Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordOryx
Vega Hex Industries
The Oryx is an XS hybrid ship that is really fun to fly and bring you to your destination in style. Whole body is made of titanium and it comes with all rare military engines around. Tokens are fully boost to LVL 5 talents. Custom colors on demand. If you decide to buy a BP, come visit our installations and we will boost the ship free of charge. Come visit us in VR at Vega Hex Showroom or in person ::pos{0,2,-21.6898,12.6947,-0.0001} DM if you have any questions on discord: vork or .dothack
Aphelia's Lost Ships ( DRM Free)
Shadow Union
Looking to add to your space wreck collection? Then cast your eyes on these. We have the Bullet, Stiletto, Pigmy, Hydra, and Halea XS ships. The Condor S core, and The Argos M core Ship. (Aug 2023) updated and added the DRM Free Copies of the Kepler, Clydesdale, and Shuruken. (FEB 2023) Now Adding the Kepler, Clydesdale, and what we believe is the Shuruken the vertical s Core they currently have DRM protection Some are space only, Some are ATMO only, and or hybrid so look closely. prices start at 100k and go up to 2.5mil based on rarity and size, all are DRM-FREE. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195} poc tracen#3479 We are looking to add more to the fleet! contact in Discord: tracen#3479 if you can help out, let's work a deal.
Malak AES 01
Malak, a little sister of the Nihilus. A warp shuttle which does not feel like one. She is agile, strong and fast. Manufactured with maxed out skills. Deployed with default HUD. Share the experience, you won't be disappointed. *************************************************************************************** Please visit our showroom on Alioth. Location ::pos{0,2,38.1670,99.6339,953.7206} Be careful, the showroom is on a glass platform and it might take some time to load when you land there, so land carefully and take your time. ***************************************************************************************
Captain Harlock
Years of dedication and passion have resulted in the construction of the Calico. Hand crafted with the highest level of voxel detail and deliberate element placement of any ship I’ve made before. The Calico has everything you need in a warp shuttle and so much more. Inspired by the Star Atlas “Calico Hero” and adapted to the mechanics of Dual Universe; the Calico is engineered to rival any small core warp shuttle available in game. Entering the ship from either side will reveal a wide open cargo hold for installing additional containers or securely storing an XS speeder. On the front walls you will find switches for toggling on/off the lights and screens throughout the ship and on the back wall 3 Programming Boards. The top Programming Board enables the Ship Info script found in the cockpit. The reinforced door leads to the cockpit and up the stairs to the two main flight controllers, both of which come with Arch HUD GFN version preinstalled. When seated you will find a screen displaying the Shield Activator Script (written by RobRocketPants and updated by FinalX) and a screen displaying Ship Info (script by Krengus of ASTco) for easy access while flying. The unique glass canopy spanning the length of the ship provides the pilot and passengers with an unparalleled sense of openness and spatial awareness. Towards the back of the ship and either side of the Resurrection Node are access ladders to the living quarters. Upstairs you will find the 3D Augmented Reality Damage Report (script by Koruzarius), 2 passenger seats, the Container HUB and the RGB light control (script by Krengus of ASTco). From the living quarters you have access to the fuel tanks, however 2 hatches on the roof can also be used to access the same tanks from outside. The Calico comes with a mix of Advanced Safe and Military Space Engines varying from size S to L and 4 Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines size L. The default is our recommended engine loadout however you can easily swap any engine using the flat surfaces found behind the engines when removed. Simply align the new engines to the existing voxel designs and remake the links. Art inspiration can be found here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mDV2L8 ***The first 25 Ships will be sold as tokens with a custom certificate with the buyers name and number on the ship before the Blueprint will be available as standalone*** I want to say a special thank you to everyone who bought a token of the Calico! I post below the 25 buyers with their certificates 1.Canuckl3head 2.Necormax 3.xSKeevx 4.Lunarzkii 5.Vampskull 6.Sambo726 7.xdracksx 8.Necormax 9.MNC 10.Novalok 11.Poljack 12.Taylorbud 13.snouchie 14.MurderousDeuce 15.Kalri1774 16.RCG Corporation 17.Swervin 18.Hadron 19.Shiromar 20.Necormax 21.Arcuro 22.DominoSugar 23.Braddock 24.Bellwether 25.Maggles Messy Muppets Custom variations with different colors only available