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Equinox OS: Fuel/Mass/Hub Monitor



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** 31/01/22 Support for Space Fuel XS ** The first in a series labeled 'Equinox OS,' PsychoSlaughter of Equinox Consortium brings to you a fuel, hub, and ship mass monitor utilizing the latest in Lua screen tech. This adaptable monitoring solution will adjust to any fuel tank configuration from 1 to 12 tanks, adjusting the display to utilize screen space. In addition to keeping tabs on fuel, this screen will watch your cargo levels ensuring you don't overfill that hauler*. For further stats on your ship, a mass display separates the ship, fuel, and cargo weights for you to review. Bundle this all with easy installation, configurable colors, and custom limits per ship and you have the last monitoring solution you'll ever need! DRM free for you to use on all your ships. Shipbuilders: please leave DRM on when selling your constructs for this OS. ::pos{0,2,34.6366,78.3544,247.2298} EASY INSTALL: 1. Deploy the monitor construct from blueprint 2. Right-click the programming board and select 'Copy Lua configuration to clipboard' 3. Place a new programming board on the target construct you want to add Equinox OS to 4. Right-click the programming board and select 'Paste Lua configuration from clipboard' 5. Right-click the programming board and edit the parameters to your specifications 6. Connect the core, hub, and minimum of one screen to the programming board *Cargo monitor supports one Container Hub only. Additional containers not connected to the single hub, or additional hubs, may throw off the calculations.

Individual: 10 Mħ
Resale: 10 Mħ




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Officially taking over DamageReport A multi-screen capable, touch enabled, easy to install ship damage reporting script for Dual Universe. Includes a HUD mode to be mobile while repairing. Highlights damaged/broken elements in 3D space for easier finding. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Link--- https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/3 https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-DamageReport --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) Exchange @ Yellow Hall Booth 6 ( ::pos{0,0,-19010.3356,113355.2043,-74225.1859} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store


Default++ Advanced flight script



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Dual Univers Advanced flight script Default++ developed since 2017, is the most advanced and innovative flight script with a unique navigation operating system. DU flight parameters are brought to you to an other level with dozens and dozens of customizable settings. source files and explainations all on github: https://github.com/JeronimoDU/Default-PLUS-PLUS


Player Logger



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for the script go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#player-logger-script Log player activity to a Databank(s) and render to a screen v3.2 tested with 1300 entries with 8 databanks will import older data when upgrading (save the data using the 'dump' command just in case) Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Manual Switch 1x Screen 1x Detection zone 1 to 8 Databank(s) Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/PlayerLogger/PlayerLogger.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Manual Switch -> Programming Board For multiple detection zone: add an "OR operator" (only 1 needed) in between Detection zones and the Manual Switch 3. Programming Board -> Manual Switch (both way) 4. Then do the same for the databank(s) and screen . 5. Finnaly, hit ctrl+L while looking at the board add your username in line 7 of unit.start() rename the location to your liking Activate the board manualy and type "help" in the lua chat for the command list 'clear' [clear the databank(s)] 'dump' [dump the table as JSON in the screen HTML so you can copy it] 'exit' [exit debug mode] 'help' display a list of commands 'remove (indices)' [remove an entry from one of the table] 'update' [Update the screen code]





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Open Source project, all sources available here : https://github.com/Jericho1060/du-storage-monitoring You can join me on Guilded for help or suggestions or requests by following that link : https://guilded.jericho1060.com It's displaying on screens the quantity and the percent fill of containers or hub. It can support up to 9 screens and chose what is display on each (group feature) To add a container to the system, you must rename it following that pattern: <prefix>_<itemName> For a Hub, you must use that pattern: <prefix>_<itemID>_<containserSize>_<amountOfContainers> <prefix>: the prefix that enable monitoring, by default s1_ for the 1st screen, s2_ for the second, and so on, see options to customize it <itemID>: the item id available on https://du-lua.dev <containerSize>: if a hub, the size of the containers linked (default to XS) <amountOfContainers>: if a hub, the amount of containers linked By default, the script is grouping all containers or hub that contains the same items on a single line and add the values. See option if you want to disable it. By default, the list is sorted by item tier and then by name Clicking on the columns permit to sort ascending or descending


