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Captains Customs - Ship Sales

Titan Class Mobile outpost - Fleet Carrier - Central Command - Mega Hauler Over 120 Large container capacity. Can take off from the ground with atmospheric engines alone while empty, or at up to 25 KT of weight with rockets and atmos. L core, with 2 medium cores extensions added to it. All elements boosted to level 5 in every way. (flight, container, fuel) Just over 100 fully built interior rooms: You name it, and this ship has it. -jail cells -interrogation/torture rooms -officer quarters -isolation rooms -control area -surgery rooms -containment rooms -main medical room -Cryostasis tubes -officer quarters -waiting room -general clinic -critical care -DNA/cloning room -psychiatric ward -long-term care ward -physical therapy facilities -X-ray/CAT scanner/other diagnostic graphing tools -blood/samples testing -armory -training deck -firing range -officer quarters -containment rooms -science labs -testing rooms -officer quarters -shield generator -engines -power generators -power capacitors -main engineering -officer quarters -sewage -life support -cargo bay -external access cargo bay -plex storage bay -main hangar -vehicle bay -construction bay -repair bay -drone bay -officer quarters -civilian docking -refueling depot -crew quarters[bathrooms included] -Mess Hall -lounge -Holodeck -guest quarters[bathrooms included] -VIP quarters -bridge -Astrometrics/Navigation room -captain's ready room -conference room/Diplomacy room -hangar control -fleet control -command rooms (security grid control etc.) -captain's quarters -transporter room -escape pods -observation deck -spare rooms -Mobius chair docking -Computer core (logic)/Central server room -drop pod bay -Exercise room/gym -Armory on every deck -security checkpoints -security HQ -missile/ammo storage -weapon calibration room -main hall -main elevator -elevators -halls -Hot tubs -bar Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

“Prowler goes prrrrrrrrrrr!” These were the first words that the shipwrights of Captains Customs heard when they pried the doors open to Captain Miller’s inner sanctum. He had been in there for 10 days straight… What they found inside was enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most hardened criminal psychologist. Wall to wall pictures of engines and drafting plans of a new form of space ship… one that was …over-powered, aggressive…. Bestial. The Prowler was born! Some say it’s a giant space motorcycle. Some say it's an oversized bank of engines with a cockpit mounted on top. Others still think that Captain Miller has “collected” the genetic code of a space Jaguar to grow this ship… All we know for sure is that this ship is a monster! Indeed the engineers speak about it in hushed tones… and share stories of interns going missing after being sent to clean Captain’s first Prowler… With 40 Large Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines churning out 259MN of thrust, the power of the prowler is unrivaled. Capable of muscling 18KT in orbit, the Prowler is more than just a show pony. The Prowler is Captain Miller’s baby and he’s willing to share it with you. Eager actually! Desperate?... Look, frankly, the wrongful death lawsuits from the interns are piling up and people have stopped applying! So stop delaying, release your inner beast and buy a Prowler today. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain’s Customs – The quality justifies the quanta-ty!

“BULLPUP" **Efficient Market Runner** JYD Series **FREE BPS included!!** Market Running in style. Tired of flying boxes that are slow and sluggish. This baby is for you. This beauty fills the 500T-1.25KT off Ailoth Category. Depending on your piloting skills and engines used. This is the Baby brother to the "BULLDOG" and made for fuel saving and efficiencies. Engine placements are ideal for short moon or Space Station runs. This ships Atmo acrobatics are what you will enjoy the most upon flying. **ALL ENG are Maneuvers and L ATMO are ADV.** Ship is using Custom Arch Hud. TOKEN** comes with LVL 5 ENGINE, BRAKES, WINGS/ LVL 5 ELEMENTS. ** WILL INCLUDE ** 2x MODULAR CARGO L CONTAINER BP. Additional BPs for 100K 1x MODULAR CARGO x2 L CONTAINERS BP. Additional BPs for 200K 1x MODULAR TERRITORY SCANNER BP. Additional BPs for 200K **FREE BPS** Deaths Mercy (Pocket Ship!) 1M Value Deaths Embrace (Speed Variant!) 1.5M Value Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Customs Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2297,114.5121,0.0000} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.
Aerogics S & T Co

