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Equinox OS: Fuel/Mass/Hub Monitor



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** 31/01/22 Support for Space Fuel XS ** The first in a series labeled 'Equinox OS,' PsychoSlaughter of Equinox Consortium brings to you a fuel, hub, and ship mass monitor utilizing the latest in Lua screen tech. This adaptable monitoring solution will adjust to any fuel tank configuration from 1 to 12 tanks, adjusting the display to utilize screen space. In addition to keeping tabs on fuel, this screen will watch your cargo levels ensuring you don't overfill that hauler*. For further stats on your ship, a mass display separates the ship, fuel, and cargo weights for you to review. Bundle this all with easy installation, configurable colors, and custom limits per ship and you have the last monitoring solution you'll ever need! DRM free for you to use on all your ships. Shipbuilders: please leave DRM on when selling your constructs for this OS. ::pos{0,2,34.6366,78.3544,247.2298} EASY INSTALL: 1. Deploy the monitor construct from blueprint 2. Right-click the programming board and select 'Copy Lua configuration to clipboard' 3. Place a new programming board on the target construct you want to add Equinox OS to 4. Right-click the programming board and select 'Paste Lua configuration from clipboard' 5. Right-click the programming board and edit the parameters to your specifications 6. Connect the core, hub, and minimum of one screen to the programming board *Cargo monitor supports one Container Hub only. Additional containers not connected to the single hub, or additional hubs, may throw off the calculations.

Individual: 10 Mħ
Resale: 10 Mħ




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Officially taking over DamageReport A multi-screen capable, touch enabled, easy to install ship damage reporting script for Dual Universe. Includes a HUD mode to be mobile while repairing. Highlights damaged/broken elements in 3D space for easier finding. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Link--- https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/3 https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-DamageReport --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) Exchange @ Yellow Hall Booth 6 ( ::pos{0,0,-19010.3356,113355.2043,-74225.1859} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store


Diven's Hub Hub



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Allows you a screen interface to view the contents of a container. Comes as both a screen and board script.





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Open Source project, all sources available here : https://github.com/Jericho1060/du-storage-monitoring You can join me on Guilded for help or suggestions or requests by following that link : https://guilded.jericho1060.com It's displaying on screens the quantity and the percent fill of containers or hub. It can support up to 9 screens and chose what is display on each (group feature) To add a container to the system, you must rename it following that pattern: <prefix>_<itemName> For a Hub, you must use that pattern: <prefix>_<itemID>_<containserSize>_<amountOfContainers> <prefix>: the prefix that enable monitoring, by default s1_ for the 1st screen, s2_ for the second, and so on, see options to customize it <itemID>: the item id available on https://du-lua.dev <containerSize>: if a hub, the size of the containers linked (default to XS) <amountOfContainers>: if a hub, the amount of containers linked By default, the script is grouping all containers or hub that contains the same items on a single line and add the values. See option if you want to disable it. By default, the list is sorted by item tier and then by name Clicking on the columns permit to sort ascending or descending


Reef Tank



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Check out the new hottest thing to have in DU The Reef tank aquarium Designed by Corrupted Software and sold by Raven INC. The reef tank is a fully functional aquarium The reef tank comes standard with 4 individual backgrounds that you can change right on the screen UI You can feed your fish (yes, they grow) Watch your Reef tank go through weather cycles, with lightning and all! Watch your fish become territorial and defend its territory area from other fish! You can also view fish breed stats such as Length, Height, Minimum Depth, Maximum Depth, Speed, Power, Metabolism, and aggression levels! Reef Tanks come in 3 different standard sizes S - M - L S = 10 Mill M = 12.5 Mill L = 15 Mill Additional sizes available upon request The reef tank also comes with a DLC store to buy more fish Screens with instructions to buy DLC credits are available at the Raven INC base ::pos{0,2,39.6046,124.3985,19.0385} If you have any questions Please Contact RavenFTW#3493 Discloser: This product is DRM protected.

Resale: 10 Mħ

IOE Clock

Institute of Errors


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The Institute of Errors presents a simple, dynamic clock that displays the ingame time depending on your location. One day is 10 hours real time. The sunrise and sunset are at 6 AM and 6 PM. Sold at the Alioth Marina (::pos{0,2,38.3245,62.6634,4.6699})

Resale: 1 Mħ

Diven's Industry Hub



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Screen Interface for Industry that allows you to monitor and issues commands to your industry.


Transfer Units Monitor



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An addition to my Factory Monitor scripts. This one Monitors all Transfer Units on a core (up to 408/6 screens) . Simply connet core and screen(s) in any order. The script will tell you how many screens you may need even if it crashes due to lack of screens :) grab it here: https://github.com/BartasRS/Transfer-Units-Monitor As always, tips are greately appreciated but not required ;)

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 Mħ

HIC Honeycomb Controller

Head InThe Clouds


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ever wanted a simple screen to control your honeycomb factory? got 1 or 2 or maybe 288 or more! we got you covered! With this script it comes with one DRM Controller on XS core that can be placed anywhere! then with just a few more parts on your own construct and our open source scripts you can control it all! each receiver programming board and control up to 9 honeycomb refineries! you can stack them with our relay controller (simple open source) and run even more! the possibilities are practically endless!!