JSE++ Space Elevator script



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JSE++ Space Elevator script Best adaptive space elevator script since 2019 JSE++ runs a compact version of the operating system Default++, allowing you to control with ease your construct every single parameters from anywhere on your construct, with its unique system of on player screen widgets. Default++ is an on player screen widget system, where you can interact with your mouse the widgets and buttons, drag and resize widgets at will. JSE++ is as of today uncontested the fastest, the safest, most accurate and easiest to use and configure elevator script for "your" elevator design. It will fit for any type of cargo and will give you enough parameters for you to play with to achieve ultimate performances. - Professional version: 5 to 6Mh * check on the uploaded pictures for features (lite version doesnt exist anymore) If you are a skilled designer and interested into participating into the space elevators Atlas project and resell your version of the Atlas with JSE++ script on it, contact me directly for more about the terms. Always available on discord for more info

Individual: 5 Mħ

PvP Suite



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PvP Suite includes 4 different scripts at the moment. **Converted to DU v0.30 and to support fully implemented LUA revamp in a future** 1st script: Gunnery seat which includes all weapon, shield, radar and targeting systems. 2nd script: Remote control to make solo PvP possible and includes all navigation ,engine and fuel systems. 3rd script: Utility script for Programming Board, and includes things like Damage report, Periscope, landing lights, automated landing gears and prolly much more useful and useless(but fancy) things in a future.. Also: Cockpit conversion of the whole suite for XS ships, which is only one script. Features: Weapons and targeting: -Weapon Hit Probabilities -Target info when selected (including unique construct id) -Detailed info when target is identified -Compact identified construct list with detailed info -Support for different amount of weapons (1-10) -Transparent non widget Periscope Shield, core and elements: -Shield resist changing is now more simplified, resists will be changed with 2 hotkey presses: For example alt+1 (antimatter) and alt+2 (electro-magnetic) will set resists to 40-40-10-10, alt+1 and alt+1 will set resists to 70-10-10-10. -Feature to put shield on when taking the seat -Feature to put shield offline when leaving the seat (disabled by default) -Automatic shield enabling when entering PvP space -Shield will be put on automatically after venting process -Resist stress values -Shield HP -Core stress -Resist and venting cooldown indicators -Shield offline safety, safety will prevent accidental shield disabling. Safety has LUA parameter and you can also toggle it with hotkeys -Element damage report(on utility script), will list any element on ship with damage Navigation and engines: -Engine control based on tags, ability to shut down and on engine groups, great for fuel saving -Hotkeys ALT + 1-8 will toggle engine groups on/off ALT + 9 will switch all engines on instantly -Brake toggle -V-Booster shutdown when landing -Brake distance indicator -Thrust indicator -Altitude to ground indicator -PvP Zone distance indicator, will show now distance to Safe Zone on any range too when in PvP zone -Fuel tank support up to 6 tanks -Warp Destination with required and remaining warp cell information -Acceleration indicator -Current speed/max speed indicator Other and Interface: -Databank is required to store many settings like engine group status and other settings. -Key G now switch ALT + 1 - 9 hotkeys functions. This means you either use them for Shield resists, Engine control or Other controls. -Indicator to show which side hotkeys are currently assigned for. -Automatic landing gears. Gears will react to altitude to landing pad or whatever, and will extend before the landing, and rectracts when you take off. -Landing lights support, fancy blinking lights if you want! Blink will be faster when you get closer to the ground and will turn lights off after landing is done. -You can hide the build menu -Feature to show ammo container remaining ammos -Feature to show nearest planet/moon atmo/no atmo collision range -General font size modifier LUA parameters -Rename option for engine groups -Rename option for fuel tanks -Parameter for Locked View(straight ahead), Left Alt is Freelook -Parameters for widgets to shown or hide -Parameters for many other features -Parameter to allow or disallow negative throttle value -Parameter to start remote controller with brake toggle on or off -Parameter to disable or enable almost every feature Console commands: /helper on - shows buildhelper /helper off - hides buildhelper Easy installing, just link elements Planned features: -Detailed damage report from enemy hits like what type of damage and how much is absorbed etc. -Friendlies list via transponders -Id converting to letters for easier target calling -Probably much more Selling is now on hold until NQ decides and makes official statement about wipe rumours and what happens on release. There will be individual and org packs and prices also will be decided after possible wipe. If you are interested, join my scripting discord at https://discord.gg/ttajxhZYXY or on my channel @du-creators discord