as tokens to choose You can change the honneycomb colors when spawn the ship Matte Black brick must stay the same or same matte type Black pattern marble must stay the same or same type LvL 5 Max talents to everything Important Specs Max Cargo Capacity - 192KL Capacity (2X Medium Containers on a HUB) Maximum Cargo Weight - 800T (It will go higher with higher piloting skills) Ship Weight (fully fuelled, no cargo) - 460T Flight Scripts Archhud Geforce version Fuel Tanks 2M Space 2 M Atmo (accessible inside and out) Space Engines, Sizes & Types : 2 L Adv Safe, 4 M Adv Mil, 1 S Adv Mil Atmo Engines Sizes & Types : 4 L Adv Mil Shield Size & Type Advanced XS Top Speed in Space 36,770km/h Landing Lights turn on automatically (scripted by RyanPryde and modified by FinalX) Screens throughout scripted by FinalX Known Specs Light switches, screen switches new color picker Warp Capable Living Quarters Ladder Access Cargo Hold for a small XS ship inside Shield Activator Script Robrocketpants (Programing board Cockpit area) Krengus ASTCO Shipinfo Script (Programing board cargo area the top one) RGB Lightboard ASTCO 3D AR Damage Script Koruzarius Landing Lights (if they are not working try to deactivate the switch in the cockpit under the board then enter the seat) **Important note** While you flying you must have all the programing boards (LUA) off especially the AR damage and ship info script it causes CPU overloads New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated and and have rgb color picker Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated New color picker lua All the screens and lua reworked to work with color picker and you can change their colors New custom version White-red color (Better for recolor more details) blueprint available at Kosmos showroom only! Have fun and enjoy Calico!
Dot Python
Dot Hack
Elite Dangerous Python is now in Dual Universe. Dot Python is your mission/hauler ship capable of defending itself in PVP when the time is right. Ship has a full interior which has an engineering room, shield room, bridge, two open cargo rooms, bar and many more. Ship was tested to leave Alioth with over 2kt of cargo weight and can do more with engine and talents upgrades. Ship has 2 L Advanced Military Atmo, 4 L Uncommon Military Atmo, 1 XL Military Space, 1 L Atmo tank, 1 L Space tank, 2 S Space tank, 18 L Atmo brakes, 16 L Space brakes and much more. Update: All ships come with T5 buffs, just message me in discord to find a time.
XS Hauler with 2 S Containers VR: SKYEXPLORER SHIP SHOP Blueprints available at Alioth ::pos{0,2,34.3635,107.2191,203.2601} 11 km East from Market 6
Bolt Fighter / Interceptor
Dark Forge
The Boltfighter / Interceptor is a small, cheap, solo/dual XS core PvP ship -- Meant to be used for anyone on a budget. This is a great option for an interceptor not only for launch week but for long term basic combat needs for new or solo players on a budget. great for closing the distance between slower targets. - Created by "[DSI] Creepers#3126" - Armed with 4 XS railguns How to find: - VR - Search for "DSI Dark Forge HQ" (do NOT buy a BP in VR!!) - ::pos{0,2,21.9994,107.1816,6.5935} - Near Alioth DM7 - Alioth Exchange Market - BLUE HALL - LOT 05
The Wombat (most Versions Space Only) very Modular Ship for Mining, Discover Wracks... Modular for, D-Sat, S-Shield, M-Shield Versions, with 2 L Containers, 2 M Containers, Warp, Atmo Warp.. Do you need a Special Configuration or a Special Paintjob, just write me on Discord :) Visit on VR - "Wombat Shop" Showroom POS: ::pos{0,27,40.9254,144.2449,35.8996}
MCRN Tachi (Rocinante)
S-core Corvette-class light frigate. Equipped with 6 cannons, S shield and a little bit of hull armor (1.36M CCS) Can be used for easy PvE missions. BP dispenser at ::pos{0,27,6.1317,-119.2214,41.9014} To view in person, visit VR: "Tachi Display"
VF-1 Valkyrie (free Tokens or BP))
Free buffed Token or BP, DRM free too! Just an all around fun ship to fly in atmo and space. Was built as a fun toy to own. Great visuals in space! Flies like a dream! Hit me up in discord or in game if you want one! It is a featured racer is DU Racing's Top Gun event held the first Saturday of every month. All the stats are great and the space, especially the atmo brakes are ridiculous! Latest version 5.0 comes with 2 medium rare military atmo engines, 2 medium rare military space engines, 2 small rocket engines, resnode, xs container, Seawings heat shielding, DU racing lua, programmed with several races starting at Star Watch Naval Air Station, and a downward thruster for space station landings, atmo and space radar, Arch Hud installed (only works if you have it on your pc), otherwise you need to install your own hud or switch back to default. Based off of Robotech VF-1 Valkyrie. Great reviews! Tokens are available as fast as I can make and buff them! Over 50 have been built so far and that number keeps going up! They are pretty popular! Watch a video on it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L3f7R2IB-I&t=7s
