Dual Universe Creators
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Gray (GrayLeader)

Will be updating store location for release in weekish atm emladra#8532 is available if you wish to purchase anything. Hoping to be setup with new store on madis in a week possibly 2 depending on resources lol. Update 2.0 also i trade for ore on bps so if you dont want to use your quanta i trade for ore. UPDATE ALL SHIP SALES FOR ADMI ARE NOW AT ::pos{0,1,-53.2259,-47.4236,827.1160} ON MADIS. REMODELED FOR UPDATE>The V1 Reliant is a new xs core ship designed to feel more like an actual ship and it very nice on the inside too! Comes with plenty of storage and great response time and lift also. Has buttons! also if you purchase the ship you may contact me to get the light schema used in the build. Using a more realistic feel it has flood lights, landing lights, 2 seperate entry points one main and one aux. features a small rocket and tank for that added kick. We advice getting skills for the print or put down as it flies very nicely with them its a little pricey but take a chance and you'll see why it uses polished white chromium for it was really pretty! also theres a place for more breaks if you like having a lot of breaks shoot me a message and i can add if you provide parts to make it pretty
"Pathfinder" By BDC

**Navigator Series** by BoonDock Customs ***The Pathfinder*** The Pathfinder is considered a Symphony in motion. Channeled to blend Luxury with performance on the way to greatness. When traveling the stars, the Journey is just as important as the destination. If you LOVED The Compass don't delay on getting its BIG BROTHER. We are creating a complete Navigator series with others in the works. First 10 Certified units have SOLDOUT. I will still be taking Orders for customized variants via Token, but they will NOT have Certs. BPs are NOW being Sold! Don't miss your chance she's a Beauty. Come grab ya one. Exterior Designer: Bananer Interior & Detailing: xSKeeVx VR Station name "BooNDocK Customs Ship Shop" ::pos{0,2,48.2297,114.5121,0.0000} ****OR**** VR Station name "BooNDocK Main Showroom" ::pos{0,2,48.1406,114.6281,0.0000} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773
Space Force One

Serenity is a tri scanning hauler that will not only scan but give you 10L containers and enough power to lift them. It is warp capable and has optional AGG for the cost of the AGG and pulsars (around 6.5M). It is currently equipped with containers for all of your scans on each planet so you can keep your scans organized. Visit me in VR at "Serenity VR SPF1"
The Duality
Space Force One

The Duality is a high performance hauler with 20 Container Ls and 17 Advanced Military Atmo Engines to get the job done. It will lift fully loaded with most mined minerals and will haul a half load of Hematite without issue. It features AGG and can lift limitless weight to space with AGG. It is warp capable and has a landing pad on top for a Divinity S core ship or any other S or XS ship you want! It also features AGG for unlimited weight potential. The open spaces have been left open for your own customization. Extra customization available, just ask for what you want! Come visit us at ::pos{0,0,-313343.0662,978877.0950,-453292.8373} OR Visit us in VR. Search for "SF1 Showroom" I will place the ship for you if you bring me the parts and the blueprint. I have level 4 placement skills in everything and 5 in a few. I will be at full 5's in February. Feel free to stop back by for handling increases!
Space Force One

Divinity is a high performance 2 Container L ship designed for quick and easy errand runner. It features 4 Advanced Military Atmosphere Engines and 2 Maneuver Space Engines. The inside is open for personalization. Come visit us at ::pos{0,0,-313343.0662,978877.0950,-453292.8373} OR Visit us in VR. Search for "SF1 Showroom". I will place the ship for you if you bring me the parts and the blueprint. I have level 4 placement skills in everything and 5 in a few. I will be at full 5's in February. Feel free to stop back by for handling increases!
Obsidian Viper - ADMI
Gray (GrayLeader)

Will be updating store location for release in weekish atm emladra#8532 is available if you wish to purchase anything. Hoping to be setup with new store on madis in a week possibly 2 depending on resources lol.
Aldorado 59 MK2 COMING SOON

Welcome! - ¡Bienvenidos! IT'S RETURNING! The Aldorado 59 is a XS-sized cabriolet, inspired by an American classic that made its home in Cuba. MK2 version is in the works. Soon available in different colors + limited editions - stay tuned!
The Escobar / Speedboat by Hagbard & Singularity

Do you live near water? You need this! The Escobar is a new Version of the Speedboat with a great hull designed by Singularity. (thx for that!) **LIMITED OFFER** For the first weeks after Release the BP is only 1.5m instead of the previous 5m. Dispenser is at the Alioth Marina near M17 ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} Test Ride Video: https://youtu.be/JvYPuHn7mYY It has the latest Version of my LUA Code for Speedboats which was optimized to re-create that real "boat feeling" in DU. - Feel the waves! When riding this boat you can "feel" the ship being moved by the waves. Get faster and crash through the waves. - Get out of the seat on the water without the ship "sinking". the ECU will keep the ship afloat. - up to 730kmh (depending on pilot and placement skills) - almost no fuel consumption. the used Hover Engine Tech assures that you will almost never have to refuel it. At full speed, the used xs fuel tank lasts for 2-3 days This is a boat, so except using the hover engine to hop on your dry dock for some cleaning etc., it is not capable of flying over ground surface. You can hover from a platform to the water surface by using "space" and some thrust. i recommend to first cut throttle and hold brake key until the boat stabilizes ( stops going up/down). then accelerate and have fun. Trim Feature: if you want to go max speed, you can "trim" the boat. Just hold the left shift key whilst flying to take the bow of the boat down a bit and get max speed **Blueprint Instructions:** There is one manual step required after setting the BP. - Go to build mode and right click the backward facing hover engine. - under Advanced=>"disable thrust along gravity" has to be selected for both hover engines if you want to have the original light colors, set back left to "255,0,0" and back right to "0,255,0" front light: enable blinking and set on duration to 0.1 Tokens will be made available again soon(TM)
Space Force One