Restricted Access Door



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for the GitHub, go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#restricted-access-door-script Restric access to certain zones via "locked door" Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Detection zone 1x Screen (minimum) Supports multiple screens Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/RestrictedAccessDoor/RestrictedAccessDoor1.0.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Programming Board Then (in no particular order) Programming Board -> Door and Screen(s) 3. Finnaly, edit the lua parameters (Right click -> Advanced -> Edit Lua Parameters) Add your username between the quotes "" "Davemane42" For multiple user. add comma , between names and no spaces "Davemane42,User2,User3"


Transfer Units Monitor



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An addition to my Factory Monitor scripts. This one Monitors all Transfer Units on a core (up to 408/6 screens) . Simply connet core and screen(s) in any order. The script will tell you how many screens you may need even if it crashes due to lack of screens :) grab it here: https://github.com/BartasRS/Transfer-Units-Monitor As always, tips are greately appreciated but not required ;)

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 Mħ

Simple Ore Monitor



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A single board script for diplaying items from a single, or multi Hub/Container setup, to single, or multi Screens/Signs. Display for single items in containers/hubs. The script doesn't need to adhere to NQ's 30-second refresh rules and can be refreshed at any time. Great for uses like industrial, or even sales signs for shops. Many options for functions, and styles to make the plugin match your aesthetic. All in all an amazing easy to use script for all your container data needs. The most versatile container script available for Dual Universe! Can be used for... Single Hub/Container to Single Screen/Sign Multiple Hub/Container to Multiple Screen/Sign Single Hub/Container to Multiple Screen/Sign - Set titles for each screen - Set item id's for each screen - Give each item a value for calculating total value of items - Wallpaper url - Turn wallpaper on or off - Hide units - Hide item tier - Hide github link - Show how many items left - Show total value of items - Show or hide the header bar - Show stats in KL or L - Show total of item than can fit in container --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --NexusMod Download Link--- https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/1


Orbital HUD



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The original DU Orbital HUD/ButtonsHUD/DimHUD - A full autopilot and HUD suite. It is on stable version 5.453 at current, and no further updates are planned. For a more fully-featured Autopilot/HUD (but potentially less stable), check out ArchHUD https://github.com/Dimencia/DU-Orbital-Hud Support is provided at the Open Source Initiative Discord, dual.sh/osin, in the #tech-support channel

Individual: 1 ħ

DU Ore Manager



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This project leverages the recently released screen LUA APIs to provide an interface with the programming board. With this system, you can set up a public drop off point for ore with requirements for each available ore, and set the system to show all tiers, or single tier at a time. https://github.com/jdelgado-dtlabs/DU-Ore-Manager


DU Information Screen (EDITS)



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Here we have the default system information screen made by NQ. However.... It can be so much more! Ill be doing different variations of the screen to show examples of what all this screen can do. Ill start off with a simple edit and work my way to something way different. Showing off anything from in game items, Org information, and even exchange sales items. https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-System-Information-Screen ----- I only offer help/support at https://github.com/LocuraDU https://discord.gg/TB2ecEd5rs I try to get around to helping on other channels but if you want help please use one of the above places.

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 ħ

Locura Hub Screens



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All my HUB screen are finally in ONE PLACE! https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/6/


DU Jukebox

Prestige Worldwide


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Prestige Worldwide proudly presents DU-Jukebox, An in game music player you can customize to play your own music in game. Anyone that activates the board will hear any music that is selected by another player (as long as they also have the same files). A lot fun for streamers and groups with many friends. https://gyazo.com/ae0754b39a29d53308cd9bdfc5046a75 You can also create extra categories if you need more Individual price includes installation of up to 3 units on the same construct/ship so you can change music from one of the 3 music stations. Check out the optional script here: https://du-creators.org/makers/Prestige%20Worldwide/ship/DU%20Random%20Jukebox Contact Lee Fall#2362 for more info/purchasing.

Individual: 5 Mħ
Resale: 1 ħ
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