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Voxel Sets
Lua Scripts

300i Plus

Southern Cross High Guard


Cargo Lift: 226 t

Inspired by the classic Star Citizen 300i Warp Shuttle. Warp in style. 6 cells from Alioth to Madis. Do we need to say any more? VR: SCHG Ship Sales - Madis ::pos{0,1,81.7469,5.7865,545.1833}

BP: 1 Mħ

Spirit of Bentheim

Shadow Union


Space Thrust: 74.6 MN

Versatile, Flexible, and Luxurious are only a few words that come to mind. Offering great styling and practicality. Being able to outfit a DSAT and M-size shields for your deep space roid runs while doing it in style and class. Or if container space is needed for your latest hauling mission. The Spirit of Bentheim is your one-stop shop of style and class while getting the job done. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom

BP: 5 Mħ

DHP (Darths handy platform)

Stellar Forge


Dry Weight: 2.9 t

New Product by DarthShelL in association with Stellar Forge Rapid ongoing development DHP v.1 A little taste of what's to come ask in our creators page about options and upcoming features. VR: Stellar Forge

BP: 5 Mħ

ETA LH 500 MK2 Advanced Warp

Elite Transport Associates Ship Works


Cargo Lift: 600 t

Great Light Warp Huller Build for the space trucker. This ship focuses on fuel economic as well as its first person piloting. The ETA LH 500 advanced is a fully upgraded version of the basic LH 500 Costume Engine Config Available Ship comes with Equip with: 2 Adv Fright Atmo Engine L 4 Adv Fright Space Engine M 2 Adv Maneuver Space Engine L 2 Adv Fright Space Engine S For Easy Space station docking Warp Drive 600t Plus off Alioth Albatross HUD. All ETA Ships come with LvL 5 put down skills for fuel tanks, engines, and containers.

Token: 10 Mħ
BP: 2 Mħ

2000 F1 v2.0 - PVR's Official Racer

Tony's Shop


No attributes :-(

The NEW version of Pure Velocity Racing's official racer! Take on the streets of Nitro City or any voxel-racetrack with maneuverability and style! - GTA-like driving [WASD] - Holding [CTRL] activates the rear braking lights - Locked axis/tilt/roll [only works over flat voxel] - Level 4 flying skills required for stability [drift] - Powered by [1] Rare Military atmospheric engine Want a test drive before making a purchase? Contact TonyLeStarK or BootyBanzai in-game or Discord. VR: Pure Velocity Nitro City ::pos{0,2,39.4624,63.7217,176.0173} Voxel artists: TonyLeStarK, B0neshredder Lua: YesmanDu974, Neocrypter [DRM protected]

BP: 1 Mħ




Max Speed: 2,200 km/h

Fun and fast pocket-ship. You just have to try how it flies, cause it do fly in a different way. Designed to be flown in a 3rd person with a distant camera. Atmospheric radar included. = Manual = - Important - All keybinds in this manual given in the same way you get them from control settings. So if you see [strafe] that means you should check which keybind you are using for that in your control settings first be sure to have few meters of space below and open space infront of you when switching to rocket mode be careful in rocket mode and remember that you can not stop immediately from the high speed - Modes - There are two different modes: 1. - Vertical mode - you'll start in that mode 2. - Rocket mode - in that mode you'll become a rocketman :) - Keybinds - Vertical mode: you are able to use [forward/backward] [up/down] [strafeleft/straferight] [brake] [yawleft/yawright] as for normal horizontal movement Rocket mode: switch to rocket mode by double pressing [forward] switch back to vertical by pressing [brake] steer by [yawleft/yawright] adjust your flight altitude by [up/down] ------------ ::pos{0,2,34.2994,114.1250,183.7602} or VR to "LYB showroom" Don't buy anything in VR!

BP: 1.5 Mħ




Cargo Lift: 300 t

I-TS "Intersystem Transport Ship" Corellian Engineering Corporation Based on the ship from the 'Rise of the Resistance' attraction at Hollywood Studios. 120 kl cargo VR "RSW Alioth Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,20.4964,97.1925,73.4671}

BP: 6 Mħ




No attributes :-(

Asheron Built by Dracks . M-core , Luxury Yacht, vr Obsidian Dragon Showroom

BP: 50 Mħ

The Raft

Southern Cross High Guard


Cargo Lift: 1,600 t

Inspired by The Raft from Star Citizen. The Raft has 3 large containers and a stunning full interior. To do those market trips in style. The Raft has: - Bridge (Pilot and Co-pilot) - Captain quarters with bathroom - Boardroom - 4 Bed bunks - 1 Shared bathroom - Kitchen and dinning area VR: SCHG Ship Sales - Madis ::pos{0,1,81.7469,5.7865,545.1833}

BP: 3 Mħ

Black Icarus (supersonic)



Space Thrust: 11 MN

Black Icarus is my first supersonic heat-resistant ship build, it's cheap to make, but packs a punch! It's designed as fast travel ship as it can do 3000+km/h in atmosphere without taking heat damage. It uses specialized heat shield to prevent heat damage, see it in action on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kps0fKjOGPo This ship is good for running your daily errands quickly! It has enough cargo capactiy and lift to be able to carry stuff from/to markets and you can also do some surface mining. it takes 30-60 minutes to fill the cargo with ore when surface mining (depending on areas and talents) and that's something that most people are willing to do and this ship is perfect for those runs, it can circle entire alioth in under 10 minutes. It's not perfect as this was my first supersonic ship and you might break a wing or brake here and there, but just take it easy and you'll be fine. making sudden / sharp turns while going supersonic can cause more damage, so when going supersonic, keep it as steady as possible. I highly recommend custom hud with altitude hold capabilites, because it's most effective at about 1-2% atmo, you can keep throttle at about 10% and it will go 3000+ easily, while barely spending any fuel. I used this ship for my daily errands for a week before i had to refuel. It's rather cheap to build and uses all the basic parts. NOTE - i have NOT tested cargo lift, but based on stats, it should be able to do about 1200 tons depending on talents. I think most i ever did was 700t and it didn't have any issues.