We are proud to (re)introduce the BIGFOOT S-Core Heavy Cargo. This is a sleek and very capable hauler and was designed with easy flying and lots of cargo in mind. BIGFOOT will carry up several kilotons off 1G planets within its 8 containers L, all with a smile and look good doing it. With a fully detailed interior you can relax after a hard days mining. For solo players or small groups this is an ideal hauler. For optimization purpose, elements have been selected based on maxed talents. This means ship will get better as your piloting talents go up, and reach full potential at higher levels. Your piloting talents will determine max cargo capacity. Hard limit tested with T2 engines for 1g is around 5kt net cargo (and much more on lower g environments), but be warned this has been achieved only with close to every possible maxed talent. So depending on your pilot talents and handling talents applied on ship, the following should be much easier and safer: T1 engines: 1-2kt T2 engines: 3-4kt All elements are visible and can be accessed from outside or engineering room for repair and/or linking (no obstructed atmo brakes!). With Mk2 comes a reworked interior, lighter honeycombs, spot for a DSAT / small landing pad, and spots for 3 scanners. Can be viewed in VR : Aerogics Bigfoot Mk2 Like all our ships / blueprints, comes with lifetime warranty. See details on Aerogics profile

Looking for a ship that screams Rock and Roll with the Muscle to make it Roar? Then meet the Voodoo501. A Muscle pocket ship build to be enjoyed with precise element placement to cover Speed, Agility and acceleration in style with Room for more ShipTuning for those that wish to push this SpaceRod to its limits. (Check this page regularly as i continue to improve and make new versions en variety )
Aerogics S & T Co

***Release*** With release it is most likely this will be spawned with T1 engines. keep in mind the stats listed below were with T3 engines and average talents. With T1 and basic talents, 200tons cargo should be a good start, with max pilot talents you'll get closer to 500tons. Higher tier engines will then be required for more. ***BETA Version*** The latest evolution of the popular KXS ZETA hauler, now with a warp drive! Cargo capacity: with average piloting talents, 700-800 tons shall be safe (=~ 1 full container L of hematite). It can be pushed up to 1000 tons with maxed talents. Ship has two M container (= 1L) Lots of thoughts and calculations on engineering: adjustors positioning, hub on center of mass, etc. Ship will handle almost the same with or without cargo, with a very stable yaw. For optimization purpose, elements have been selected based on maxed talents. This means ship will get better as your piloting talents go up, and reach full potential at higher levels. The ZETA is powered by two large T3 military atmo and T2 maneuver space engines.
The Mining Elevator V2.0
Hanarie Technology Corner

The Mining Elevator V2.0 allows for the vertical digging of mine shafts. This aids in the mining and access to ores and getting back out of the ground. The ship will tell you your current planet and a Hud indicator for the depths of the ores that you can find on z planet. Tutorial = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aquwkDSuGE P.S. Can use as a hover platform to rescue ships.
GSL Terrapin - Rescue Salvage

Contact for Token availability The Terrapin by Galactic Shipyards LLC is the perfect Medium-sized Rescue and Salvage Logistics platform. With its powerful VTOL and AGG you can hover mid-air for extended periods of time whether you're below or above 1Km up to rescue ships from Mid air hangs. Utilizing nearly the full M core build width and length the top landing area is perfect to dock several small and extra small ships. Whether they are spoils of war from a PVP fight, rescues or Legitimate Salvage found while exploring; with 226Kl of Organized storage for, fuel, parts, scrap, and more you will always have the right tool for the right job. The custom Lua of the ship's Heads Up Display allows you to toggle the VTOL engines on and off to conserve fuel when they are not needed, as well as indicating the ship's pitch, roll, and bearing. With the Added remote control on the landing deck Tokens ~Ask for Availability ~ Boosts Engines, Brakes, Wings / Ailerons, Adjusters, Vert Boosters Level 5 Fuel Tanks and Cargo Containers Level 4 Capacity and Optimization The HUD is under development and I will happily upgrade* it as I add features. Current Features: ~Toggleable VTOL engine support alt +1 to enable disable ~ agg support /agg height into LUA chat ~Automatic Hover Height ~Locking brakes ~altitude hold Alt+ 2 ~Custom fuel, throttle, pitch, roll and bearing display ~ Dynamic Linking support, change out links such as radars fuel tanks etc without having to re configure the seat or remote. ~Custom color support *Planned features ~custom radar ~custom warp widget ~your suggestion(s)? VR: GSL Terrapin Demo ( Please note you may vr into it while I'm flying I've been using a lot ) *this ship is not designed as a hauler though it dose have room in engineering for at least 6 large containers as well as the ability to used docked container pods to haul with if you really need / want to
Pioneer 2023
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

