with only Military´s on it but i assume it will probably be around 10kt´s of extra Cargo then. I will do test it for you if there is a interest to it. If you want to know more about this Ship, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUaxWNuVpoU&t=1s
Max Mission Hauler Mk5 /w Arch Hud 0.015

I Made this ship to fly the biggest DELIVERY F8 Missions.... You can deploy this ship and fly with no skills - its a little hard to get off Alioth with the largest 1.8kt package and requires the need to ascend in levels to prevent stalling. So far it has been tried and tested on many missions for huge profits. Is it worth it? Well YES! but how much is it going to cost. I've done an analysis of all the prices of all the parts at Alioth Market 6, and the breakdown is as follows. If all products are bought at the bid it will cost 6.32 million h. If all products are bought at the mid then it will cost 8.32 million h. Lastly if you smash the BUY NOW button and just take the asking price it will cost 10.33 million h. These figures were priced 10/26/22. The following are stats were taken with a fully loaded 1.8kt 7.5m mission package. The character may have been slightly buffed but nothing more than T3 in a couple talents. *DISCLAIMER* the stats below may be buffed, will post a deployed ship with no buffs stats soon!!!! LordPapp 10/26/2022) BP Despencer Inside Natron Factory Building /w Arch Hud 0.015 ::pos{0,2,54.1320,87.9726,8.1860} Good landing Spot ::pos{0,2,54.1766,87.8515,7.3770} ***BELOW STATS FOR MK1 - NO CURRENT STATS AVAIL**** Elements: 147 Honeycomb: 1.92m3 (Luminescent Purple Glass) Mass: 2.32kt Atmospheric-- Max Thrust 1.53g Brake Force: 7.91g Max Speed: 393m/s Low Alt Lift: 1.52g High Alt Lift: 1.49g Space-- Max Thrust: 1.14g Brake Force: 1.58g *PRICE DROP TO HELP NOOBZ GET STARTED* Nov 10th 2022 **Mk5 now in dispenser linked above, do not have list of current stats 11/25/2022 - Less containers and a few less atmos brakes and engines but more optimized and BIG IMPROVEMENT over Mk1 - STILL FITS 1 LARGEST PACKAGE FOR MISSIONS ** NOT PICTURED ***
[Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition

Unmatched Atmospheric Speed: When it comes to pursuing criminals through planetary atmospheres, speed is of the essence. The [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition excels in this domain, boasting an extraordinary level of velocity that leaves all others in its wake. Powered by its rare military atmo engine, this spacecraft unleashes an unmatched level of atmospheric speed, allowing you to swiftly track down and apprehend any lawbreakers attempting to evade justice. With its cutting-edge aerodynamic design, the [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition slices through the air with minimal resistance, maximizing its acceleration and enhancing its maneuverability. No fugitive stands a chance against the blistering velocity of this remarkable spacecraft. Whether navigating through towering cityscapes or traversing treacherous canyons, the [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition effortlessly maintains control at breakneck speeds. Its advanced stabilization systems ensure that even at the highest velocities, you can maintain precision and accuracy during pursuit operations. Rest assured, the [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition will enable you to pursue suspects with unparalleled speed and dexterity within atmospheric environments. No criminal can outrun your swift pursuit, as you dominate the skies and bring justice to every corner of the galaxy Responsible Use: While the [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition boasts exceptional capabilities, it is crucial to highlight the importance of responsible and ethical use of this spacecraft. It has been specifically designed for law enforcement and security purposes, intended to maintain order and protect the well-being of all citizens in Dual Universe. The [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition is equipped with advanced security systems, enabling law enforcement agencies to combat criminal activities effectively. However, it is important to remember that using this vessel for any unauthorized or illegal activities, including theft or illicit operations, is strictly prohibited. We strongly encourage all owners and operators of the [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition to uphold the values of justice, integrity, and respect for the law. It is through responsible use that we can ensure the preservation of order and a safe environment for all inhabitants of the galaxy. Please note that any misuse or unlawful actions committed with the [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition will be met with severe consequences, as Dual Universe authorities are committed to upholding the rule of law and maintaining the security of the universe. By utilizing the [Nutz] RDMS Police Rare Edition for its intended purpose—to protect and serve—you play a vital role in upholding justice and creating a harmonious community within Dual Universe. We appreciate your commitment to the principles of law enforcement and responsible ownership, as together we forge a brighter and more secure future for all.

