Dual Universe Creators

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Voxel Sets




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Officially taking over DamageReport A multi-screen capable, touch enabled, easy to install ship damage reporting script for Dual Universe. Includes a HUD mode to be mobile while repairing. Highlights damaged/broken elements in 3D space for easier finding. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Link--- https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/3 https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-DamageReport --- Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) Exchange @ Yellow Hall Booth 6 ( ::pos{0,0,-19010.3356,113355.2043,-74225.1859} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store


Equinox OS: Fuel/Mass/Hub Monitor



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** 31/01/22 Support for Space Fuel XS ** The first in a series labeled 'Equinox OS,' PsychoSlaughter of Equinox Consortium brings to you a fuel, hub, and ship mass monitor utilizing the latest in Lua screen tech. This adaptable monitoring solution will adjust to any fuel tank configuration from 1 to 12 tanks, adjusting the display to utilize screen space. In addition to keeping tabs on fuel, this screen will watch your cargo levels ensuring you don't overfill that hauler*. For further stats on your ship, a mass display separates the ship, fuel, and cargo weights for you to review. Bundle this all with easy installation, configurable colors, and custom limits per ship and you have the last monitoring solution you'll ever need! DRM free for you to use on all your ships. Shipbuilders: please leave DRM on when selling your constructs for this OS. ::pos{0,2,34.6366,78.3544,247.2298} EASY INSTALL: 1. Deploy the monitor construct from blueprint 2. Right-click the programming board and select 'Copy Lua configuration to clipboard' 3. Place a new programming board on the target construct you want to add Equinox OS to 4. Right-click the programming board and select 'Paste Lua configuration from clipboard' 5. Right-click the programming board and edit the parameters to your specifications 6. Connect the core, hub, and minimum of one screen to the programming board *Cargo monitor supports one Container Hub only. Additional containers not connected to the single hub, or additional hubs, may throw off the calculations.

Individual: 10 Mħ
Resale: 10 Mħ




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The site can be used to manage scans. https://www.dumap.de/ Currently providing following Features: * Add scans * Subtract mined ore from scan * overview map * overview list incl. sorting by ore amount or distance * Sharing of scans to other people/groups (with or without content) * copy capability of Discord usable scan data * possibility to add Scans per OCR * precise latitude/longitude coordinates for tiles * and the best automatically adding scans with a little companion tool * automatic update information in companion if new version is released Companion app can be found here -> https://github.com/tiramon/du-map-companion/releases/latest Discord: https://discord.gg/PQeJMUeXb2


HoneyComb Information



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Screen showing the stats and values of every Honeycomb in game. Great for display or shipbuilders. - Now DRM FREE! Copy to your own screens. - Option for screen flipping. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --Free Download Link--- https://www.nexusmods.com/dualuniverse/mods/5 --- In Game Buy Locations --- Locura Shipyard @ ( ::pos{0,2,29.8110,107.2521,5.2659} ) Exchange @ Yellow Hall Booth 6 ( ::pos{0,0,-19010.3356,113355.2043,-74225.1859} ) --- VR Locations -- View Units: Locura Shipyard -- Other VR Locations -- Locura Exchange Store

Individual: 100 Kħ

Transfer Units Monitor



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An addition to my Factory Monitor scripts. This one Monitors all Transfer Units on a core (up to 408/6 screens) . Simply connet core and screen(s) in any order. The script will tell you how many screens you may need even if it crashes due to lack of screens :) grab it here: https://github.com/BartasRS/Transfer-Units-Monitor As always, tips are greately appreciated but not required ;)

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 Mħ

DF BloodFire Displays

Dark Forge


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- Officially Released - If you are looking to showcase your designs, sell your merch or something else along those lines then check out our custom line of screens. For one purchase you get the whole set of screen templates. You can edit and update the stats of any field as needed in game including uploading your own images for the display box. Our standard design comes in red but we can make custom variants complete with your logo, color scheme or altered background for an additional fee depending on services. We are taking requests now for custom orders Screen Types - Dispenser Screen - Stats, Showcase, Price, & Description - Stat Display Screen - Larger stat box with larger showcase box construct image - Showcase Display Screen - larger description box with larger showcase box for construct image. Created by: Firestorm & IanBloodraven

Individual: 5 Mħ

Reef Tank



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Check out the new hottest thing to have in DU The Reef tank aquarium Designed by Corrupted Software and sold by Raven INC. The reef tank is a fully functional aquarium The reef tank comes standard with 4 individual backgrounds that you can change right on the screen UI You can feed your fish (yes, they grow) Watch your Reef tank go through weather cycles, with lightning and all! Watch your fish become territorial and defend its territory area from other fish! You can also view fish breed stats such as Length, Height, Minimum Depth, Maximum Depth, Speed, Power, Metabolism, and aggression levels! Reef Tanks come in 3 different standard sizes S - M - L S = 10 Mill M = 12.5 Mill L = 15 Mill Additional sizes available upon request The reef tank also comes with a DLC store to buy more fish Screens with instructions to buy DLC credits are available at the Raven INC base ::pos{0,2,39.6046,124.3985,19.0385} If you have any questions Please Contact RavenFTW#3493 Discloser: This product is DRM protected.

