Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordMorningStar

Please Find the Brand New Morning Star, A product of Outer Rim Expedition made by TiWill33. This is double Core Ship L +M Our Team is proud to announce you that the new Shop will open near Market 6 ! Token already available contact TiWill33 on discord ! : Tiwill33#5273 SHOP : ::pos{0,2,33.0203,117.0489,-23.3137} VR : OUTER RIM SHOWROOM You still can find us at Market 12 of course !
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

Don't look at the UEF store, this will out perform any comparable ship from the company store. Comes loaded with a damage and fuel monitor script, Ship Info. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
MCRN Tachi

A spaceship for raids into the PVP zone and digging asteroids. Can drive away the opponent. Can protect itself from a single pirate. Tachi showroom in VR
The Twister
Deep Space Corporation

Deep Space Corp - Presents "The Twister" The Ultimate M Core Hauler !! With 32x Boosted Large Containers, has a carry capacity of nearly 6000 KL. 3x10 Large Containers for moving what ever is required 1x2 Large Container for storing the Fuel / Warp Cells / Scraps Lifts off from 0 to 1000m on Alioth with 11 KT of total weight. AGG S will assist you in loading more once parked at above 1000M if you need to load up more. The 24x L Military Grade Atmospheric Engine along with 130x Large Atmospheric Brake ensures that you do not stumble when lifting off from any planet. Warp Drive Enables you to haul what ever you have mined or commissioned to the edge of the galaxy. No fancy interiors or bedrooms, as this ship is made for pure hauling and hardcore miners. But has enough space on the inside to decorate it how you want if required. Pure industrial finish & ultra low Dry Weight **Does Not Come With Full Tank Of Fuel** Token Price varies on ressource costs VR & Check it out at: DECO
No Man's Sky Fighter: Viper

No Man's Sky inspired warp shuttle. 24 cells from Alioth to Teoma If you deploy it without the warp drive it doubles as a high-performance market runner. The stats seen here are after a max handling boost and medium pilot skills. Rare and Advanced parts have been used to make the ship, so keep that in mind before buying a BP. Also, the warp atlas seen on the cockpit xs screen no longer works. I replaced it with a simple logo. I figure you guys can get creative with it and put whatever script or image you want on there. BP's available at the "workshop". For a token just message me on discord (please allow 1-2 days to fulfill the order, thank you). Workshop location: ::pos{0,2,43.3889,93.6289,36.0748} Discord ID: Treble#2588
BSSS Logis M
Broken Skull Ship Shop

All Tokens will be based on current market prices For Tokens Msg AtrusKage #8484 on Discord The Logis series was originally a concept brought to life by Ragnok Industries...now it has been left in the hands of Broken Skull Ship Shop...the third in the line Logis M a powerful hauler, warp capable and AGG installed. BP's can be bought at the show room. VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop
Turtle II

With 300+ hours of "Voxel precision tool" and lua scripting the Turtle II is the ultimate upgrade of an already iconic ship. Designed to maintain off-planet mining sites that are on a 2 week collection cycle. With deep space exploration in mind the ship is capable to be armed with e.g. 8 S-size weapons. - - - Recoloring options: - - - Recolour all screens and lights -> activate switch -> select colour on touchscreen. Activate seat-switch or enter pilotseat for shield and ship monitor sync. Test it at our showroom. Recolour-kit for all accent lines available DRM free. All screens made in lua screen tech and sync with RGB databank. Aditional parameters in programming boards e.g. background and signature. Innertia matrix is trimmed to 3KT cargo. Nearly zero off axis rotation when fully loaded. - Can fit M shield. - - - Ship stats - - - Uncommon military atmospheric / Uncommon maneuver XL space: 1G (alioth to space): lvl5 pilot skills 2500t lvl4 pilot skills 2250t lvl3 pilot skills 2000t (no altitude eff./no warmup opt.) The ship can hover and move with 5600t. Glide reentry works fine. (tested with 3600t) We provide Put down (technican) buffs for every of our Blueprints free of charge as soon as available again. - - - Token options: - - - Green/Red/Purple versions with matching forcefield/door etc. skins! Uncommon maneuver or military XL engines. VR: Hadron HQ Alioth
Deaths Mercy

**POCKET SHIP** In a hurry? For no practical reason I believe I can help. I offer up Deaths Mercy to appease your atmospheric lead foot so to speak. Ive made this in Multi color w/ matching custom ARCH HUD. Ive witnessed 2657 km/h w/ lvl 4-5 flight skills w/o popping any parts. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta. **FREE** POCKETABLE SHIP BP With Purchase of 10M Quanta or more.
Aiin MK1 DSAT Hauler

Capable of 1000kmh in Alioth atmosphere with DSAT in cargo hold. Lots of atmo brake force will slow you down good for all of the bad re-entries you make. Stylish voxel design. Also includes a resurrection node in the cockpit. DM me for inquiry.
Luxury Retreat (pocketable)

Includes spacious board room with mood lighting that warmly highlights the rich wood grain of the table and exposed hardwood beams, automatic fireplace, animated fish tank, seating for 10 in the board room and 7 on the open air roof deck where the built in grill is located.
Copper Head MK1

The Copper Head is designed to be a casual cruiser for fun. It has 4 XS containers and seats 5 All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6707,91.2553,57.6432} All stats are as boosted with lvl 3 skills. If you boost them higher it will be better. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466
Rascal - cheap and fast
RCG Corporation

Need a fast and cheap Space Shuttle? Fly to Asteroids in the PvP Zone with the Rascal and ninja some Ore! Its has a max Speed of 48500kmh to outrun any usual PvP Meta Ship chasing you and a very small cross section of only 25,6m³ makes you even very hard to hit while accelerating! A Rare Capacity Shield Generator S will buy you some time to accelerate as well. This Ship is ideal for starting from a Mothership at the PvP Zone Border. I would suggest the ideal load for this Ship would be 140t, wich would be for example around 40kL of Chromite. Dont fly alone, there are 2 additional seats where your friends can take place. If things go bad and you still get shot, its not a big deal because of the cheap building costs. All Elements are available on the market for under 1.8m Quanta. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
Team A Bus
Smourr Designs

Be Iconic! Want to have an mohican for free? You love working plans? That ship is for you! Smallest courier and personal transport that i ever build. Famous TV series design combined with Comic elements. Easiest to fly with almost no skills. Almost craftable in Nanocrafter and fitted with ArchHud for Autopiloting. You can easy remove the space components and place it in your pocket. Coordinates for replacing: (X,Y,Z) Space Engine Left: -16,5/0,5/6 Space Engine Right: 16,5/0,5/6 Space Fuel Tank: 0/4,5/2 Space Engine Top: 0/7/7 Container: 0/11/2 "A Team" Bus is awaiting you.
Station Hopper (No DRM)

Highly maneuverable runabout designed for traversing large space stations quickly and efficiently. Starlantis and Utopia II for example. Mult-axis space engines and plenty of adjustors make this easy to fly and navigate in 360 degree space. Dispensers can be found on the Starlantis space station here. ::pos{0,0,-1000011.0777,593180.0550,-1418890.2448}
MBI Star Cruiser
MBI Star Cruiser

Feast your eyes (and the ships') upon the stars with this medium core wall-e/eve inspired ship with the primary purpose of scavenging, salvaging and hauling among the stars and down below. You can VR to Santa Monica Pier to view all our crazy work, Please don't Buy in VR.