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Small Core Micro Hauler By DivenDerp, Wonderland, and SLI Form through Function BP Available through Wonderland VR: Divens Bazaar ::pos{0,2,39.5405,105.7811,180.1833} Token & Delivery Available through STFE Crafting Services VR: STFE Public Medusa Station Contact Moulinex#6863 ::pos{0,0,-1335230.2628,1129194.5623,-2386435.3304} Contact DivenDerp for questions
ELXR Manta S
Elixir Engineering
Presenting the first ship I feel okay selling...the ELXR Manta S! A sleek, fashionable, little S-core warp shuttle/transport. Uses 6-7 cells to Madis and Thades, this ship takes inspiration from the majestic Manta Ray and other stingrays of the oceans on our original home - Earth. I will be selling ships I've made along my journey of learning more and more voxelmancy, this one utilizes some nice smooth lines that I learned from an org member. The interior contains a few screens currently with nothing on them. I am hoping to learn some LUA, but for now, they are blank so you may put whatever you want on them. Please message me on Discord for now as I setup my shop, thank you! Discord: eevielixir#3317 GIF of lights in action: https://media.giphy.com/media/RqOkwkocUVISPYG1IL/giphy.gif
F4U Corsair
Pocketship version of the WW2 F4U-Corsair Top Speed around 900Kph, very maneuverable. location: ::pos{0,2,33.8833,110.2308,89.3031}
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard
CreoDron's rugged logistics cruiser has remained a workhorse of Gallente Federation shipping lanes for centuries, offering an unique marriage of comfort and performance on a pretty dime.
Dot Metis
Dot Hack
Dot Metis is first series of Dot Interplanetary of ships that is being introduce after the release. Dot Metis is a pocketable ship with an over engineered wing left. Come and pick up your ship today. Free BP. Update: All ships come with T5 buffs, just message me in discord to find a time.
Turtle OG
The Turtle is an S core Hauler designed for solo or duo mining expeditions on other planets and bringing your ore back to alioth. Since we never bring heavy loads out of alioth it is a bit low on space thrust , but fine on all sub1G planets. Exelent weight distribution and nice handling. Overpowered braking power for the not so exprienced player. Ship stats with advanced engines / lvl5 Boosts, rest at lvl 4: 1G (alioth to space): lvl5 pilot skills 1550t lvl4 pilot skills 1250t lvl3 pilot skills 1000t (no altitude eff./no warmup opt.) below not tested. It takes 1 week to get every pilot talkent to lvl3! 1G (Alioth surface only) lvl5 pilot skills 2500t lvl4 pilot skills 2250t Glide reentry works fine if you come from other planets with 2500t. We provide Put down(technican) buffs for every of our Blueprints free of charge. VR: Hadron HQ Alioth
Origin AX113
wanna fly with style? than this is just what you need. it has 10 Small containers on board and some additional space in the back to fit 10 more. Or smack a warp engine in there and fly to a distant planet in no time. it is equipped with a small shield generator and 3 guns (primarily to look cool, but hey :p maybe someday you'll meet someone in pvp space with less guns) even if you don't need it, just buy it because it looks cool. blueprint is only 2,5 million
Viper MK 2 LT
This is the second version of the Viper. The Viper MK2 Light Transport, It carries 8 small containers and is designed to seat 8 passengers. It still has 4 XS containers for schematics and Blueprints. 20 warp cells from Alioth to ION empty. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6707,91.2553,57.6432} All stats are as boosted with lvl 3 skills. If you boost them higher it will be better. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466
SFC Ceto
Full space X12 L container available here: :: pos{0,27, 8.3921,22.7110, -.0000} VR: FuelCola Boat Bar
Baby Kestrel
Captains Customs - Ship Sales
The Baby Kestrel In every project, there is an opportunity for misadventure… an outcome that wasn’t expected. So when Captain’s Customs began the Kestrel Sport Project, they weren’t surprised when things didn’t quite go to plan.. However, when excitedly summoned to design floor by young Ensign Wokka, Intern Ship Wright, Captain Miller was not prepared for the Baby Kestrel… Like a disappointed bride on Wokka's wedding night… Captain’s could only say… “where’s the rest of it?!” Shrunk in every dimension, young Wokka had gone mad with the cutting tool and made, what can only be described as a mini homage to the Kestrel. But from madness has sprung greatness! In the crucible of deletion, a mighty instrument had been forged! This tiny ship may just be one of the finest warp shuttles going, able to send you from Alioth to the farthest reaches of the system on 9 warp cells. And it looks like your flying a Kestrel while doing it! Like all other ships of the Kestrel line, this one has been anointed with a prayer from its pilot’s guild: “Cast far upon the horizon, this shooting star sped. Faster and further than any like it. Across the void, a blazing streak of destiny…” It’s time to meet your destiny, time to cram yourself and two friends into it, time to surf space-time to destinations unknown… Time to buy the Baby Kestrel. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain’s Customs – making less from more since time began.
The Roan
The Roan Limited Edition the 1st Limited Edition ship build and released by Dracks from Obsidian Dragon only 12 will ever be made and sold at the time of this post there are 5 left 75million Token only all advanced only Attribute details comming soon VR to The Roan to see the ship Sold Out to date there are now 11 left in the world as one was lost in PVP
Viper MK 1
Slim line red and black ship designed for modification. The interior is designed to allow you to add seating or cargo or a warp drive. This is the slim sleak version. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6707,91.2553,57.6432} All stats are as boosted with lvl 3 skills. If you boost them higher it will be better. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466
COMPASS is BACK!! Already... SOLD OUT!! **ONLY 10 will be made** NOT ONE IS THE SAME! DM me if you're an Owner for repairs or Updates! Highly requested and much sought after. Only 10 were made in Beta and they changed hands for some serious Quanta. If you know then you know. The Compass MK5 is a personal transport with a focus on aesthetics. A unique design not seen anywhere else; get yours while you can. Proud Owners: Ship #1. Snoochie Boochiez Ship #2. CentauriPrime Ship #3. ZTaylor16 Ship #4. Friday Witch Ship #5. Mnc Ship #6. Sambo726 Ship #7. Vickstiffler Ship #8. JoshMdy Ship #9. Sharkey Ship #10. SeekerOfHonjo Come check it out. I have one on Display. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Also on DU Creators https://discord.gg/RQS3RsGn
Oasis ShipYards
OSY Presents the swordFish a highly capable cargo hauler with the ability to move up to 1kt into space with piloting talents, sporting a massive 2 large container storage capacity while still maintaining the signature OSY aggressive ship design and tight handling characteristics. this ship was designed with long distance space travel in mind perfect for mission running as it has 4 military space engines to get to top speed in a shorter span of time.
NyanCat PVP Ship
NyanCat PVP Ship BP PRICE : 1 000 000 GENERAL INFORMATION - Space Ship Only - S Core - 6 Advanced precision cannon S - Space Radar - Transponder - Advanced S shield DESCRIPTION : - Max thrust : 14g - Brake force : 24.5g - Max Speed : 46 111 km/h - Low altitude lift : 1.37g DISPENSER LOCATION : ::pos{0,0,17127389.4364,22513674.7864,-313907.7179} VISIBLE THROUGH VR : [IC] TJC Space Station