Resale: 10 Mħ

Diven's Industry Hub



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Screen Interface for Industry that allows you to monitor and issues commands to your industry.


DU Information Screen (EDITS)



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Here we have the default system information screen made by NQ. However.... It can be so much more! Ill be doing different variations of the screen to show examples of what all this screen can do. Ill start off with a simple edit and work my way to something way different. Showing off anything from in game items, Org information, and even exchange sales items. https://github.com/LocuraDU/DU-System-Information-Screen ----- I only offer help/support at https://github.com/LocuraDU https://discord.gg/TB2ecEd5rs I try to get around to helping on other channels but if you want help please use one of the above places.

Individual: 1 ħ
Resale: 1 ħ

Diven's Hub Hub



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Allows you a screen interface to view the contents of a container. Comes as both a screen and board script.


IndyHUD for AR Industry



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The IndyHUD is a forever free augmented reality display for industry, and includes translations for FR/DE. It's incredibly simple to use, requiring only a link to the Core unit. The AR display will show you a quick view of every machine's current state with a color indicator, including all containers. You can hover your mouse on one for a detail view, showing what the machine's name is, what it is producing, the tier, and status amounts for batch/maintain/infinite. You can also choose to show full container names at all times. Check out the github instructions here: https://tinyurl.com/indyhud

Resale: 1 ħ




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Open Source project, all sources available here : https://github.com/Jericho1060/du-storage-monitoring You can join me on Guilded for help or suggestions or requests by following that link : https://guilded.jericho1060.com It's displaying on screens the quantity and the percent fill of containers or hub. It can support up to 9 screens and chose what is display on each (group feature) To add a container to the system, you must rename it following that pattern: <prefix>_<itemName> For a Hub, you must use that pattern: <prefix>_<itemID>_<containserSize>_<amountOfContainers> <prefix>: the prefix that enable monitoring, by default s1_ for the 1st screen, s2_ for the second, and so on, see options to customize it <itemID>: the item id available on https://du-lua.dev <containerSize>: if a hub, the size of the containers linked (default to XS) <amountOfContainers>: if a hub, the amount of containers linked By default, the script is grouping all containers or hub that contains the same items on a single line and add the values. See option if you want to disable it. By default, the list is sorted by item tier and then by name Clicking on the columns permit to sort ascending or descending

NoxCorp Ship Stat Screen V3



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Showroom and BP dispenser on Alioth (near Market 17) ::pos{0,2,36.4289,57.9012,22.7369} Surrogate VR: NoxCorp Showroom NoxCorp Ship Stat Screen V3 is a new script for showing multiple ships on a single screen. A browsable library of products, or anything else really. All text is editable, as are colours, borders and fonts. Use your mouse to hover and click when interacting with the screen. Make sure you don't have any tools equiped. Youget two versions of the script, one with square 1:1 image dimensions and one with HD 16:9 image dimensions. Both have all the same features. Edit variables at the top of the script to customise the screen. All variables have comments with example values. The script runs entirely in LUA using RenderScript, no programming board is required, no HTML. You can get around 18 items on the menu before you hit the render limit of the screen. Script is provided with no DRM for unlimited use. This is reflected in the price. You can pay me via wallet and I will provide the script over discord to save you travelling if you prefer. In-game username is 'nekranox' Need customisations? Contact me.

Individual: 4 Mħ

Default++ Advanced flight script



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Dual Univers Advanced flight script Default++ developed since 2017, is the most advanced and innovative flight script with a unique navigation operating system. DU flight parameters are brought to you to an other level with dozens and dozens of customizable settings. source files and explainations all on github: https://github.com/JeronimoDU/Default-PLUS-PLUS


Ship Shield Resistance Manager and Monitor

Rifters Utilities


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The script comes with a functional interface to display your ship core health, shields, and all 4 resistances. The shield manager handles auto venting your shields once they either break completely, or fall below the configured amount There is also a display to display your core health and shields as well. It displays how much you have in each resistance It auto configures your shields based off the incoming attack damage.

Individual: 10 Mħ
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