"Grand Leed, ("leeds fish") was a giant fish of the Jurassic period" This ship has been created as a serious heavy hauler. There are no Deco elements (there is room to add them if you desire), there are no fancy board rooms or lighting elements and plants and frilly things. The Grand Leed's large top deck can accomodate moving other ships etc, but that is not the intended purpose. There are 10x Expanded Advanced Optimsed Container XXL & 14 Advanced Optimised L Containers across 3 HUBs, with connected Screens for monitoring. The ship has been tested with 35kt of cargo off and on to a 1G planet using SAGA Auto Pilot and AGG *NOT* Powered on!. Space Thrusters are included to make navigation at a space station easy. ATMO thrusters are included to make those fine adjustments during AGG usage. Please take some time to compare the STATS to other ships. Every effort has been made to make the ship hyper efficient and easy to manage. ALL elements on the ship that can be boosted, are boosted to level 5 non-PvP boosts before BP creation. All listed attributes were taken with full fuel and level 5 pilot skills. 3 Command chairs, two with ARCH HUD and one with SAGA HUD. For a view of the ship you can VR directly to the ship @ "Grand Leed POD" The Sales KIOSK can be found at VR: "SBLL Sanctuary Ship Sales" *** DO NOT BUY IN VR! Tokens Sales: - At this time, we have chosen to not supply tokens. NOTE: The Advanced Optimized containers on the ship can be left out at build time, and cheaper alternatives can be easily installed by the buyer.
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

OURANOS was the primordial god of the sky - Father to the Titans. As rare as it to know a Titan, it is even rarer to know the father of one. As such, the OURANOS variant of the infamous Captains Customs Titan carrier class is sold on a limited 10 run basis. Act quickly, some are already spoken for. Made from some of the most exquisite materials and elements, the OURANOS is guaranteed to turn heads, and make all mortals salivate at its pure perfection. This carrier will easily lift 30kt total weight from Alioth on VTOL to AGG with its rare military atmospheric engines, and move you through space with rare military space XLs. Once BrewAndPew of Captains Customs turned the reigns of this project over to Honjo, he knew that things would never be the same. Honjo went to work immediately and spent the next several weeks stripping apart the Titan, and creating the masterpiece that is OURANOS. What you see before you is a true labor of love, and an offering fitting of a god. This ship is not meant for your average mortal. Blueprints are sold at 1 billion quanta, and should you wish to own this ship in a unique color variation separate of the Captains Customs model, Honjo will use his creative artistic genius to make your dream a reality. Get yours today before they are gone! VR: Captains Customs - Ship Showroom Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} OURANOS owners: #1 - Honjo #2 - Sharkey #3 - IWAC #4 - BrewAndPew #5 - Captains Customs #6 - DaddyShark #7 - Credence #8 - #9 - Ruperthon #10 - Chaoswarlord
Nomad Class Hauler (R1)

The Nomad R1 is probably one of the most powerful haulers you can buy. It's the luxury version of the Nomad A1. Both have been designed and built with efficiency, superior flight behaviour and a clean, simplistic design in mind. If you enjoy being a freighter, run missions, or simply have a lot of stuff to move, you will enjoy this powerful ship which will not let you down. It's an L-core hauler with excellent stats. Having a torque of 542 to 662 MN.m this ship turns faster and smoother than you would expect from an L-core. It's well balanced layout makes it a joy to fly. An insane break force of 1326 MN allows you to savely operate within the atmosphere, and while the ship of course comes with an AGG, most of us simply land it on a runway as if it was an S-core. The substantial low altitude lift of 621 MN making it possible to bring 30.000t of cargo from Alioth into space, and the ship's slim frontal cross section defies it's huge cargo bay of 10 advanced optimised XXL containers holding up to 12979 kL. Warp drive, reverse engines for clean maneuvering, and over 200 airfoils complete this ship. A dry weight of only 4.3kt tell you that the interior has been reduced to the minimum in order to optimize the flight stats. High quality elements like the rare military atmospheric engines, rare military space engines XL, rare phased-array space radar, and rare capacitor shield generator give you a lot of bang for your buck, and an intelligent placement and linking of all fuel tanks make servicing the Nomad quick and easy. And, if you are not planning to go to space, you will exactly know which tanks you can leave empty, while the tank logic follows a simple balancing method so you will not constantly fly around with much more fuel than you really need. A huge glass cockpit ensures perfect vision, and the clean outline of the ship make parking the Nomad very easy. The R1 comes with ArchHUD by default, but can be ordered with Albatross HUD likewise. The Damage Report script optionally can be casted to two transparent screens in the cockpit, giving you full control of the situation at any time. Of course, as all luxury versions, the R1 has it's logo prominently displayed on it's top. All other decals can be customized upon ordering your ship. If hauling is your thing, or you simply need a reliable and good-looking workhorse in your fleet, you should consider the Nomad. Prices listed are for the blueprint or token of the R1. The token version comes fully fueled plus 500 Warp Cells for your initial jumps. You can see the ship always at ::pos{0,2,38.8701,113.8880,-56.7414} or visit in VR at "Starcom Incorporated HQ". Test flights can be arranged too, please contact via Discord in any case.
Titan Class
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

