Dual Universe Creators

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Space Thrust: 319 MN

Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP

BP: 30 Mħ


Vega Hex Industries


Atmo Thrust: 1.66 MN

I was so sick and tired of piloting my XS hybrid ship that I got from UEF store that I decided to finally build my own. I present to you all the Vesperion. A sleek and fast XS hybrid ship that was inspired from the Wipeout games that I used to play when I was younger. It goes around at around 1500km in atmosphere with a burnout at 2000km/h (with talents and full tank). Speed in space top 49 580 km/h. It was made to get rapidly to your destination at any given time. The ship come with Rare Military engines all around. When buying a token, you will have the choice of colors for your ship. The 3 areas where the color can be changed: - The body (blue part on the picture) - The paint job (yellow part on the picture) - The luminescent decals (luminescent blue on the picture) - The coloring of the sign where the name of the ship is will match your chosen colors as well. Token will come boosted as well with T4/T5 talents everywhere. Quantities are limited for the time being. Grab one while supplies last! Come visit in VR at Paragon Hex Showroom or in person near market 6 at ::pos{0,2,35.3441,107.0564,-13.1840} DM if you have any questions on discord or if you want to buy a token: Vork#4987

Token: 2.5 Mħ
BP: 1 Mħ


RZR Corp


Space Thrust: 3.24 MN

Our first public ship, the Starchaser, gives you the best combination of speed, maneuverability and cargo capacity. Sleek lines and a low profile make this small core fast and eye catching. Comes with Damage Report, ShipInfo script and automatic landing gear script. Drop by our VR station "RZR Corp Showroom" to see it in person. Dispensers with Blueprints on site. DM Tethrazor#6730 on Discord for Tokens.

Token: 10 Mħ
BP: 2 Mħ

Captains Crown

Captains Customs - Ship Sales


No attributes :-(

There are lots of priceless, money-can’t-buy ships in DU, but the Captains Crown is the cream of the crop. It’s said that Captain Miller himself approved those worthy enough to own one, and even then, you’re talking serious money to get your hands on the keys. Today, a mint condition, original Captains Crown comes in at eye-watering sums, with a model sold in 2021 fetching $500 million. The chief designer DJSlicer painstakingly crafted each voxel with meticulous detail & precision. While Captains Customs’ reputation for excellence continues today, many nitronheads would tell you that the Captains Crown was their crowning achievement. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.

BP: 400 Mħ

Busy Bee



Max Speed: 5,000 km/h

The Busy Bee is a tailored autopilot mission runner. Fly the 160kℏ Ailerons mission with a single click. Flight time 5m 30s. Blueprint and Parts available at ::pos{0,2,42.5925,94.4456,190.4857}

BP: 2 Mħ


Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


Cargo Lift: 14,000 t

Loadeds Industries presents the V-MAX 14,000 ton hauler This is a collaboration with tictaqjim and myself of a rework of my 7kt vhagar, this ship is much larger than the original vhagar and packs a punch just like the original, it will take a experienced heavy hauler pilot to handle this beast with 14kt of cargo, Fitted with 32 advanced atmos engines and 4 LX space uncommon military engines and 22 large containers onboard also fitted with large shield and plenty of room to add a DSAT and even a AGG if you wished, has low sustentation speed of 194km/h and all elements have tier 5 boosted skills when bought as token, fully tested and skills displayed with mostly lvl 3 and lvl 4 in most pilot skills, any questions please DM me on discord

Token: 100 Mħ
BP: 10 Mħ

Eclipse MK3E



Space Thrust: 117 MN

The Eclipse MK3E is a newly overhauled edition of a classic Asteroid Hunter. Designed for long endurance expeditions in space, it features 3.2 million litres of storage to enable the intrepid miner to haul back a dragon's cache of mineral riches. Three mighty Advanced Safe Space XL engines will get you there and back again while the fuel economy enables long flights far away from any facilities. Specifications are based on LVL5 pilot talents with a full fuel load in a 1G environment (as on a space station), and so represent maximum capabilities. Your performance may be less than stated depending on personal piloting talents. Token and blueprint have level 5 placement boosts. Maximum Cargo Mass: 8,500 Tons Space Engines: 3 Advanced Safe Space Engine XL Maneuvering Engines: 2 Advanced Safe Space Engine M Space Thrust: 8.64 G Space Brakes: 18.6 G Space Low Altitude Lift: 8.85 G (16 Uncommon Military Vertical Booster M) Storage Volume: 3,200 kL (10 Advanced Optimized Container L) Shield: Rare Active Shield Generator L. Armaments: 4 medium weapon hardpoints Weapons and gunner seats are not included in the blueprint but Hadron Organization can outfit a token with the customer's choice of weapons and shield options. The DSAT accessible from the pilot seat and the shield generator is controlled from a touch screen. Touch screen also control accent lights and signs colors. Visit "Hadron Alioth Space Station" in VR to see it.