BP: 620 Kħ




Cargo Lift: 4,000 t

Phantom is my first M core art build. It's built out of carbon fiber to keep the weight down, but also to give it this cool chromish look. I haven't even made a proper video on it, but here's my first version of it and first test flight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9YNFEVcSoM (on this video it's not complete, it's missing warp and some wings). INTERIOR: cool looking interior, with bridge/cockpit, 2x crew quarters and cargo area. cockpit has switches and lights that will let you turn stuff on/off and lights will indicate what's on/off. fuel tanks are also nicely places behind hatches, which are opened by a switch and lights turn on, in other words, i put some time into designing the interior. one crew quarter is pretty much empty, so you can make your own design in there. FORWARD ENGINES: 12x L basic atmospheric engines and 4x L basic space engines NOTE - cargo capacity and lift are not absolute and are easily modifyable! I made it as art-build, but it performs quite well as hauler. currently it only had 4x L containers, but you can easily easily put more containers. I think you can quite easily fit +6 to 8 L containers into it, so total of 10-12 i'd say. there's also some room for more wings if needed, only problem with heavy loads might be hovers. I have tested about 2000t and it had absolutely no problem lifting it with low level talents (level 2-3). if you have "heavy foot", you might want to put L space fuel tank on it, because i have M only and it runs out quite fast if you're hammering it. with full tank, it's enough to make a round trip from plant to planet, so in other words, it can escape atmosphere twice, but with cargo it might be an issue, so have some extra fuel or get L space fuel tank. You have to land anyway, so i see no harm in refuelling in meanwhile. I'm not very happy with some voxel work outside as there's a bug where voxels look fine in build mode, but when i exit build mode, they twist into something else. it's hard to fix those as in build mode it looks fine, so i don't know what to adjust, but otherwise it's fine.

BP: 1.5 Mħ

Badger - Dropship

Titan Aerospace


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

Overview: The Badger is a multi role dropship, well suited to mining and light haulage. It packs a lot of ability in its relatively small frame. Cargo Lift: The lift generated from the wings is good enough for around 2kt depending on talents and pilot skill. Depending on the engines you chose cargo lift ranges from 1KT up to the maximum of the wings. Containers: There are 2 M and 2 S containers pre-loaded. There is room for a L container in the main hold, placed across the ship behind the hub. The Hub centralises the ships mass and also provides a good indicator of where to place the container. This gives just over 400kL of cargo at max boost. Engines: There are 4 advanced maneuverer engines as standard but these can be easily replaced for more power and cargo handling. The ship can run in a 2, 3 or 4 engine configuration depending what your uses are for the ship and how much weight matters to you. Engine positions for changing out the atmo engines. top left. x -9.0 y -51.0 z 2.5. top right x 9.0, y -51.0 z. 2.5. then the bottom ones directly below Brakes: The M airbrakes in the front grill can be increased in number by re-laying them without any spaces. This will increase braking power but I preferred the grill type look. Fuel: There are 2 atmo M fuel tanks and 4 space M fuel tanks, one tank for each space engine. Cockpit: All lights (Forward, rear and beacon) can be controlled from the cockpit. There is a res node and surrogate station onboard. If you want to place the warp drive later, the coords are: X:0.0 Y:4.0 Z:-6.0 laid across the ship

BP: 3 Mħ

Durks Nautilus



Space Thrust: 7.71 MN

Heavily inspired by the Kwejian Frigate from Star Trek: Discovery. Suitable for light hauling in atmosphere or between planets. Comes with an optional small shield generator if you're feeling frisky and want to venture into PVP space.

BP: 1 Mħ

E 14 Eclipse - ADMI

Gray (GrayLeader)


Cargo Lift: 100 t

The Eclipse is a cooperative ship design between Emladra and Dothack is first ship among several in the future that will be released. It is very very stable with skills sustain speed is like 70km/h so glides super well it is mainly a warp shuttle but can carry 100tons pretty nicely in 1g. Design is inspired by the RSI Mantis from star citizen are skills are improving. . Ship bp is available for purchase at Alioth vr "admi build store"

BP: 2 Mħ

EOS Adv Version



Space Thrust: 19.8 MN

This is an improved version on the Basic EOS comes equipped with 4 Adv L Military Atmos, 2 Adv L Military Space, and 8 Adv S Military Space, Warp Drive and all the extras makes the EOS basic look like a childes toy. This ship will do what you need it to do when u need it to do it for an S core. Stats below are with a T4 pilot and T4 buffing Visit TMO showroom to see it If u have a EOS Basic of any color or kind already bring proof ill sell u a bp half off so 2.5m till New Years Day

BP: 3 Mħ
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