Titan Class Mobile outpost - Fleet Carrier - Central Command - Mega Hauler Over 120 Large container capacity. Can take off from the ground with atmospheric engines alone while empty, or at up to 25 KT of weight with rockets and atmos. L core, with 2 medium cores extensions added to it. All elements boosted to level 5 in every way. (flight, container, fuel) Just over 100 fully built interior rooms: You name it, and this ship has it. -jail cells -interrogation/torture rooms -officer quarters -isolation rooms -control area -surgery rooms -containment rooms -main medical room -Cryostasis tubes -officer quarters -waiting room -general clinic -critical care -DNA/cloning room -psychiatric ward -long-term care ward -physical therapy facilities -X-ray/CAT scanner/other diagnostic graphing tools -blood/samples testing -armory -training deck -firing range -officer quarters -containment rooms -science labs -testing rooms -officer quarters -shield generator -engines -power generators -power capacitors -main engineering -officer quarters -sewage -life support -cargo bay -external access cargo bay -plex storage bay -main hangar -vehicle bay -construction bay -repair bay -drone bay -officer quarters -civilian docking -refueling depot -crew quarters[bathrooms included] -Mess Hall -lounge -Holodeck -guest quarters[bathrooms included] -VIP quarters -bridge -Astrometrics/Navigation room -captain's ready room -conference room/Diplomacy room -hangar control -fleet control -command rooms (security grid control etc.) -captain's quarters -transporter room -escape pods -observation deck -spare rooms -Mobius chair docking -Computer core (logic)/Central server room -drop pod bay -Exercise room/gym -Armory on every deck -security checkpoints -security HQ -missile/ammo storage -weapon calibration room -main hall -main elevator -elevators -halls -Hot tubs -bar Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
Belovator XL
Super Powerful Pro Army

Here's the big one! Whether you waited for it or not, now it's available: The Belovator XL with 25kt of lifting capability from Alioth, without pilot skills! This Behemoth will brute force it's 20 expanded XXL containers to space with 200 advanced military atmo L and 24 advanced safe space XL engines. A well skilled pilot can easily lift more than 30kt from Alioth. If you plan to use it on a low-G planet there is plenty of space inside to fit 20 more expanded XXL containers. The Belovator is a lightweight shaftless space elevator that flies along a gravity line to transport your cargo and players into space. You can comfortably transport your assets from the planet surface to a space station without having to rely on an annoying AGG tower with an hour-long ascend or fiddly autopilot ships. Load up with cargo, select the target floor, wait, dock - unload! Belovator XL: - 25 kilotonnes of cargo lift from the surface of Alioth without any piloting skills/talents - 20x Expanded Basic Container XXL - 200x Advanced Military Atmo Engine L - 24x Advanced Safe Space Engine XL - 8x Advanced Freight Space Engine XL - 20x Advanced Maneuver Atmo Engine L - 12x Advanced Safe Space Engine L - L Core Stats are for unskilled pilots, cargo lift depends heavily on pilot skills. The lifting capability improves dramatically for a pilot with just lvl 2+ talents on atmo engines. The configuration of the elevator is done via Lua parameters and is limited to a few parameters to keep the complexity simple. Control of the elevator via touchscreen and/or HUD with very few buttons. Blueprint Dispensers available at: SPPA Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.3389,111.0206,0.6303} Alioth Exchange (Red Hall) ::pos{0,0,-18725.1095,113457.2829,-74341.0124} You can also take a look at our space elevators at our WIP Showroom on Alioth. Surrogate: SPPA Alioth Shop If you want to test one of the Belovators in advance, contact us in Discord and we will give you access. If you have any questions or need support, feel free to join our Support Discord. There we provide a FAQ, how to set up your Belovator properly and how to place a spacecore with correct alignment to the elevator. https://discord.gg/MbRPe8GujN
The Eclipse
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