Individual: 7.5 Mħ

Player Logger



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for the script go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#player-logger-script Log player activity to a Databank(s) and render to a screen v3.2 tested with 1300 entries with 8 databanks will import older data when upgrading (save the data using the 'dump' command just in case) Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Manual Switch 1x Screen 1x Detection zone 1 to 8 Databank(s) Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/PlayerLogger/PlayerLogger.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Manual Switch -> Programming Board For multiple detection zone: add an "OR operator" (only 1 needed) in between Detection zones and the Manual Switch 3. Programming Board -> Manual Switch (both way) 4. Then do the same for the databank(s) and screen . 5. Finnaly, hit ctrl+L while looking at the board add your username in line 7 of unit.start() rename the location to your liking Activate the board manualy and type "help" in the lua chat for the command list 'clear' [clear the databank(s)] 'dump' [dump the table as JSON in the screen HTML so you can copy it] 'exit' [exit debug mode] 'help' display a list of commands 'remove (indices)' [remove an entry from one of the table] 'update' [Update the screen code]


Factory Monitor Screen



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Facotry monitoring script I made for an Org mate and thought it might be useful for someone. Gives basic info about the state of every industry machine on the Core (except Transfer Units). Fully adaptive and scalable from XS to Super Expanded screen. As added bonus it has built in locator to easily locate any machine. Simply type "help" in Lua Tab to see available commands. Refresh rate can be changed in Lua Settings. Link to Core and Screen in proper order. Multiscreen version is also available. grab it here https://github.com/BartasRS/Factory_monitoring_screen If you like my work or find it useful you can send a tip in game it will be much appreciated. Enjoy

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 Mħ


Fox Syndicate Scripts


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Essentially, this script provides an AR overlay to your world to view waypoints you have set with Archaegeo's script, in addition to the planets around you. Like all AR scripts made with the AR projection library, there are specific conditions under which this script functions correctly. If you are on a planet, assuming you aren't in a cockpit in another ship, the script should function flawlessly. It will only work in a seat on the construct the programming board was deployed in, and only if you correctly calibrate said seat, assuming you have "freelook" enabled. What freelook enables is a way to track where your camera is looking purely based on your mouse movement. Of course, this comes with one major downside: it won't work in the third person. Nor will it work if you don't calibrate your pitch and heading. Calibration takes place in the form of looking either up or down, pushing your mouse past the limit you can look and then looking either left or right. The accuracy is around 1 degree when looking straight on if the calibration was done properly. (Inaccuracy is purely a result of the mouse capture not being absolutely perfect) In space, as long as you are on the ship the programming board was activated on, it should function for both in a seat, walking around and jetpacking. Note that for walking around, you need to calibrate your pitch. There are a couple more settings to change around if you want to. However, that is about all you need to know. To use the script, copy the JSON file contents found in the link below and select something like "paste Lua script" using a programming board. Connect the programming board to the core, and activate! If you have some saved waypoints using Archaegeo's script, connect the databank to it, and it should load his script's waypoints as well. Link: https://github.com/EasternGamer/AR-Library/blob/experimental/NewWaypointer.json Disclaimer: I coded this, however, Archaegeo provided the idea, hence when starting the script he is credited and used to host the script.

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 ħ

Saga's Autopilot



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Full autopilot suite to take you anywhere you want hands-free. many safety features when manually flying like burn protection and planetary / atmo border collision detection and information displayed to keep you safe. Info / sales through the Saga AP discord https://discord.gg/jTu8W8tXph

Individual: 3 Mħ

Simple AGG screen UI



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Simple AGG touch screen control UI. Far left slider controls the altitude, the "Alt Lock" button prevents it from being moved accidentally. Min is 1km and max is 10km. There are also 2 lock buttons to prevent the Agg power button from accidentally being toggled. The 2nd slider moves to display current current agg base altitude and the center box shows it also. The right box shows your ships current altitude. The script can be customized if needed (may be an additional fee depending on complexity) Future proof, uses new lua UI changes. Setup includes: Control board, any size screen, Databank (optional, but sometimes displays inconsistencies)

Individual: 1 Mħ
Resale: 5 Mħ




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Free HUD for Dual Universe (PvP/PvE oriented) https://github.com/anatoly-kussul/du-wthud Can also use be used as a flying sript for you haulers. New design is highly inspired by simplicity of Albatross hud Core Features: - Custom auto resists. (Based on last 30 seconds of incoming damage, multiple modes available) - Shield timeline graph - In/Out DPS chart - Disable rotational dampening for smooth rotations (very helpful in pvp to keep optimal tracking) - AR marks of planets, closest pvp border, custom marks and more Atmo Features: - Atmo Burn Limiter (Limits your thrust to not exceed atmo burning speed) - Atmo Reentry Burn Limiter (Automatically shuts down engines and engaging brakes to slow down below burn speed on atmo reentry) - Auto level - Altitude hold

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 ħ
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