“Let us not forget why we are here. Why we have spent ten thousand years traveling the void… We are the sons and daughters of old Earth. We have come to reclaim our future.. to build a new world for our people…. We are the Pioneers…” Excerpt: Book of Novea, Author: Unknown. Some say that it was these words that inspired Captain’s Customs vision. That it was these words that made the shipwrights cross the line from practical and reliable Medium Freighters into truly astonishing Large Core ships of the line… All we know is the result: The Pioneers. The 2023 Pioneer is around 120 meters long, has a barracks, a bar, an executive suite, and a captain’s ready room. It has 70 advanced atmospheric engines, 62 L Containers, AGG, and around 22,200 cubic meters of the best voxel design that money can buy. All this adds up to a ship that can lift 22Kt of cargo into space, move an entire organization between planets, and carry a small fleet of utility vehicles around the world. Simply put… this is The Ship. The Ship you take to strip mine a planet or asteroid. The Ship you take to curdle the willpower of those wanting to negotiate with you on ore prices. The Ship you take to restart civilization in a new star system, a million light-years from home. This Ship, is the most in-demand ship in the game. Building a Pioneer will monopolize the entire production capacity of a small Aliothian nation. Running it will devastate the local economy. Deploying it should be an achievement. This is not the ship for you. You can't afford it…. But you know you want it anyway. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
Puddle jumper hybride

Puddle jumper from Stargate Atlantis. Available with all modification you need: - more speed, - other color...... -pvp This little gem of technology, product of "penrose industry", will take you where you want to go: safety and quickly !! Contact thibz#1965 on discord for any question. Originaly Created By "penrose laboratory" enjoy
Hyaku Choxie III B Type

The Hyaku Choxie was featured in the official launch trailer! With considerable screen time, to boot- 10/2023: The Hyaku Choxie is available again on Haven! See my new workshop through VR at "Choxie's workshop" Visit the store on Haven, ( ::pos{0,27,-80.8401,89.2208,241.0850} ) BSW's first commercially successful model, the Hyaku Choxie is a multi-role S-core ship inspired by Quatro Bejeena's MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki mobile suit from Yoshiyuki Tomino's 1985 masterpiece "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam". The original Hyaku Choxie was composed of gold voxel. The III-B type is made of cheaper materials such as polished yellow steel and aluminum, effectively saving on weight and cost without a sacrifice to looks! Features: -Fully detailed luxurious interior with passenger seats and navigator seat. -Quality-of-life LUA scripts including Navigator HUD, Damage Report, Warp Map and Inventory control. -An array of lights, all on toggle switches, set to imitate real-life aircraft; landing lights, indicator lights at the wing tips and tail, headlights, cabin lights etc -1 L-size container (can provide lvl 5 container handling talents), tested with 179kL of hematite (over 750t) -Overtuned with excessive atmospheric and space thrust, as well as lift. Meticulously balanced adjustors and elements by our in-house engineer guarantees a smooth flying experience. -Warp Drive This ship's design philosophy was to cover as many bases as possible, to be an everyday ride and a cost-effective warp-capable shuttle. Able to carry passengers, a moderate amount of cargo, and light enough to be cheap on warp cells, this ship is ideal for solo freelancers or small operations looking for a general purpose machine. Check them both out at VR station: "Choxie's Workshop" Feel free to contact me on Discord, I am in the official DU and DU-creators channels. If you interested in purchasing blueprints, here is a fast way to get to my base (If you're on Alioth): -Go to any of the Alioth districts with teleporters, and teleport to district 9. -Take the shuttle to Haven from District 9. This will put you at Haven Market 9. -My base is about 35km south of Haven District 9.
X-Wing (small core)
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

A must for any star wars fan for your collection this small core X-WING is a fun run around and easily customized to how ever you like, you can make it a warp shuttle with ease a warp drive fits perfectly hidden in the nose of the ship more room for extra fuel tanks if you wised in upper engine bays maybe even add more engines inbetween wings, a pvp version, comes with 3 small containers for quick light market runs, the standard military does around 1000km depending on your skills and with rare military engines it will do around 1200km burning but no damage so has to be limited, you could also remove the space engines and make atmos only version with standard military engines and it will do the 1200km with ease, theres lots of possibility, stats speed shown are from the rare military engine version, YOU CAN CHECK-OUT IN VR seacrh loaded industries showroom, do not buy bp's in vr

**SOLD OUT** LiftOff presents the Prosperity. This luxury warp cruiser is great for when you want to just get out with friends and see the sights. Sporting a large keel window, the Prosperity allows your passengers to look down on the world as they ride comfortably in the bar and lounge. Join this exclusive owners club quickly, as only 10 of these ships will be sold. Prosperity Owners Club: SnoochieBoochies xSKeeVx Sambo726 taylorbud Canuckl3head PezWold Swervin fridaywitch Sharkey SeekerOfHonjo
Tie advanced
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

my next start wars ship to my collection is this tie advanced small core ship comes with 2 advanced atmos engines and 1 space military engine does 1200km without damage when in burn mode, fitted with 67kl cargo hold for light market runs, stats show are what comes with token form with my boosts everything lvl 4 and atmos and space engines are lvl 5

TETRIS! With built in highscores. Come check it out at the Underdun Arcade (VR) ::pos{0,2,38.0744,106.5346,114.9047}