The Eclipse Large Core Hauler - 7680KL Cargo Capacity 25+ KT Cargo off Alioth with 45.5 G's of atmo brake power (so that you can land that heavy load easily) Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
Pioneer 2023
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

“Let us not forget why we are here. Why we have spent ten thousand years traveling the void… We are the sons and daughters of old Earth. We have come to reclaim our future.. to build a new world for our people…. We are the Pioneers…” Excerpt: Book of Novea, Author: Unknown. Some say that it was these words that inspired Captain’s Customs vision. That it was these words that made the shipwrights cross the line from practical and reliable Medium Freighters into truly astonishing Large Core ships of the line… All we know is the result: The Pioneers. The 2023 Pioneer is around 120 meters long, has a barracks, a bar, an executive suite, and a captain’s ready room. It has 70 advanced atmospheric engines, 62 L Containers, AGG, and around 22,200 cubic meters of the best voxel design that money can buy. All this adds up to a ship that can lift 22Kt of cargo into space, move an entire organization between planets, and carry a small fleet of utility vehicles around the world. Simply put… this is The Ship. The Ship you take to strip mine a planet or asteroid. The Ship you take to curdle the willpower of those wanting to negotiate with you on ore prices. The Ship you take to restart civilization in a new star system, a million light-years from home. This Ship, is the most in-demand ship in the game. Building a Pioneer will monopolize the entire production capacity of a small Aliothian nation. Running it will devastate the local economy. Deploying it should be an achievement. This is not the ship for you. You can't afford it…. But you know you want it anyway. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
Destiny IV
Dream Designs by Ristlin

Mobilize your expeditions with the all new Destiny IV, a 10 Expanded Container XXL logistics carrier designed to take the Destiny series to the far reaches of space. Its beautiful, clean design offers superior performance with tons of room for customization. Utilize the top-deck to dock multiple S and M cores. Take control of your own destiny. Features 40 Advanced Military Engines, 6 Rocket L, 4 Advanced Military Space XL, 4 Advanced Military Space L, Advanced Shield Generator L, and AGG-M.
Nomad Class Hauler (A1)

The Nomad A1 has been designed and built with efficiency, superior flight behaviour and a clean, simplistic design in mind. If you enjoy being a freighter, run missions, or simply have a lot of stuff to move, you will enjoy this powerful ship which will not let you down. It's an L-core hauler with excellent stats. Having a torque of 545 to 657 MN.m this ship turns faster and smoother than you would expect from an L-core. It's well balanced layout makes it a joy to fly. An insane break force of 1326 MN allows you to savely operate within the atmosphere, and while the ship of course comes with an AGG, most of us simply land it on a runway as if it was an S-core. The substantial low altitude lift of 621 MN makes it easy to lift 20.000t and more from Alioth into space, and the ship's slim frontal cross section defies it's huge cargo bay of 10 XXL containers holding up to 7680 kL. Warp drive, reverse engines for clean maneuvering, and over 200 airfoils complete this ship. A dry weight of only 4.5kt tell you that the interior has been reduced to the minimum in order to optimize the flight stats. High quality elements like the rare military space engines XL, rare phased-array space radar, and rare capacitor shield generator give you a lot of bang for your buck, and an intelligent placement and linking of all fuel tanks make servicing the Nomad quick and easy. And, if you are not planning to go to space, you will exactly know which tanks you can leave empty, while the tank logic follows a simple balancing method so you will not constantly fly around with much more fuel than you really need. A huge glass cockpit ensures perfect vision, and the clean outline of the ship make parking the Nomad very easy. The A1 comes with ArchHUD by default, but can be ordered with Albatross HUD likewise. The Damage Report script optionally can be casted to two transparent screens in the cockpit, giving you full control of the situation at any time. All decals can be customized upon ordering your ship. If hauling is your thing, or you simply need a reliable and good-looking workhorse in your fleet, you should consider the Nomad. Prices listed are for the blueprint or token of the A1. The token version comes fully fueled plus 500 Warp Cells for your initial jumps. You can see the ship always at ::pos{0,2,38.8701,113.8880,-56.7414} or visit in VR at "Starcom Incorporated HQ". Test flights can be arranged too, please contact via Discord in any case. --- Is there something more you can get than the A1? Hardly, but if want to go all the way and spend even more money, there's an R1 version (https://du-creators.org/makers/StarcomIncorporated/ship/Nomad%20Class%20Hauler%20%28R1%29) which turns your 20.000t hauler into a 30.000t hauler while increasing the cargo bay from 7680 kL to 12979 kL. As this requires all the atmospheric engines to be upgraded to rares, the price of the R1 is substantially higher than the A1. Do you need it? No. But if you can afford a Porsche 911, why not buy a Porsche 911 Turbo? :)