Token: 55 Mħ
BP: 5 Mħ

Rebellion Evo II adv. by Chewie and Hagbard



Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

The Rebellion EVO II is the next generation of the popular rebellion. Tokens available for the "T3 Advanced" version BP's are the same price with 6m Quanta. Token Prices: Rebellion EVO II Advanced 17.25M Quanta We tried to make the token prices really competitive. They should match the prices for the full parts at the markets (+BP Price), so unless you build your own parts and have good talents, you will probably not be able to buy it cheaper on the markets today. contact Hagbard#8837 on discord for a token. The dispensers are in the Alioth Marina at this location: ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} Tokens will be made available asap. The Rebellion EVO II is a ship created by Hagbard and Chewie_1. It's predecessor was one of the most popular ships during Beta. It can be build without having to invest a fortune and is an ideal ship for new and experienced pilots. The ship technology and Lua was done by Hagbard with efficiency and performance in mind The great High Quality Voxelwork was done by Chewie_1. It included a warp drive, 2x uncommon or advanced Atmo engines, 2x uncommon or advanced Space engines. Free Boost to my placement skills if you visit Hagbard on Alioth. - Atmo/Space/Warp capable - 300-1000 tons of cargo depending on pilot and placement talents - fast, light and designed to be as efficient and easy to fly as possible - Features Hagbard's flight control script with brake assistant Alt hold and tons of other useful features Important Note: The Lua on this ship was designed for Input Scheme Keyboard and any Mouse controlled input scheme is NOT supported! ==== Some features for the included HUD ==== - Full Autolevel in space and Atmo -- In Space choose to autloevel based on nearest planet gravity or choose your own "reference" by pressing a key combination and keep the current leveling -- when entering the pilot seat in space, the current orientation will automatically be used for autoleveling - Altitude Hold/Orbit Hold seamless transition from alt Hold to orbit Hold just by changing target Altitude -- Fully Automatic re-entry from space to atmo - Adaptive engine thrust. By default fly with ultra fuel efficient Maneuver engine and hovers. When needed (or manually activated), additional military engine and vertical boosters will be activated automatically - Collision avoidance -- when in AltHold and ground is detected, target Alt will be adjusted automatically -- when falling towards ground and descend speed is too high in the last 100m, brakes and vertical boosters will be used automatically to slow down descend speed - Can be "flown" underwater. - Speed Limiter saves you from heat damage automatically - can be flown by using A/D,W/S and throttle controls only. The ship will control the roll axis (Q/E keys) automatically to avoid sideways drift and allow smooth cornering - Non obtrusive HUD avoids visual on-screen clutter -- optionally press Shift Alt 4 to display all HUD Widgets when needed - Vertical Boosters present but will not consume any space fuel in low load situations, Boosters will be activated automatically when high descend speeds are detected near ground - Display of brake distance to make your space travel easier The rebellion was build to make it up-gradable. - The 4 main engines can be exchanged with higher tier variants easily. Just make sure that those engines which should be "off" by default get an engine tag "2nd" == Waypoint Mgmt System == The Rebellion 1f has >120 built in waypoints included in the Lua. Press Alt & Cursor Up/Down to access the Waypoint selection The wapoints are organized in groups. Skip to the next group using Alt & Cursor-Left to go one group forward or Shift additionally for backwards. == Using custom Waypoints == you can create a small Lua file on your PC to define your own wapyoints in the HUD. The file has to be placed in <Dual Universe Install Dir>\game\data\lua\ Filename has to be poilist.lua Here is the a sample file content: -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- local poilist = { version = "Poilist 1" } MaxRotatingWaypoints=3 function poilist.loadLocations() p = {{}} p[1] = {"DCA","Marina Hagbard He", "::pos{0,2,38.3979,62.9920,62.5495}"} p[#p+1] = {"DCA","Alioth Market 6", "::pos{0,2,36.0044,101.3503,220.0897}"} p[#p+1] = {"DCA","Haven tile near M20", "::pos{0,27,-24.1271,63.9619,64.4522}"} return p end return poilist -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- Use that as a template to create your own POI list. Fell free to add more POIs as needed. The parameter Order is: "group","Name","POSstring" The display name in the UI will be "Group"-"Name"

Token: 17.25 Mħ
BP: 6 Mħ


Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard


Space Thrust: 24.7 MN

Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.

BP: 5 Mħ

The Argo - Deep Space Transporter

RCG Corporation


Space Thrust: 137 MN

The Argo is a Deep Space Transporter. It has got 6 Container L and an L-Shield for superior Protection. 2 Advanced Military XL Engines & 4 Uncommon Military L Engines providing lots of thrust to get to max speed in a short time and will also make you able to fill up all the 6 containers with heavy cargo, without the loss of many thrust. It is perfect for hauling ore between a carrier and your space station. It also has a warp core and a small Hangar in the front for a small hybrid XS flyer. Thanks to RobRocketpants the Argo comes with his great Fox Status Report Script. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base

BP: 4 Mħ


Captains Customs - Ship Sales


Cargo Lift: 10,000 t

Take the next step towards becoming a Titan with the new Atlas hauler from Captains Customs. Coming with Four Million Litres of cargo capacity, AGG, Advanced engines, and the best seat in the house. You’ll feel confident bearing the weight of the stars on its shoulders. Lift more. Move more. Make more. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR

BP: 15 Mħ

Cambria by WarpForged



Cargo Lift: 2,810 t

As he clawed his way into the launch of Dual Universe, Resource was heard screaming, "NO SHOEBOXES". Surely a ship could be built that could satisfy the detailed mind of a this ship builder with performance we all want, NO EXPECT without looking like a shoebox. And so as he toiled away in the darkness of Thades shadow at the Crash Industries skunkworks, the Cambria took shape. A T shape to be exact. But how would Resource achieve the high altitude lift he wanted, no required AND avoid a wall of engines? These are the challenges that drive some mad as they rebreathe the same stale air inside their helmets. The space anguish spiraled out of control as the ship went from 2, no 4, no 4.5 containers! Just when some would break down in a pile of mangled voxels, Resource looked up and saw his masterpiece. His first thought? I wonder if I can cram a medium shield in there? ... the answer was yes. The Cambria by WarpForged is a small core (small footprint) hauler that safely lifts two XL mission packages (2.8+ kt in 4L & 1M containers) from Alioth's surface with level 4 pilot talents. This hauler is made for everyone who needs to get stuff done. It's a good looking ship without a bunch of extra elements you're going to have to repair if the inevitable happens. This ship is available as a blueprint and fulfilled as a token by the wonderful crew at Hadron ::pos{0,2,-21.5141,122.5144,170.2965} Special thank you to my friends at Crash Industries, Kosmos, and Outer Rim Explorations!

BP: 5 Mħ

Cargocrok Multi Role

RCG Corporation


Cargo Lift: 3,600 t

Looking for a ship to run Thades/Madis XL Missions? Take a look at the Cargocrok! The Cargocrok flys great and has plenty of Space for all your Stuff. Need to scan some Territory Tiles? Put up to 3 territory Scanner inside and start scanning! The Techbay in the front part of the Cargocrok has Space for up to 5 more Container L or an AGG S if you need to carry some more heavy stuff. It is tested with 4kt from Alioth and up to 6kt from Madis! (Anyway i would advertise it with 3.6kt max load. 4kt is possible if you really now what youre doing) This Ship comes with all T1 Engines for easy build everyone can afford. Feel free to upgrade anytime to T2 or higher engines if you need more lift. If you need help placing the engines, contact me anytime :) Connect to our VR and check it out: RCG Showroom --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base

Token: 24 Mħ
BP: 3.5 Mħ

Titan Class

Captains Customs - Ship Sales


Cargo Lift: 25,000 t

Titan Class Mobile outpost - Fleet Carrier - Central Command - Mega Hauler Over 120 Large container capacity. Can take off from the ground with atmospheric engines alone while empty, or at up to 25 KT of weight with rockets and atmos. L core, with 2 medium cores extensions added to it. All elements boosted to level 5 in every way. (flight, container, fuel) Just over 100 fully built interior rooms: You name it, and this ship has it. -jail cells -interrogation/torture rooms -officer quarters -isolation rooms -control area -surgery rooms -containment rooms -main medical room -Cryostasis tubes -officer quarters -waiting room -general clinic -critical care -DNA/cloning room -psychiatric ward -long-term care ward -physical therapy facilities -X-ray/CAT scanner/other diagnostic graphing tools -blood/samples testing -armory -training deck -firing range -officer quarters -containment rooms -science labs -testing rooms -officer quarters -shield generator -engines -power generators -power capacitors -main engineering -officer quarters -sewage -life support -cargo bay -external access cargo bay -plex storage bay -main hangar -vehicle bay -construction bay -repair bay -drone bay -officer quarters -civilian docking -refueling depot -crew quarters[bathrooms included] -Mess Hall -lounge -Holodeck -guest quarters[bathrooms included] -VIP quarters -bridge -Astrometrics/Navigation room -captain's ready room -conference room/Diplomacy room -hangar control -fleet control -command rooms (security grid control etc.) -captain's quarters -transporter room -escape pods -observation deck -spare rooms -Mobius chair docking -Computer core (logic)/Central server room -drop pod bay -Exercise room/gym -Armory on every deck -security checkpoints -security HQ -missile/ammo storage -weapon calibration room -main hall -main elevator -elevators -halls -Hot tubs -bar Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.

BP: 400 Mħ

220i Manta MK II



Dry Weight: 11.8 t

ONE POCKET ROCKET TO RULE THEM ALL! Don't settle for that hoopty. Hello all! Welcome to the first of many creations coming in the new world! This is a complete overhaul of the 220i Manta created by me in the beta. This ship has been reworked at every single vertex (no joke). Blocky is gone and given birth to new lines, sweeping curves, lighting and most importantly style. Newly sculpted with the addition of the new vertex tool. (Old version made using old wedge techniques) All components have are basic in order to facilitate an early start for the start of a new world on Sept 27th!! Even with basic engines I cruise along the edge of the atmosphere at a blistering pace. Don't miss out! Start your new life with style! Contact me via Discord @ teewrx82#7911. I will have a location after launch! See you in the new verse!

BP: 300 Kħ
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