The Reparation is the third part of my VTOL series! It takes off then rotates with gyro to fly forward. It is a 20 Large Container hauler and has the engine power to back it up. It has 3-axis rotation in space and in atmosphere. It comes equipped with AGG and Warp. There is a lot of room in this ship for personalization. Please let me know if you have any questions in game or on discord! Come Check out my showroom in VR at "Space Force One Showroom" or in person on Sinnen at ::pos{0,7,-71.1802,12.5390,155.3475}
Space Force One

Penance is part 2 of my VTOL Series. It is a small core warper meant for carrying yourself and a few others to another planet as cheaply as possible. This ship takes off vertically and then flips using the gyro to fly straight. Please let me know if you have any questions! Come Check out my showroom in VR at "Space Force One Showroom" or in person on Sinnen at ::pos{0,7,-71.1802,12.5390,155.3475}
Space Force One

Atonement is the first part of my VTOL series. It is a pocket ship that takes off vertically then rotates using a gyro to fly forward. Come see us at ::pos{0,0,-313293.9187,978937.8481,-453302.0252} OR Visit us in VR, Search for "SF1 Showroom"
The Levante - "real" sailboat

The Levante by Hagbard "A person without dreams is like a boat without sails..." The Levante is a sailboat that allows you to experience the wind, the waves, the ride and heeling of a sailboat in DU. Big portions of the voxelwork for the hull was done by Singularity org. **IMPORTANT: read the BP placing instructions below!** BP Dispensers are at Marina Hagbard: ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} I am offering this BP a lot cheaper then usually as i want to see the seas of our planet full with boats, so that you're all able to enjoy this new kind of construct. Features: - accurate simulation of wind, waves and the sea - sails settable by "G" key in 4 levels Shift+G reduces Sail surface by 1/4 - 2 steering options either you can steer with a non centering rudder or with A/D controls similar to how other constructs are being steered. Switch during operation by pressing "Alt+1" - engine limited to marina use (when sails are down). thrust Limit applies(max 10%) - extensively tested on the seas of Alioth (other planets might require adjustments, contact me for assistance) - Wind (&Rudder) Indicator (visible for the helmsman) - configurable sail texts & colors (see LUA parameters) - HoverEngine Technology allows almost infinite fuel autonomy - the Levante is compactable, so take it on your next vacation by the sea ;-) Blueprint Instructions: - there is one manual step required after setting the BP. go to build mode and right click the backward facing hover engine. under Advanced=>"disable thrust along gravity" has to be selected for the backward facing hover engine - if you want to have the original light colors, set back left to "255,0,0" and back right to "0,255,0" front light: enable blinking and set on duration to 0.1 This could be used for Regattas as well, as the speed is defined by the skills of the skipper and his/her ability to find the best course for maximum performance Some "sailing tips": - the speed you can reach depends on your angle towards the wind. the faster you go the more "heel" you will get and the more active correction of your course will be required to stay on a straight line. - It is not possible to sail directly into the wind. To sail against the wind direction you have to "cross". - to moor at your pier the auxiliary engine can be used, but only when the sail is down. It is limited to 10% of max thrust. - if you do not have a proper pier yet, you can hover up a bit using the space bar to get the boat on your plattform... (better build yourself a small marina & pier) - the ECU should always be activated/armed. when you leave the helm, this will keep the boat from sinking to the ground. After jumping on your pier, quickly touch the boat to moore it to the pier. - if you find that the boat is unable to stay on the water surface, this is usually some physic bug in the client. just get out of the seat and try again (maybe after maneuvering the boat a bit) BP's will be made available again soon(TM)
Oswen Class

The Oswen class is an XS PvP Ship cannon build, a great little fun ship to muck around with your friends dogfighting or just to mess about. Cheap to produce market cost of parts is around the 1 million mark depending up supply and demand of course. Dispensers coming soon to Crash Industries Showroom
Horizon XL
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

The Horizon XL Bigger, Better, Meaner Success is a terrible burden. The Horizon is the benchmark. The Ship that all others are measured against. Since it rolled off the production line, it has defined a generation of haulers and occupied the fevered dreams of a would-be industrialist from Sinnen to Feli. How do you improve on that?.... Well... you do the same thing again but bigger, better, and meaner. More engines, more containers, more guns! And add an AGG and a Safe Room. You release the Horizon XL. Legend has it that upon awaking from a Warp Ale fueled catatonia, Captain Miller stumbled into Captain’s Customs design suite, pointed at the Horizon’s schematics, and screamed “it needs more cowbell!”. Once Captain’s shipwrights had calmed him down and worked out what the heck he was talking about – the project to upgrade the Horizon was born. The equation is simple, really. Take the Horizon and make it more... Horizon-y?. The result. A ship that will take 13+ KTs to orbit without breaking a sweat. A ship that will burst the eardrums as the engines spool up. A ship that will give those pesky pirates a really, really bad day if they look at it funny. This is the Horizon XL, and it means Business. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain Customs – Just Fly It
Praefect v2

Czar industries is Proud to present a new line of progression ships for newer players. Reasonably priced, easy to build and all with great functionality. The Praefect is an entry level xs-core ship to move goods between planets and moons. Based on a scalable design, this ship provides decent cargo, good handling and efficient use for the player just getting into space travel. Good thrust at 2.1g on Alioth, 78t weight means getting up to around 80-100t off Alioth shouldn't be much of a problem. 6 Container S with a container hub provide good cargo capabilities of 48KL base and bringing moon ore back with 14g of brake force means an easy and safe reentry. VR Czars Ship Spot or Czar in Space Brakes are Demeter Ready