!NOTICE! NQ finally revoked access for unsubbed accounts, thus I no longer will be able to sell you my blueprints, thank you to all that have bought and flew my creations! Large Core forever WIP complete shell, basic/unfinished interior, as is. All attributes corresponds with pilot talents @level 4 and Level 4 Handling on all flight/fuel tank and container elements. Has Wehpuns(2L/ 2M railguns, 2L/2M Missile pods) 10 L Containers, enough space for 50+. I carried 24kt cargo with this thing from Alioth to Sanctuary pre 0.23 patch without talent bonuses lol. With talents and the handling bonuses that I applied post 0.23 patch with the talent reset it can probably escape 1G gravity with far more weight than that. Obviously needs to use the AGG for that much cargo, unsure how many kt it can take from 0-1000m traditionally. High Altitude Lift = 161MN M AGG, Warp Drive, etc Come see my ships in VR at "Shu Ship Showroom"
Dot Hermes v2 MAX
Dot Hack

Dot Interplanetary presents the Dot Hermes v2 MAX. Ship is equipped with 72 large atmo engines, 6 XL space engines, Tri Territory Scanner, Deep Space Asteroid Scanner, Docking Collar, Hanger Bay with Maintenance Unit and a Bar . Pick up your Dot Hermes today!

"USS Langley, (CV-1/AV-3)" - The first US Navy Aircraft Carrier 1920-1942 While this is not a replica of that famous ship, it carries that famous name. The ship has been created as a no-nonsense purpose-built work ship. There are no Deco elements (there is room to add them if you desire), there are no fancy board rooms or lighting elements and plants and frilly things. The total element count is 633. The Langley has a large flat carrier deck that is greater than the size of an M core ship, as such it can accommodate the largest M core ships in the game while they have a full load, and that is what it was built for. While this is not a "Hauler" there are 34 Advanced Optimised L Containers below deck, 4 of them for Warp Cell and miscellaneous storage. There is a massive area "On Deck" to place cargo packs or containers and your favorite ships up to a fully loaded M core. The ship has been tested with 16kt of cargo off and on to a 1G planet it is being rated at 16kt, more than that is the Pilots responsibility. There are 30x Advanced Military atmospheric engines to push this to space, and 4x Advanced Military space engines to get it to max space speed. Space Thrusters are included to make navigation at a space station easy. There is space to add 8 more ATMO Engines if you do not use an AGG. Please take some time to compare the STATS to other ships. Every effort has been made to make the ship efficient and easy to manage. ALL elements on the ship that can be boosted, are boosted to level 5 non-PvP boosts. All listed attributes were taken with full fuel and level 5 pilot skills. 2 Command chairs, one with ARCH HUD and one with SAGA HUD. For a view of the ship you can VR directly to the ships ready room on board the ship @ "Langley 2024 AGG V1" Tokens Sales: - At this time, we have chosen to not supply tokens. Ship Showroom is being Moved! A full parts list can be found here >> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ih4N3ge9b1rLOuoEXmpPdfr9FzJJramSgDM9o4scPvY/edit?usp=sharing NOTE: The Advanced Optimized containers on the ship can be left out at build time, and cheaper alternatives can be easily installed by the buyer.