VF-4A Lightning III
A superior, sleek, high performance, popular and fun ship to fly, one of the best! A cheap and easy to build must have ship to add to your collection! The BP should be worth a lot more but offering it at a low price for everyone to enjoy! Features, 4 medium rare military atmo engines, 2 medium rare military space engines, and 2 small rocket engines for afterburners. Great range, 2 small containers linked on a hub for storage making it great for quick market runs. Lots of thrust, lift, brakes and floats like a feather on the wind. Turns and brakes on a dime! DRM free version for 10 million quanta which gives you full rights to customize, make, use, and sell your own blueprints. Easy for new players to fly and learn to become a great pilot. Can choose versions with Default, Arch Hud, Albatross, or Aviator Hud already installed. Safe atmo re-entry speed approximately 5000 kph. Also, comes with a resnode, and manuevering and reverse space thrusters for precision space landings. Left and right manuevering thrusters uses left and right arrow keys. Up and down uses C and Space Bar, reverse uses the mouse wheel. This is now my favorite ship to fly and I hope it becomes yours as well! Visit my new ship showroom in VR - Booty Showroom or drop by in person at Star Watch Naval Air Station at ::pos{0,2,39.3224,61.9595,10.3179} This ship was a colaboration with BootyBanzai, YesmanDU974, and TonyLeStark.
DHP hybrid
Stellar Forge
New Product by DarthShelL in association with Stellar Forge Rapid ongoing development DHP hybrid v.1 A little taste of what's to come ask in our creators page about options and upcoming features. VR: Stellar Forge
BSSS Claymore MK2
Broken Skull Ship Shop
All Tokens will be based on current market prices For Tokens Msg AtrusKage #8484 on Discord Updated Version Created originally by Awesomeness and Fembot the Claymore has been redone under Broken Skull with no stacked elements. reducing the original 40 containers down to 16 Advanced Optimized L's and 4 Basic L's giving a more open floor plan for any add in's you would like to have. This ship is a unique and versatile hauler with application's for a wide array of uses. AGG equipped for heavier loads from the space station to planet. Current lift load from Alioth to space is 10kt but with better skills could push higher. Ship was made with 3/4/5 skills across the board to elements. 90 percent of the canvas of the ships is all one color so you can choose the color scheme you would prefer. Plus I couldn't decide what to color it. Special thanks to RyanPryde of Hadron, for helping in some technical changes making this build rewarding. VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop
Booty Hunter
Medium core asteroid hunter. Cheap bp! Everything is functional. Recommended for safe zone only. Built for 1-4 crew members. 2 large and 4 medium containers for main storage. 2 large each of space and atmo tanks, 4 large each of space and atmo engines. Also has a lot of animated screens. 3 gunner chairs, 2x small rail guns, 2x small cannons, 2x small missile pods. 4 medium space engine downward thrusters. Hovers and vertical boosters. Dispenser for bp is on the ship. Has plenty of space and atmo brakes. Created by BootyBanzai and XdaveplazX. Home port - Star Watch Naval Air Station west of Nitro City and near Market 17. VR - [PVR] BOOTY HUNTER 01
Titan Aerospace
Deliverance from Titan Aerospace is the Flagship of our line-up. Note: The LUA will need to be set up to your prefered flight scripts etc as it still has some older LUA on which im not sure still works. I've not been able to test this ship since launch because of the spawn cost, but im happy to help with any issues should you find any. With 19 Expanded XL cargo containers its designed to move significant volumes of cargo in comfort. The 4 spacious crew cabins have an un-paralleled view of the system with privacy shutters for those, personal, moments. The front multi purpose mounts (shown with rails placed) can take a weapon or an EX XL container, allowing for 2 extra containers to be placed for even more storage. Placements have been made available for 2 gunner positions (although a 3rd could be added giving 10 lasers and 3 rails), allowing for a defensive system of lasers and rail guns. From the captain’s chair emergency lights can be activated, as well as the lights for the 2 landing pads towards the rear of the ship, one with a retractable landing area. The 2 landing pads have an L container each, so RDMS can be set up for guests to refuel, rearm or repair without needing to access the main containers. For those that wish to fly first person a small roof bridge is accessible from the combat bridge. There are 2 maintenance access doors leading to the core and inner workings of the ship to allow for internal repairs. The BP provided is set up with weapons and T3 engines.